
Defines functions ndex_rest_DELETE ndex_rest_PUT ndex_rest_POST ndex_rest_GET print.NDExConnection ndex_connect

Documented in ndex_connect ndex_rest_DELETE ndex_rest_GET ndex_rest_POST ndex_rest_PUT print.NDExConnection

## Authors:
##   Alex Ishkin [aleksandr.ishkin@thomsonreuters.com]
##   Dexter Pratt [depratt@ucsd.edu]
##   Frank Kramer [frank.kramer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de]
##   Florian Auer [florian.auer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de]
## History:
##   Created on 1 June 2014 by Ishkin
## Description:
##   Base functions to perform HTTP transactions to an NDEX server via the NDEx REST API
##   Updated to NDEX v1.0 API 1 November 2014
##   Updated to use NDExConnection object to store connection informations 15 September 2016
##   Updated to NDEX v2.0 API December 2016

#' Connect to NDEx REST API
#' This function creates an NDExConnection which stores options and authentication details. It is a parameter required for most of the other ndexr functions.
#' If username and password are missing an anonymous connection is created, which already offers most of the retrieval functionality.
#' @param username character (optional); username
#' @param password character (optional); password
#' @param host character (default: ndexConf$connection$host); Host address of NDEx server; By default the url set in ndexConf$defaults$connection$host is used. ("http://www.ndexbio.org")
#' @param apiPath character (default: ndexConf$connection$api); URL path of the REST api; By default the url set in ndexConf$defaults$connection$api is used. ("/v2" for NDEx version 2.0, "/rest" for NDEx version 1.3)
#' @param ndexConf config object (nested list, default: ndex_config); Configuration of NDEx REST server; Set in ndex_config (set in ndex_api_config.r or ndex_api_config.yml): It contains specifications for NDEx server api version 1.3 and 2.0. The default api is specified by 'defaultVersion'
#' @param verbose logical (optional); whether to print out extended feedback 
#' @return returns object of class NDExConnection which stores options, authentication and api configuration if successfull, NULL otherwise
#' @examples
#' ## log in anonymously
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect()
#' ## same as above with extended feedback
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect(verbose=TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## log in with credentials
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect('user','password')
#' ## running some NDEx server locally
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect(host='localhost:8765')
#' ## manually change the api and connection configuration
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect(ndexConf=ndex_config$Version_2.0)   
#' }
#' @seealso  \code{\link{ndex_config}}
#' @export
ndex_connect <- function(username, password, host = ndexConf$connection$host, apiPath = ndexConf$connection$api, ndexConf=ndex_config, verbose = FALSE){

  ##Check parameters and set defaults by config
  credentials = TRUE
  if(missing(username) || missing(password)){
    if(verbose) message("ndex_connect: Connecting anonymously - username or password not supplied")
    credentials = FALSE
  if(missing(ndexConf)||('defaultVersion' %in% names(ndexConf))){
    defaultVersion = ndexConf$defaultVersion
    if(verbose) message(paste("ndex_connect: ndexConf not specified, using default version ", ndexConf$version, " [", defaultVersion, "]" ))
  } else {
    if(verbose) message(paste("ndex_connect: Using ndexConf for version ", ndexConf$version))
      if(verbose) message(paste("ndex_connect: apiPath not specified, using default: [", apiPath, "]" ))
      if(verbose) message(paste("ndex_connect: Host not specified, using default: [", host, "]" ))
  } else {
      if(verbose) message(paste("ndex_connect: Using host: [", host, "]" ))
  ##Setup server connection, with and without credentials
  ##Check if server is available
  auth_param = NULL
  api = ndex_helper_getApi(list(ndexConf=ndexConf), 'serverStatus')
  route <- ndex_helper_encodeParams(api$url, api$params)
  url <- paste0(host, apiPath, route)
  log_txt = paste0("ndex_connect: Tried to check the server status of [", url, "]")

