
#' Sample path from the distribution of an endpoint-conditioned CTMC.
#' @param a,b States at the left and right endpoints of the interval, given as
#'   row numbers of the CTMC rate matrix
#' @param t0,t1 Times for the left and right endpoints of the interval.
#' @param Q CTMC rate matrix.
#' @param method Either "mr" corresponding to modified rejection sampling, or
#'   "unif" for uniformization.
#' @param npaths optional argument for the number of sample paths to simulate.
#' @param eigen_vals optional vector of eigen values of Q (assumes all eigen
#'   values are real).
#' @param eigen_vecs optional matrix of eigen vectors of Q.
#' @param inverse_vecs optional inverse of the eigen vector matrix.
#' @param P optional transition probability matrix over the interval
#' @return sample_path returns either a matrix with a sample path or a list of
#'   matrices of sample paths.
#' @examples sample_path(1, 2, 0, 5, matrix(c(-0.49, 0.49, 0.51, -0.51), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE))
sample_path <- function(a, b, t0, t1, Q, method = "mr", npaths = 1, eigen_vals = NULL, eigen_vecs = NULL, inverse_vecs = NULL, P = NULL) {

          # check that the simulation method is correctly specified
          if(!method %in% c("mr", "unif")) {
                stop("Simulation method mus be either ",dQuote("mr")," or ", dQuote("unif"))

          # check that the rate matrix is a valid rate matrix
          if(!all.equal(rowSums(Q), rep(0, nrow(Q)))) {
                stop("The rate matrix is not valid. The rates must sum to 0 zero within each row.")

          if(!all(diag(Q) <= 0)) {
                stop("The rate matrix is not valid. The diagonal entries must all be non-positive.")

          # check that the times are properly ordered
          if(t0 >= t1) {
                stop("t0 must be less than t1.")

          # check that the endpoints are correctly specified
          if(!all(c(a,b) %in% 1:nrow(Q))) {
                stop("The endpoints must be given in as row numbers in the rate matrix.")

          # check that if one part of the eigen decomposition was provided, all were provided
          if(!is.null(eigen_vals) || !is.null(eigen_vecs) || !is.null(inverse_vecs)) {
                if(is.null(eigen_vals) || is.null(eigen_vecs) || is.null(inverse_vecs)) {
                        stop("If one part of the eigen decomposition of Q was provided, all parts must be provided.")

          # check that the transition probability matrix is valid if one was provided
          if(!is.null(P) && !all(rowSums(P) == 1)) {
                    stop("A valid transition probability matrix must be provided.")

          # check that the process is not starting in an absorbing state while the endpoints are different
          if(all(Q[a,] == 0) & a != b) {
                stop("The process cannot start in an absorbing state if the endpoints are different.")

          if(npaths == 1) {
                    if(method == "mr") {
                              path <-
                                                  a = a,
                                                  b = b,
                                                  t0 = t0,
                                                  t1 = t1,
                                                  Q = Q
                    } else {
                              if(is.null(eigen_vals) & is.null(P)) {
                                        path <-
                                                            a = a,
                                                            b = b,
                                                            t0 = t0,
                                                            t1 = t1,
                                                            Q = Q

                              } else if(!is.null(eigen_vals) & is.null(P)) {
                                        path <-
                                                            a = a,
                                                            b = b,
                                                            t0 = t0,
                                                            t1 = t1,
                                                            Q = Q,
                                                            eigen_vals = eigen_vals,
                                                            eigen_vecs = eigen_vecs,
                                                            inverse_vecs = inverse_vecs

                              } else if(is.null(eigen_vals) & !is.null(P)){

                                        path <-
                                                            a  = a,
                                                            b  = b,
                                                            t0 = t0,
                                                            t1 = t1,
                                                            Q  = Q,
                                                            P  = P

                    colnames(path) <- c("time", "state")

          } else {
                    path <- vector(mode = "list", length = npaths)

                    if(method == "mr") {
                              for(k in 1:npaths) {
                                        path[[k]] <- sample_path_mr(a = a, b = b, t0 = t0, t1 = t1, Q = Q)
                                        colnames(path[[k]]) <- c("time", "state")
                    } else {
                              if(is.null(P)) {
                                        P <- comp_expmat(Q = Q*(t1 - t0))

                              for(k in 1:npaths) {
                                        path[[k]] <-
                                                            a  = a,
                                                            b  = b,
                                                            t0 = t0,
                                                            t1 = t1,
                                                            Q  = Q,
                                                            P  = P

                                        colnames(path[[k]]) <- c("time", "state")


fintzij/ECctmc documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:56 p.m.