Man pages for fionarhuang/TreeHeatmap
A package to plot heatmaps at different levels of a tree

allow_subset_statInclude subset in the Stat
dot-align_to_ggtreealign a matrix to a ggtree
dot-findOSFind descendants (or offsprings)
dot-matTreeTransform a phylo object into a matrix.
dot-transNodeTransfer between node number and node label
geom_th_addvalueshow values in the heatmap
geom_th_axisadd the axis and the border add the axis and the border of an...
geom_th_barAnnotation barplot
geom_th_borderadd the border line
geom_th_coltreeadd the column tree
geom_th_heatmapCreate heatmaps
geom_th_heatmap0Create heatmaps
geom_th_segmentadd row or column labels
geom_th_textadd row or column labels
geom_th_titleThe row or column title
geom_th_zoomcladeScale clades
ggtree_thThe tree visualization
Oral16S rRNA data (Oral site)
stoolThe stool data
toydataThe toy data
fionarhuang/TreeHeatmap documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 7:30 a.m.