Man pages for fgoral/goeveg
Functions for Community Data and Ordinations

clean_matrixClean species matrix
cov2perConversion between cover-abundance codes and percentage cover
cvCoefficient of variation (CV)
deg2radConversion between degrees and radians
merge_taxaMerge taxa with identical names
ordiselectSpecies selection for ordination plots
racurveRank-abundance curves
racurvesMultiple rank-abundance curves
scale_tabsConversion tables for cover-abundance scales
schedenenvHeader data for Vegetation releves from Scheden
schedenvegVegetation releves from Scheden
screeplot_NMDSScree plot/Stress plot for NMDS
semStandard error of the mean (SEM)
specresponseSpecies response curves
synsortSorting functions for synoptic tables
syntableSynoptic tables and calculation of cluster-wise frequencies,...
trans_matrixTranspose species matrix
fgoral/goeveg documentation built on Feb. 27, 2024, 6:32 a.m.