
Defines functions rtnorm untangle species.record.from.taxonomy find.species.in.taxonomy edge.end edge.start species.end species.start count.fossils.binned count.fossils fetch.descendants map_nodes is.root root is.extant is.tip ancestor find.edges.inbetween n.ages tree.max

Documented in count.fossils count.fossils.binned species.end species.start tree.max

# Tree functions

#' Find the maximum age in a phylo object (root age or origin time)
#' @description
#' Function returns the the root age or the origin time (if \code{root.edge = TRUE}).
#' @param tree Phylo object.
#' @param root.edge If TRUE include the root edge (default = TRUE).
#' @return max age
#' @examples
#' t = ape::rtree(6)
#' tree.max(t, root.edge = FALSE)
#' @export
tree.max = function(tree, root.edge = TRUE){
  if(root.edge && exists("root.edge",tree) )
    ba = max(node.ages) + tree$root.edge
    ba = max(node.ages)


# Function to calculate node ages of a non-ultrametric tree
n.ages <- function(tree){

  depth = ape::node.depth.edgelength(tree)
  node.ages = max(depth) - depth
  names(node.ages) <- 1:(tree$Nnode+length(tree$tip))

  # adding possible offset if tree fully extinct
  if(!is.null(tree$root.time)) node.ages = node.ages + tree$root.time - max(node.ages)


# find all egdes between two edges
# @param i the younger of the two edges
# @param j the older of the two edges
# @return a vector including the two edges and any edges in-between
find.edges.inbetween <- function(i,j,tree){
  if(i == j) return(i)
  d = fetch.descendants(j, tree, return.edge.labels = TRUE)
  if(!i %in% d) stop("i not a descendant of j")
  parent = ancestor(i,tree)
  edges = c(i)
  while(parent != j){
    edges = c(edges, parent)
    parent = ancestor(parent,tree)
  edges = c(edges,j)

# Identify parent nodes
ancestor <- function(edge,tree){
  parent = tree$edge[,1][which(tree$edge[,2]==edge)]

# Identify tips
# @param taxa Edge label.
# @param tree Phylo object.
# @return Boolean (true/false).
# @examples
# t = ape::rtree(6)
# is.tip(t$edge[,2][6],t)
is.tip <- function(taxa,tree){
  return (length(which(tree$edge[,1]==taxa)) < 1)

# Identify extant tips
# @param taxa Edge label.
# @param tree Phylo object.
# @param tol Rounding error tolerance.
# @return Boolean (true/false).
# @examples
# t = ape::rtree(6)
# is.extant(t$edge[,2][6],t)
is.extant <- function(taxa,tree,tol=NULL){

    tol = min((min(tree$edge.length)/100),1e-8)

  age = n.ages(tree)[taxa]

  return(abs(age) < tol)

# return tip.labels of extinct tips, given tolerance tol
# adapted from geiger
is.extinct <- function (phy, tol=NULL) {
    if (!"phylo" %in% class(phy)) {
        stop("\"phy\" is not of class \"phylo\".");
    if (is.null(phy$edge.length)) {
        stop("\"phy\" does not have branch lengths.");
    if (is.null(tol)) {
        tol <- min(phy$edge.length)/100;
    Ntip <- length(phy$tip.label)
    phy <- ape::reorder.phylo(phy);
    xx <- numeric(Ntip + phy$Nnode);
    for (i in 1:length(phy$edge[,1])) {
        xx[phy$edge[i,2]] <- xx[phy$edge[i,1]] + phy$edge.length[i];
    aa <- max(xx[1:Ntip]) - xx[1:Ntip] > tol;
    if (any(aa)) {
    } else {

# Identify the root
root <- function(tree){
  return(length(tree$tip.label) + 1)

# Test is root
is.root <- function(edge,tree) {
  return(edge == root(tree))

# map a vector of node numbers from one topology to another
map_nodes<-function(x, t.old, t.new) {
  ret = x
  for(i in 1:length(ret)) {
    if(x[i] > length(t.old$tip.label)) {
      st = ape::extract.clade(t.old,x[i])$tip.label
      ret[i] = ape::getMRCA(t.new,st)
    else {
      ret[i] = which(t.new$tip.label==t.old$tip.label[x[i]])

