Man pages for flr/FLCore
Core Package of FLR, Fisheries Modelling in R

accCatch curve estimates of total mortality at age (Z)
accessorsaccessor and replacement methods for FLCore classes
adjust-FLStock-methodRecalculate to adjust abundances to F and M
ageoptAge at which a cohort reaches its maximum biomass, calculated...
append-methodsAppend objects along the year dimension
apply-methodsapply method for FLCore classes
ar1rlnormGenerates a time series of possible bias-corrected lognormal...
Arith-methodsArithmetic operators for FLCore classes
as.FLSRsConvert an FLStock into a list of one or FLSR objects.
biasBias of estimates through jackknife
BICMethod BIC Bayesian information criterion (BIC) method
bubblesMethod Bubbles plot
catchMatureProportion of mature and inmature fish in the catch
catch.n-FLQuant-methodcatch.n calculation method
coerce-methodsConvert Objects Between Classes
compare-methodsA method for comparing FLR objects
computeMethods to compute quantities
computeHarvest-FLStock-missing-methodComputes fishing mortality from abundances, catches and...
cpuecpue, a method to generate an observation of a CPUE index of...
createFLAccesorsCreate accesor methods for a given class
datasetsFLCore datasets
dbind-methodsMethods for binding objects of array classes along a given...
dimsMethod dims
dimSummariesSummaries by dimension
discardsRatioCompute the ratio of discards to total catch in numbers or...
drop-methodsdrop method for FLCore array-based classes
evalPredictModelEvaluates a predictModel slot inside the object cointaining...
exp-methodsexp and log methods FLCore array-based classes
ffwdProject forward an FLStock for a fbar target
FLArrayClass FLArray
FLBiolClass FLBiol
FLBiolsClass FLBiols
FLCohortClass FLCohort
FLCohortsClass FLCohorts
FLCompClass FLComp
FLCompsClass FLComps
FLIndexClass FLIndex
FLIndexBiomassClass FLIndexBiomass
FLIndicesClass FLIndices
FLlstClass FLlst
FLModelClass FLModel
FLModelSimClass FLModelSim
FLModelSimsClass FLModelSims
FLParClass FLPar
FLParsClass FLPars
FLQuantFLQuant class for numerical data
FLQuantDistrA class for samples of a probability distribution
FLQuantJKA class for jackknifing fisheries data
FLQuantPointClass FLQuantPoint
FLQuantsClass FLQuants
FLSRs'FLSRS' is a class that extends 'list' through 'FLlst' but...
FLStockClass FLStock
FLStockLenClass FLStockLen
FLStocksClass FLStocks
FUNCTIONExtract and modify the recruitment time series
FunwantedCalculate the discards and landings-associated fishing...
fwdWindowExtend a FLR object along the year dimension and set future...
getSlotNamesClassNames of slots of a given class
groupGroup objects over some index by applying a function over a...
growth-modelsGrowth models
iavCompute the inter-annual variability of a time series
intersectReturns FLR objects trimmed to their shared dimensions.
iterMethods iter
jackknifeMethod jackknife
joinJoins objects along a dimensions where dimnames differ
latticeLattice methods
length-based-indicatorsCalculate quantile(s) of length distribution
maseCompute mean absolute scaled error (MASE)
mbarComputes the mean natural mortality acros the fully selected...
meanageCalculate the mean age in the stock and catch
meanwtCalculate the mean weight in stock and catch
metricsExtract simply-defined metrics from compex objects
mohnMatrixGenerate a matrix to compute Mohn's rho for a single metric
msy-methodsmsy: A series of methods to extract or compute MSY-based...
namesMethod names
operatorsFLQuant arithmetic operators that extend objects
plotMethod plot
predictModelA class for model prediction
productionReturns the computed yearly production
propagateMethod propagate
propertiesReturns a series of properties of the fisheries element...
quantMethod quant
quantTotalsMethods quantTotals
readVPAIntercatchReads a single file with one year of data in VPA format as...
rnoiseRandom noise with different frequencies
rocReceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
rulesetSet of verify rules for an FLR class
runstestComputes Runs Test p-values
rwalkGenerate a random walk time series from a starting point
showMethod show
simplifyAggregate or select along unwanted dimensions
slimDrop unnecesary 'iters'
splitsplits _x_ along the _iter_ dimension into the groups defined...
splomMethod splom
spreadA function to make available list elements inside a function...
SRModelsStock-Recruitment models
ssbCalculate or return the Spawning Stock Biomass
ssb_nextCalculate next yera's SSB from survivors and Fbar
standardUnits-methodsStandard units of measurement for a complex class object
summary-methodsMethod summary
surveyA method to generate observations of abundance at age.
survivorsCalculate the survivors of a stock to the next year.
sweep-methodsMethod sweep for FLCore classes
tailReturns the first and last parts of an FLQuant.
trimMethod trim
units-FLCoreMethod units
uomuom Units of Measurement
uomTableTable for conversions and operations between units of...
upperlower-methodsExtract and modify the _lower_ and _upper_ FLModel attibutes.
verifyVerify FLR objects
weighted.mean-FLQuants-FLQuants-methodWeighted means along a FLQuants.
wireframeMethod wireframe
yearSampleSamples along the year dimension
z-methodsTotal mortality z
flr/FLCore documentation built on May 4, 2024, midnight