#' New month and year select page
#' Creates month and year select page.
#' @param label Label for the current page (character scalar).
#' @param prompt Prompt to be displayed above the response choices.
#' Can be either a character scalar (e.g. "What is 2 + 2?")
#' or an object of class "shiny.tag", e.g. \code{shiny::tags$p("What is 2 + 2?")}.
#' @param save_answer Whether or not to save the answer.
#' @param validate Validation function to execute.
#' @param failed_validation_message Message to be displayed when validation fails.
#' @param hide_response_ui Whether to begin with the response interface hidden
#' (it can be subsequently made visible through Javascript,
#' using the element ID as set in \code{response_ui_id}.
#' See \code{audio_NAFC_page} for an example.).
#' @param response_ui_id HTML ID for the response user interface.
#' @param on_complete Optional function to execute on leaving the page
#' (after successful validation).
#' The argument list should include \code{...},
#' and any of:
#' \code{state}, the participant's state object;
#' \code{answer}, the participant's most recent answer;
#' \code{input}, the current page's Shiny input object;
#' \code{session}, the current Shiny session object;
#' \code{opt}, the test's option list as created by \code{test_options()}.
#' @param admin_ui Optional UI component for the admin panel.
#' @export
month_and_year_select_page <-
save_answer = TRUE,
validate = month_and_year_select_page.validate(),
hide_response_ui = FALSE,
response_ui_id = "response_ui",
on_complete = NULL,
admin_ui = NULL,
failed_validation_message = psychTestR::i18n("SELECT_MONTH_AND_YEAR")) {
ui <- shiny::div(
hide = hide_response_ui,
id = response_ui_id
get_answer <- function(input, ...) {
c(input$month, input$year)
ui = ui,
label = label,
get_answer = get_answer,
save_answer = save_answer,
validate = validate,
on_complete = on_complete,
final = FALSE,
admin_ui = admin_ui
#' Validate month and year from the month and year select page
month_and_year_select_page.validate <- function() {
function(state, input, ...) {
if (input$month != "NA" && input$year != "NA") {
} else {
#' Make month and year selectboxes
#' Creates HTML code for month and year selectboxes.
#' @param label Label for the current page (character scalar).
#' @param hide Whether the checkboxes should be hidden
#' (possibly to be shown later).
#' @param id HTML ID for the div containing the checkboxes.
#' @export
make_ui_month_and_year_select <-
hide = FALSE,
id = "response_ui") {
month_numbers <- c(NA, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
months <- setNames(month_numbers, map(months, psychTestR::i18n))
years <- c(psychTestR::i18n("SELECT_YEAR"), rev(c(1930:2013)))
years_numbers <- c(NA, rev(c(1930:2013)))
years <- setNames(years_numbers, years)
outer_div <-
shiny::tags$div(id = id)
selectboxes <-
shiny::selectizeInput("month", label = psychTestR::i18n("MONTH"),
choices = months, multiple = FALSE),
shiny::selectizeInput("year", label = psychTestR::i18n("YEAR"),
choices = years, multiple = FALSE))
shiny::tags$div(id = "rb", style = "width: 300px", selectboxes, psychTestR::trigger_button("next", psychTestR::i18n("CONTINUE")))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.