Man pages for fgwinner/LEANR
Finds "Local Subnetworks" Within an Interaction Network which Show Enrichment for Differentially Expressed Genes

CCM.pvalsGene p-value list derived from knock-out experiments of the...
g2igraph graph object used in examples for function...
gene.annotsAnnotation for STRING protein Ids
gene.list.scoresGene p-value list used in examples for function... the genes of a "local subnetwork"" around a given...
g_redigraph graph object used in unit tests
LEANR-packageFinds "local subnetworks" within an interaction network which...
pvals_redGene p-value list used in unit tests
run.leanRun the LEAN approach
subnet.simulationSimulate subnetworks the "local subnetwork" around a given protein
fgwinner/LEANR documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:51 p.m.