API for fmicompbio/mutscan
Preprocessing and Analysis of Deep Mutational Scanning Data

Global functions
.assertScalar Source code
.assertVector Source code
.getColName Source code
.hasReadComponent Source code
.plotScatter Source code
calcNearestStringDist Man page Source code
calculateFitnessScore Man page Source code
calculateRelativeFC Man page Source code
collapseMutants Man page Source code
collapseMutantsByAA Man page Source code
collapseMutantsBySimilarity Man page Source code
compareCodonPositions Source code
digestFastqs Man page Source code
digestFastqsCpp Source code
findClosestRefSeq Source code
findClosestRefSeqEarlyStop Source code
generateQCReport Man page Source code
groupSimilarSequences Man page Source code
hamming_distance Source code
hamming_shift_distance Source code
levenshtein_distance Source code
linkMultipleVariants Man page Source code
makeBaseHGVS Source code
mergeValues Source code
plotDistributions Man page Source code
plotFiltering Man page Source code
plotMeanDiff Man page Source code
plotPairs Man page Source code
plotTotals Man page Source code
plotVolcano Man page Source code
relabelMutPositions Man page Source code
summarizeExperiment Man page Source code
test_decomposeRead Source code
test_makeAAHGVS Source code
test_mergeReadPairPartial Source code
translateString Source code
fmicompbio/mutscan documentation built on June 5, 2024, 2:26 p.m.