  ##Try to connect to the server; throws error if something went wrong
  response = ndex_helper_httpResponseHandler(httr::GET(url=url, config=auth_param), 
  if(verbose) message(paste("ndex_connect: Server response: ", response))
  ##Checkt the provided credentials
  if (credentials){
      api = ndex_helper_getApi(list(ndexConf=ndexConf), 'user$authenticate')
      route <- ndex_helper_encodeParams(api$url, api$params)
      url <- paste0(host, apiPath, route)
      auth_param = httr::authenticate(username, password)
      log_txt = paste0("ndex_connect: Tried to autheticate user: ", username,' @ ',url)
      response = ndex_helper_httpResponseHandler(httr::GET(url=url, config=auth_param), 
      if(verbose) message(paste("ndex_connect: Server response: ", response))    
  ##Create ndexcon object
  ndexcon = list(anonymous=TRUE, host=host, apiPath=apiPath, url=paste0(host, apiPath), ndexConf=ndexConf, verbose=verbose)
  if(credentials) {
    ndexcon$anonymous = FALSE
    ndexcon$username = username
    ndexcon$password = password
  class(ndexcon) = "NDExConnection"

###   Print functions

#' Print a NDExConnection object
#' This function creates an NDExConnection which stores options and authentication details. It is a parameter required for most of the other ndexr functions.
#' If username and password are missing an anonymous connection is created, which already offers most of the retrieval functionality.
#' @param x NDExConnection; stores options, authentication and api configuration
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Just prints the NDExConnection object
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect()   ## log in anonymously
#' print(ndexcon)
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect(verbose=TRUE)   ## same as above with extended feedback
#' print(ndexcon)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## log in with credentials
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect('user','password')
#' print(ndexcon)
#' ## running some NDEx server locally
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect(host='localhost:8765')
#' print(ndexcon)
#' ## manually change the api and connection configuration
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect(ndexConf=ndex_config$Version_2.0)
#' print(ndexcon)
#' }
#' @seealso  \code{\link{ndex_connect}} and \code{\link{ndex_config}}
#' @export
print.NDExConnection <- function(x,...){
    if(x$anonymous ) {
        cat('Connecting anonymously to the NDEx server:\n')        
        cat(paste0('Login to the NDEx server as "',x$username,'":\n'))                
    cat(paste0('HOST: ',x$host,'\n'))
    cat(paste0('REST-API: ',x$apiPath,'\n'))
        cat(paste0('REST-API Version: ',x$ndexConf$version,'\n'))
    cat(paste0('URL: ',x$url,'\n'))
    if(x$verbose ) {
        cat('Extended feedback is printed using this object!\n')        

###   Low-level REST-querying functions

#' Generic GET query to API. 
#' @note This function is internal.
#' @param ndexcon object of class NDExConnection \code{\link{ndex_connect}}
#' @param route Character (route to specific REST query)
#' @param raw Specifies if server response should be returned in raw, or if jsonlite::fromJSON is called first. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return JSON response from REST server, NULL if no valid JSON was received. if parameter raw is TRUE, the raw response is returned without a call to jsonlite::fromJSON.
#' @details Simply execute HTTP GET on URL host/route and fetch whatever data REST server returns 
#' Making sure the route is well-formed is the job of calling function
#' @seealso \code{\link{ndex_rest_GET}},  \code{\link{ndex_rest_POST}},  \code{\link{ndex_rest_PUT}} and \code{\link{ndex_rest_DELETE}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ## Establish a server connection
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect()
#' \dontrun{
#' ndex_rest_GET(ndexcon, "/networks/api")
#' }
ndex_rest_GET <- function(ndexcon, route, raw = FALSE){
  url <- paste0(ndexcon$url, route)
  header = httr::add_headers("User-Agent"=paste0(httr:::default_ua(),
                                                 " ndexr/",
  auth <- NULL
  if(! ndexcon$anonymous) auth = httr::authenticate(ndexcon$username, ndexcon$password)
  try(response <- httr::GET(url, auth, header))
  ndex_helper_httpResponseHandler(response, paste("GET: [", url, "]"), ndexcon$verbose)
  content <- httr::content(response, as='text', encoding='UTF-8')
  if(ndexcon$verbose) message('Response:', substring(content, 1, 300), '...', sep = '\n')
  if(raw) return(content)
  if(jsonlite::validate(content)) {
  } else {

