#' Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for a questionnaire with the specified label.
#' Valid labels are 'CCM', 'DAC', 'DEG', 'GDS', 'GMS', 'GRT', 'HOP', 'MHE', 'PAC',
#' 'SDQ', 'SEM', 'SES','SMP', 'SOS', 'TOI', 'TOM', and 'TPI'.
#' This can be used for data collection, either in the laboratory or online.
#' @param label (Character scalar) Three uppercase letter acronym of the questionnaire.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales are selected.
#' @param short_version (Boolean scalar) For the short version of the questionnaire
#' set this to TRUE. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param configuration_filepath (Character scalar) Optional path to a configuration file
#' exported from the GMSI-Configurator at https://shiny.gold-msi.org/gmsiconfigurator (GMS only).
#' @param dict (i18n_dict) The psyquest dictionary used for internationalisation.
#' @param admin_password (Character scalar) Password for accessing the admin panel.
#' @param researcher_email (Character scalar)
#' If not \code{NULL}, this researcher's email address is displayed at the
#' bottom of the screen so that online participants can ask for help.
#' @param validate_id (Character scalar or closure) Function for validating IDs or string "auto"
#' for default validation which means ID should consist only of alphanumeric characters.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{standalone}()}.
#' @export
standalone <- function(label,
languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
short_version = FALSE,
configuration_filepath = NULL,
dict = psyquest::psyquest_dict,
admin_password = "conifer",
researcher_email = NULL,
validate_id = "auto",
...) {
subscales <- sort(subscales)
items <-
get_items(label, subscales, short_version, configuration_filepath)
elts <- c(
prompt = psychTestR::i18n("ENTER_ID"),
placeholder = paste(psychTestR::i18n("E.G."), "10492817"),
button_text = psychTestR::i18n("CONTINUE"),
validate = validate_id
dict = dict
# Call the questionnaire
language = languages,
items = items,
subscales = subscales,
short_version = short_version,
configuration_filepath = configuration_filepath,
), dict = dict)
title <-
map(psyquest::languages(), function(x)
psyquest::psyquest_dict$translate(stringr::str_interp("T${label}_0000_PROMPT"), x)),
shiny::addResourcePath("www_psyquest", system.file("www", package = "psyquest"))
opt = psychTestR::test_options(
title = title,
admin_password = admin_password,
problems_info = problems_info(researcher_email),
researcher_email = researcher_email,
demo = FALSE,
languages = languages,
logo = "www_psyquest/images/longgold_logo_transparent.png",
logo_width = "100px",
logo_height = "auto"
#' CCM Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the CCM questionnaire.
#' CCM stands for 'Concurrent Musical Activities'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"General"}, and \code{"Extra"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{CCM_standalone}()}.
#' @export
CCM_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "CCM",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' CMT Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the CMT questionnaire.
#' CMT stands for 'Competence focus in Music Teaching'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{CMT_standalone}()}.
#' @export
CMT_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(), ...)
standalone(label = "CMT", languages = languages, ...)
#' DAC Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the DAC questionnaire.
#' DAC stands for 'Drama Activity'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{DAC_standalone}()}.
#' @export
DAC_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(), ...)
standalone(label = "DAC", languages = languages, ...)
#' DEG Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the DEG questionnaire.
#' DEG stands for 'Demographics'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are "Best Shot", "Hearing Impairment", "Type of Hearing Impairment", "Gender", "Age", "Nationality", "Country Formative Years", "First Language", "Second Language", and "Handedness".S4methods
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{DEG_standalone}()}.
#' @export
DEG_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "DEG",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' GDS Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the GDS questionnaire.
#' GDS stands for 'Goldsmiths Dance Sophistication Index'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages only includes \code{"en"} (English).
#' @param subscales (Character vector) There are 4 subscales, in general subscale and 6 items of 'dance experience observations' to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Body Awareness"}, \code{"Social Dancing"}, \code{"Urge to Dance"}, \code{"Dance Training"}, \code{"General"}, and \code{"Observational Dance Experience"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{GDS_standalone}()}.
#' @export
GDS_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
label = "GDS",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' GMS Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the GMS questionnaire.
#' GMS stands for 'Goldsmiths Musical Sophistication Index'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Abilities"}, \code{"Absolute Pitch"}, \code{"Active Engagement"}, \code{"Emotions"}, \code{"General"}, \code{"Instrument"}, \code{"Musical Training"}, \code{"Perceptual Abilities"}, \code{"Singing Abilities"}, and \code{"Start Age"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' Overrides the \code{"short_version"} argument.
#' Overridden by the \code{configuration_filepath} argument.
#' @param short_version (Scalar boolean) For the short version of the questionnaire set this to TRUE.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' Overridden by the \code{configuration_filepath} and \code{"subscales"} arguments.
#' @param configuration_filepath (Character scalar) Optional path to a configuration file exported from the \href{https://shiny.gold-msi.org/gmsiconfigurator}{GMSI-Configurator}.
#' Overrides the \code{short_version} and \code{subscales} arguments.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{GMS_standalone}()}.
#' @export
GMS_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
short_version = FALSE,
configuration_filepath = NULL,
label = "GMS",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
short_version = short_version,
configuration_filepath = configuration_filepath,
#' GRT Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the GRT questionnaire.
#' GRT stands for 'Short Grit Scale'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{GRT_standalone}()}.
