
Defines functions fleets.om

#       fleets.om(fleets, biols, fleets.ctrl, year, season,... )
#   Output: Updated FLFleets 
#   Projects the bfleets from: - [year-1, ns] to [year,1] 
#                          or, - [year, season-1] to [year,season]
#       1. Calculate effort. [seasonal].
#       2. Update landings and discards (total and at age).  [seasonal].
#       3. Calculate price. [seasonal].
#       4. Calculate capacity and catchability [annual].
# Dorleta Garcia
# Created: 01/12/2010 16:24:56
# Changed: 09/12/2010 08:36:59

fleets.om <- function(fleets, biols, BDs, covars, advice, biols.ctrl, fleets.ctrl, assess.ctrl, advice.ctrl, year, season){
    flnms <- names(fleets)
    fleets         <- unclass(fleets) # unclass fleets to speed up the algorithm
    fleets.ctrl.aux <- fleets.ctrl
    # update weigths if DDW function applied in any of the stocks
      for(st in names(covars$DDW)){
        for(fl in  names(which(sapply(lapply(fleets, catchNames), function(x) (st %in% x))))){
          for(mt in names(which(sapply(lapply(fleets[[fl]]@metiers, catchNames), function(x) (st %in% x))))){
            mult <- covars[['DDW']][[st]][, year]
            fleets[[fl]]@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@landings.wt[, year] <- mult*fleets[[fl]]@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@landings.wt[, year]
            fleets[[fl]]@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@discards.wt[, year] <- mult*fleets[[fl]]@metiers[[mt]]@catches[[st]]@discards.wt[, year]
    # 1. Calculate effort. 
    print('~~~~~~~~~~ EFFORT ~~~~~~~~')
    for(fl in flnms){
        dyn.model <- fleets.ctrl[[fl]]$effort.model
        # # For selective fisheries:
        # if (dyn.model=='MaxProfitSeq' & is.null(fleets.ctrl[[fl]]$q2zero)) 
        #   stop(paste("fleets.ctrl[['",fl,"']]$q2zero is missing.",sep=""))
        if (!is.null(fleets.ctrl[[fl]]$q2zero)) 
          fleets <- catchability2zero(fleets = fleets, flnm = fl, advice = advice, fleets.ctrl = fleets.ctrl, year = year)
        res <- eval(call(dyn.model, biols = biols, fleets = fleets, BDs = BDs, flnm = fl, advice = advice,
                    year = year, season = season, biols.ctrl=biols.ctrl, fleets.ctrl = fleets.ctrl, covars = covars, 
                    assess.ctrl=assess.ctrl, advice.ctrl = advice.ctrl)) 
        fleets[[fl]]         <- res$fleets[[fl]]
        fleets.ctrl.aux[[fl]] <- res$fleets.ctrl[[fl]]
    fleets.ctrl <- fleets.ctrl.aux
    # 2. Update landings and discards (total and at age).  [seasonal].

     print('~~~~~~ UPDATE CATCH ~~~~~~')

    fleets <- updateCatch(fleets, biols, BDs, advice, biols.ctrl, fleets.ctrl, advice.ctrl, year = year, season = season)
    #  3. Calculate price. [seasonal].
    print('~~~~~~~~~~ PRICE ~~~~~~~~~~')

    fleets <- unclass(fleets)
    for(fl in flnms){
      mtnms <- names(fleets[[fl]]@metiers)
      for(mt in mtnms){
        stnms <- names(fleets[[fl]]@metiers[[mt]]@catches)
        for(st in stnms){
            dyn.model <- fleets.ctrl[[fl]][[mt]][[st]]$price.model  
            if(is.null(dyn.model)) next
            res <- eval(call(dyn.model, fleets = fleets, flnm = fl, mtnm = mt, stnm = st, year = year, season = season, fleets.ctrl = fleets.ctrl, covars = covars)) 
            fleets[[fl]]         <- res[[fl]]
    fleets <- FLFleetsExt(fleets)
    # 4. CAPITAL DYNAMICS: Calculate capacity and catchability [annual].
    if(season == dim(biols[[1]]@n)[4]){
       print('****************************** CAPITAL ******************************')

        for(fl in flnms){
            dyn.model <- fleets.ctrl[[fl]]$capital.model  
            res <- eval(call(dyn.model,  fleets = fleets, advice = advice,
                flnm = fl, year = year, season = season, fleets.ctrl = fleets.ctrl, covars = covars)) 
            fleets <- res$fleets
            covars <- res$covars
    fleets <- FLFleetsExt(fleets)
    return(list(fleets = fleets, covars = covars, fleets.ctrl = fleets.ctrl))

flr/FLBEIA documentation built on June 2, 2024, 6 p.m.