
#' @section Slots:
#'     \describe{
#'     \item{catch}{Total catch weight (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{catch.n}{Catch numbers (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{catch.wt}{Mean catch weights (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{discards}{Total discards weight (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{discards.n}{Discard numbers (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{discards.wt}{Mean discard weights (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{landings}{Total landings weight (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{landings.n}{Landing numbers (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{landings.wt}{Landing weights (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{stock}{Total stock weight (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{stock.n}{Stock numbers (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{stock.wt}{Mean stock weights (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{m}{Natural mortality (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{mat}{Proportion mature (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{harvest}{Harvest rate or fishing mortality. The units of the FLQuant should be set to 'harvest' or 'f' accordingly (\code{FLQuant}).} 
#'     \item{harvest.spwn}{Proportion of harvest/fishing mortality before spawning (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{m.spwn}{Proportion of natural mortality before spawning (\code{FLQuant}).}
#'     \item{name}{Name of the stock (\code{character}).}
#'     \item{desc}{Description of stock (\code{character}).}
#'     \item{range}{Named numeric vector containing the quant and year ranges, the plusgroup and the quant range that the average fishing mortality is calculated over (\code{numeric}).}
#' }
flr/FLCore documentation built on May 4, 2024, midnight