
#' Get or set configuration options that control NBN4R behaviour
#' @references \url{https://api.nbnatlas.org/}
#' @references \url{https://layers.nbnatlas.org/layers/} this will eventually move to the api link
#' Invoking \code{nbn_config()} with no arguments returns a list with the current values of the options.
#' \code{nbn_reasons()} returns a data frame with information describing the valid options for \code{download_reason_id}
#' @param \dots Options can be defined using name=value. Valid options are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item reset: \code{nbn_config("reset")} will reset the options to their default values
#'   \item caching string: caching can be
#'     "on" (results will be cached, and any cached results will be re-used),
#'     "refresh" (cached results will be refreshed and the new results stored in the cache), or
#'     "off" (no caching, default).
#'   \item cache_directory string: the directory to use for the cache.
#'     By default this is a temporary directory, which means that results will only be cached
#'     within an R session and cleared automatically when the user exits R. The user may wish to set this to a non-temporary directory for
#'     caching across sessions. The directory must exist on the file system.
#'   \item verbose logical: should NBN4R give verbose output to assist debugging?  (default=FALSE)
#'   \item warn_on_empty logical: should a warning be issued if a request returns an empty result set? (default=FALSE)
#'   \item user_agent string: the user-agent string used with all web requests to the NBN servers.
#'     Default = "NBN4R" with version number
#'   \item text_encoding string: text encoding assumed when reading cached files from local disk (default="UTF-8")
#'   \item download_reason_id numeric or string: the "download reason" required by some NBN services, either as a numeric ID (currently 0--11)
#'   or a string (see \code{nbn_reasons()} for a list of valid ID codes and names). By default this is NA. Some NBN services require a valid
#'   download_reason_id code, either specified here or directly to the associated R function.
#' }
#' @return For nbn_config(), a list of all options. When nbn_config(...) is
#' called with arguments, nothing is returned but the configuration is set.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  nbn_config()
#'  nbn_config(caching="off")
#'  nbn_config()
#'  nbn_config(download_reason_id=0,verbose=TRUE)
#'  nbn_config("reset")
#' }
#' @export nbn_config
nbn_config <- function(...) {

#' @rdname nbn_config
#' @export
nbn_reasons <- function() {

## internal function, used to define the ALA4R sourceTypeId parameter value, passed by occurrences download and possibly other functions
nbn_sourcetypeid <- function() {

convert_reason <- function(reason) {
  ## unexported function to convert string reason to numeric id
fozy81/NBN4R documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:22 a.m.