#' @export
GRT_standalone <- function(languages = psyquest::languages(), ...)
standalone(label = "GRT", languages = languages, ...)
#' HOP Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the HOP questionnaire.
#' HOP stands for 'Children’s Hope Scale'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{HOP_standalone}()}.
#' @export
HOP_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(), ...)
standalone(label = "HOP", languages = languages, ...)
#' MHE Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the MHE questionnaire.
#' MHE stands for 'Musical Home Environment'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{MHE_standalone}()}.
#' @export
MHE_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(), ...)
standalone(label = "MHE", languages = languages, ...)
#' MUS Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the MUSIC questionnaire.
#' MUS stands for 'Musical Preferences: A five-factor model (MUSIC)'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' There is a set of posible subscales (MUSIC): \code{"Mellow"}, \code{"Unpretentious"}, \code{"Sophisticated"},
#' \code{"Intense"}, and \code{"Contemporary"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{MUS_standalone}()}.
#' @export
MUS_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "MUS",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' PAC Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the PAC questionnaire.
#' PAC stands for 'Physical Activity'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{PAC_standalone}()}.
#' @export
PAC_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(), ...)
standalone(label = "PAC", languages = languages, ...)
#' SCA Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the SCA questionnaire.
#' SCA stands for 'Academic Self-Concept'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param short_version (Scalar boolean) For the short version of the questionnaire set this to TRUE.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{SCA_standalone}()}.
#' @export
SCA_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
short_version = FALSE,
standalone(label = "SCA",
languages = languages,
short_version = short_version,
#' SCS Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the SCS questionnaire.
#' SCS stands for 'Social Self-Concept'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param short_version (Scalar boolean) For the short version of the questionnaire set this to TRUE.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{SCS_standalone}()}.
#' @export
SCS_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
short_version = FALSE,
standalone(label = "SCS",
languages = languages,
short_version = short_version,
#' SDQ Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the SDQ questionnaire.
#' SDQ stands for 'Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (mental health)'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Conduct problems"}, \code{"Difficulties"}, \code{"Emotional problems"}, \code{"Externalising"}, \code{"Hyperactivity"}, \code{"Internalising"}, \code{"Peer problems"}, and \code{"Prosocial"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{SDQ_standalone}()}.
#' @export
SDQ_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "SDQ",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' SEM Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the SEM questionnaire.
#' SEM stands for 'School Engagement Measurement'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Attentiveness"}, \code{"Behavioral Engagement"}, \code{"Cognitive Strategy Use"}, \code{"Education"}, \code{"Emotional Engagement"}, \code{"School belonging"}, \code{"School Compliance"}, \code{"Self-regulated Learning"}, and \code{"Valuing of School Education"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{SEM_standalone}()}.
#' @export
SEM_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "SEM",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' SES Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the SES questionnaire.
#' SES stands for 'Socio-economic Status'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Educational Degree"}, and \code{"ESeC"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{SES_standalone}()}.
#' @export
SES_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "SES",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' SMP Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the STOMP questionnaire.
#' SMP stands for 'Short Test of Musical Preferences (STOMP)'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' There are two possible subscale sets: 1. From the Do-re-mi paper: \code{"Reflective & Complex"},
#' \code{"Intense & Rebellious"}, \code{"Upbeat & Conventional"}, and \code{"Energetic & Rhythmic"};
#' 2. from the STOMP-R paper (MUSIC): \code{"Mellow"}, \code{"Unpretentious"}, \code{"Sophisticated"},
#' \code{"Intense"}, and \code{"Contemporary"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#'@param short_version (Scalar boolean) For the short version (original STOMP)
#'of the questionnaire set this to TRUE. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{SMP_standalone}()}.
#' @export
SMP_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
short_version = FALSE,
standalone(label = "SMP",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
short_version = short_version,
#' SOS Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the SOS questionnaire.
#' SOS stands for 'Student Opinion Scale'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Effort"}, and \code{"Importance"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{SOS_standalone}()}.
#' @export
SOS_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "SOS",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' TOI Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the TOI questionnaire.
#' TOI stands for 'Theory of Intelligence'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Goals Choice"}, and \code{"Theory of Inteligence"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{TOI_standalone}()}.
#' @export
TOI_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "TOI",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' TOM Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the TOM questionnaire.
#' TOM stands for 'Theory of Musicality'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Entity"}, \code{"Gift"}, \code{"Improvement"}, \code{"Incremental"}, \code{"Learning"}, and \code{"Stable"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{TOM_standalone}()}.
#' @export
TOM_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "TOM",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
#' TPI Standalone
#' This function launches a standalone testing session for the TPI questionnaire.
#' TPI stands for 'Ten Item Personality Inventory'.
#' @param languages (Character vector)
#' Determines the languages available to participants.
#' Possible languages include \code{"en"} (English), and \code{"de"} (German).
#' The first language is selected by default.
#' @param subscales (Character vector) The subscales to be included in the questionnaire.
#' Possible subscales are \code{"Agreeableness"}, \code{"Conscientiousness"}, \code{"Emotional Stability"}, \code{"Extraversion"}, and \code{"Openness to Experiences"}.
#' If no subscales are provided all subscales for the questionnaire are selected.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to \code{\link{TPI_standalone}()}.
#' @export
TPI_standalone <-
function(languages = psyquest::languages(),
subscales = NULL,
standalone(label = "TPI",
languages = languages,
subscales = subscales,
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