Man pages for fmicompbio/mutscan
Preprocessing and Analysis of Deep Mutational Scanning Data

calcNearestStringDistCalculate distances to the nearest string
calculateFitnessScoreCalculate fitness scores.
calculateRelativeFCCalculate logFCs relative to WT using edgeR
collapseMutantsBySimilarityCollapse mutants by similarity
digestFastqsRead, filter and digest sequences from fastq file(s).
generateQCReportGenerate QC report
groupSimilarSequencesCreate a conversion table for collapsing similar sequences
linkMultipleVariantsProcess an experiment with multiple variable sequences
plotDistributionsPlot distribution of observed values
plotFilteringVisualize the filtering procedure
plotMeanDiffConstruct an MA (mean-difference) plot
plotPairsMake pairs plot of selected assay from a SummarizedExperiment...
plotTotalsPlot the column totals of a selected assay
plotVolcanoConstruct a volcano plot
relabelMutPositionsRelabel the positions of mutations in the designated ID
summarizeExperimentSummarize and collapse multiple mutational scanning...
fmicompbio/mutscan documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 11:47 a.m.