dot-findOS: Find descendants (or offsprings)

.findOSR Documentation

Find descendants (or offsprings)


.findOS finds descendants of a node.


.findOS(tree, node, only.leaf = TRUE, self.include = FALSE, use.alias = FALSE)



A phylo object.


An internal node. It could be the node number or the node label.


A logical value, TRUE or FALSE. The default is TRUE. If default, only the leaf nodes in the descendant nodes would be returned.


A logical value, TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE. If TRUE, the node specified in node is included and the leaf node itself is returned as its descendant.


A logical value, TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE, and the node label would be used to name the output; otherwise, the alias of node label would be used to name the output. The alias of node label is created by adding a prefix "alias_" to the node number.


A vector of nodes. The numeric value is the node number, and the vector name is the corresponding node label. If a node has no label, it would have NA as name when use.alias = FALSE, and have the alias of node label as name when use.alias = TRUE.


Ruizhu Huang

fionarhuang/TreeHeatmap documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 7:30 a.m.