schedenenv: Header data for Vegetation releves from Scheden

schedenenvR Documentation

Header data for Vegetation releves from Scheden


An example vegetation dataset containing 28 grassland releves from Scheden, Niedersachsen, Germany. The releves were done May 2016 during a students field course at the University of Goettingen. Locations at the study site are based on the diploma thesis from Eichholz (1997)




A data frame with 28 rows (samples) and 10 variables

  • comm: Plant community as defined in 1997: Arrhenatheretum (A) or Gentiano-Koelerietum (GK)

  • altit: Altitude (m)

  • exp: Exposition of plot (degrees)

  • north: North value as cosine of aspect

  • slope: Slope (degrees)

  • cov_herb: Cover of herb layer (%)

  • cov_litt: Cover of litter (%)

  • cov_moss: Cover of mosses (%)

  • cov_opensoil: Cover of open soil (%)

  • height_herb: Average height of herb layer (cm)

  • soil_depth: Soil depth (cm)


Eichholz, A. (1997): Wiesen und Magerrasen am Suedhang des Hohen Hagen. Diplomarbeit Biologie, University of Goettingen.

fgoral/goeveg documentation built on May 18, 2024, 9:50 p.m.