
# "+" methods

#' + methods
#' @name addition
#' @description Update \code{FLStock} and \code{FLIndex} objects with stock assessment results.
#' @param e1 the original \code{FLStock} or \code{FLIndex} object
#' @param e2 a \code{a4aFit} object from where the new \code{FLStock} or \code{FLIndex} slots will be extracted.
#' @details If both objects have the same number of iterations, the \code{FLStock} slots will be replaced by the \code{a4aFit} slots, in the case of 1 iter, or \code{a4aFitSA} slots, in the case of n iters. If one of the objects has 1 iter and the other n, the method will simulate using the fit results from the \code{a4aFitSA} object to update the slots of the \code{FLStock} object.
#' @rdname addition-methods
#' @aliases +,FLStock,a4aFit-method +,FLIndices,a4aFit-method
setMethod("+", c("FLStock", "a4aFit"), function(e1, e2)

  nit1 <- dims(e1)$iter
  nit2 <- dims(e2)$iter
  if(nit1>nit2) {
	e2 <- propagate(e2, nit1)
  } else if(nit1<nit2){
  	e1 <- propagate(e1, nit2)

  stock.n(e1) <- stock.n(e2)
  landings.n(e1) <- landings.n(e1) * (catch.n(e2)/catch.n(e1))
  discards.n(e1) <- discards.n(e1) * (catch.n(e2)/catch.n(e1))
  catch.n(e1) <- catch.n(e2)
  harvest(e1) <- harvest(e2)
  catch(e1) <- computeCatch(e1, na.rm=FALSE)
  stock(e1) <- computeStock(e1, na.rm=FALSE)
  landings(e1) <- computeLandings(e1, na.rm=FALSE)
  discards(e1) <- computeDiscards(e1, na.rm=FALSE)

##' @rdname addition-methods
##' @aliases +,FLStock,a4aFitSA-method
#setMethod("+", c("FLStock", "a4aFitSA"), function(e1, e2)
#  nit1 <- dims(e1) $ iter
#  nit2 <- dims(qmodel(pars(e2))[[1]]@params)$iter
#  v <- c(nit1, nit2)
#  if(min(v)==max(v)) e1 <- e1 + as(e2, "a4aFit") else e1 <- e1 * e2
#  e1

#' @rdname addition-methods
setMethod("+", c("FLIndices", "a4aFit"), function(e1, e2) 

  #niters <- dims(e1) $ iter
  #if (niters > 1) stop("adding a basic a4aFit object only makes sence with 1 iteration")

  for (i in seq(FLIndices)) {
    index(e1[[i]]) <- index(e2)[[i]]
    #catch.n(e1[[i]]) <- index(e1[[i]]) * effort(e1[[1]])

# "*" methods

#' * methods
#' @name *
#' @description Update \code{FLStock} and \code{FLIndex} objects with simulations from stock assessment fits.
#' @param e1 the original \code{FLStock} or \code{FLIndex} object
#' @param e2 a \code{a4aFit} object from where the new \code{FLStock} or \code{FLIndex} slots will be extracted.
#' @rdname multiplication-methods
#' @aliases *,FLStock,a4aFitSA-method *,FLIndices,a4aFitSA-method
setMethod("*", c("FLStock", "a4aFitSA"), function(e1, e2) 
  niters <- dims(e1)$iter
  niters2 <- dims(e2)$iter
  if (niters==niters2) {
    nsim = niters
  } else {
    nsim = max(c(niters, niters2))
  e2 <- simulate(e2, nsim = nsim)  
  e1 + e2	

#' @rdname multiplication-methods
setMethod("*", c("FLStock", "SCAPars"), function(e1, e2) 
stop("method * FLStock, SCAPars deprecated !\n")

#' @rdname multiplication-methods
setMethod("*", c("FLIndices", "a4aFitSA"), function(e1, e2) 
  e1 * pars(e2)

#' @rdname multiplication-methods
setMethod("*", c("FLIndices", "SCAPars"), function(e1, e2) 

#  niters <- dims(e1) $ iter
#  niters2 <- dim(e2 @ stkmodel @ params)[2]
#  if (niters > 1 & niters2 == 1) {
#    nsim = niters
#  } else {
#    nsim = 1
#    if (niters > niters2) stop("oh oh")
#    if (niters == 1 & niters2 > 0) {
#      niters <- niters2
#      e1 <- propagate(e1, niters)
#    }
#  }

  stop("not implemented yet")

flr/FLa4a documentation built on June 4, 2023, 11:05 a.m.