# Fetch descendant lineages in a symmetric tree
# @param edge Edge label.
# @param tree Phylo object.
# @param return.edge.labels If TRUE return all descendant edge labels instead of tips.
# @examples
# t = ape::rtree(6)
# fetch.descendants(7,t)
# fetch.descendants(7,t,return.edge.labels=TRUE)
# @return
# Vector of symmetric descendants
# @export
# required by find.edges.inbetween
fetch.descendants = function(edge, tree, return.edge.labels = F) {

  aux = function(node) {
    result = if(return.edge.labels) node else c()
    if(!return.edge.labels && is.tip(node,tree))  result = tree$tip.label[node]

    descendants = tree$edge[which(tree$edge[,1]==node),2]
    for(d in descendants) {
      result = c(result, aux(d))

  result = c()
  descendants = tree$edge[which(tree$edge[,1]==edge),2]
  for(d in descendants) {
    result = c(result, aux(d))


# Fossils functions

#' Count the total number of fossils
#' @param fossils Fossils object.
#' @return Number of extinct samples.
#' @export
count.fossils = function(fossils){
  tol = 1e-8
  k = length(fossils$sp[which(fossils$hmax > tol)])

#' Count the total number of fossils per interval
#' @param fossils Fossils object.
#' @param interval.ages Vector of stratigraphic interval ages, starting with the minimum age of the youngest interval and ending with the maximum age of the oldest interval.
#' @return Vector of extinct samples corresponding to each interval. Note the last value corresponds to the number of samples > the maximum age of the oldest interval.
#' @export
count.fossils.binned = function(fossils, interval.ages){

  if(any(fossils$hmin != fossils$hmax)) stop("Function only works for fossils with exact ages i.e. hmin = hmax");

  tol = 1e-8
  k = rep(0, length(interval.ages))

  if(length(fossils$sp) == 0)

  for(i in 1:length(fossils$hmax)){
    if(fossils$hmax[i] > tol){
      j = assign.interval(interval.ages, fossils$hmax[i])
      k[j] = k[j] + 1

# Taxonomy functions

#' Find a species' start (i.e speciation) time from a taxonomy object
#' @param species Species id (as written in \code{taxonomy$sp}).
#' @param taxonomy Taxonomy object.
#' @return Start time.
#' @export
species.start = function(species, taxonomy){
  max(taxonomy$start[which(taxonomy$sp == species)])

#' Find a species' end (i.e extinction) time from a taxonomy object
#' @param species Species id (as written in \code{taxonomy$sp}).
#' @param taxonomy Taxonomy object.
#' @return End time.
#' @export
species.end = function(species, taxonomy){
  min(taxonomy$end[which(taxonomy$sp == species)])

# find edge beginning species
edge.start = function(species, taxonomy){
  taxonomy$edge[which(taxonomy$sp == species
                      & taxonomy$start == species.start(species, taxonomy))]

# find edge ending species
edge.end = function(species, taxonomy){
  taxonomy$edge[which(taxonomy$sp == species
                      & taxonomy$end == species.end(species, taxonomy))]

# find which species is on branch at time according to taxonomy
find.species.in.taxonomy = function(taxonomy, branch, time = NULL) {
  possible = which(taxonomy$edge == branch)
  if(length(possible) == 1) return(taxonomy$sp[possible])
  if(is.null(time)) stop("Multiple species found on branch, please specify a time")

  for(x in possible) {
    if(taxonomy$start[x] > time && taxonomy$end[x] < time) return(taxonomy$sp[x])
  stop("No species found, check that branch and time are compatible")

# get species record from taxonomy, i.e discard edge attributes
species.record.from.taxonomy = function(taxonomy) {
  spec = taxonomy
  spec$edge = spec$start = spec$end = NULL
  spec = unique(spec)
  spec$species.start = sapply(spec$sp, function(x) species.start(x, taxonomy))
  spec$species.end = sapply(spec$sp, function(x) species.end(x, taxonomy))

# function 'untangles' (or attempts to untangle) a tree with crossing branches
# adapted from phytools
  if(!inherits(tree,"phylo")) stop("tree should be an object of class \"phylo\".")
  tree<-if(length(tree$tip.label)>1) ape::read.tree(text=ape::write.tree(tree)) else tree

# truncated normal distribution
rtnorm <- function(n, mean, sd, a = -Inf, b = Inf){
  qnorm(runif(n, pnorm(a, mean, sd), pnorm(b, mean, sd)), mean, sd)
fossilsim/fossilsim documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 4:32 a.m.