#' Generic POST query to API
#' @note This function is internal.
#' @param ndexcon object of class NDExConnection \code{\link{ndex_connect}}
#' @param route Character (route to specific REST query)
#' @param data Whatever data to be supplied with query. Should be valid JSON
#' @param multipart Whatever data to be supplied with query. Should be valid JSON
#' @param raw Specifies if server response should be returned in raw, or if jsonlite::fromJSON is called first. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return JSON response from REST server, NULL if no valid JSON was received. if parameter raw is TRUE, the raw response is returned without a call to jsonlite::fromJSON.
#' @details Simply execute HTTP POST on URL host/route and fetch whatever data REST server returns 
#' Making sure the route is well-formed is the job of calling function
#' Making sure the data is well-formed is also the job of calling function
#' @seealso \code{\link{ndex_rest_GET}},  \code{\link{ndex_rest_POST}},  \code{\link{ndex_rest_PUT}} and \code{\link{ndex_rest_DELETE}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ## Establish a server connection
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect()
#' \dontrun{
#' ndex_rest_POST(ndexcon, "/networks/api", data)
#' ndex_rest_POST(ndexcon, "/networks/api", data, raw=TRUE)
#' ndex_rest_POST(ndexcon, "/networks/api", list(some=data, other=data2), multipart=TRUE)
#' }
ndex_rest_POST <- function(ndexcon, route, data, multipart = FALSE, raw = FALSE){
  url <- paste0(ndexcon$url, route)
  header = httr::add_headers("User-Agent"=paste0(httr:::default_ua(),
                                                 " ndexr/",
  auth <- NULL
  if(! ndexcon$anonymous) auth <- httr::authenticate(ndexcon$username, ndexcon$password)
  encode <- ifelse(multipart, 'multipart', 'json')
  contenttype <- httr::content_type_json()
  if(multipart) contenttype <- httr::content_type('multipart/form-data')
  try(response <- httr::POST(url, auth, header, contenttype, body = data, encode = encode))
  ndex_helper_httpResponseHandler(response, paste("POST: [", url, "]\ndata:\n",substring(data, 1, 300),'\n...'), ndexcon$verbose)
  content <- httr::content(response, as='text', encoding='UTF-8')
  if(ndexcon$verbose) message('Response:', substring(content, 1, 300), '...', sep = '\n')
  if(raw) return(content)
  if(jsonlite::validate(content)) {
  } else {

#' Generic PUT query to API
#' @note This function is internal.
#' @param ndexcon object of class NDExConnection \code{\link{ndex_connect}}
#' @param route Character (route to specific REST query)
#' @param data Whatever data to be supplied with query. Should be valid JSON
#' @param multipart Whatever data to be supplied with query. Should be valid JSON
#' @param raw Specifies if server response should be returned in raw, or if jsonlite::fromJSON is called first. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return JSON response from REST server, NULL if no valid JSON was received. if parameter raw is TRUE, the raw response is returned without a call to jsonlite::fromJSON.
#' @details Simply execute HTTP PUT on URL host/route and fetch whatever data REST server returns 
#' Making sure the route is well-formed is the job of calling function
#' Making sure the data is well-formed is also the job of calling function
#' @seealso \code{\link{ndex_rest_GET}},  \code{\link{ndex_rest_POST}},  \code{\link{ndex_rest_PUT}} and \code{\link{ndex_rest_DELETE}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ## Establish a server connection
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect()
#' \dontrun{
#' ndex_rest_PUT(ndexcon, "/networks/api", data)
#' ndex_rest_PUT(ndexcon, "/networks/api", data, raw=TRUE)
#' ndex_rest_PUT(ndexcon, "/networks/api", list(some=data, other=data2), multipart=TRUE)
#' }
ndex_rest_PUT <- function(ndexcon, route, data=NULL, multipart = FALSE, raw = FALSE){
    url <- paste0(ndexcon$url, route)
    header = httr::add_headers("User-Agent"=paste0(httr:::default_ua(),
                                                 " ndexr/",
    auth <- NULL
    if(! ndexcon$anonymous) auth <- httr::authenticate(ndexcon$username, ndexcon$password)
    encode <- ifelse(multipart, 'multipart', 'json')
    contenttype <- httr::content_type_json()
    if(multipart) contenttype <- httr::content_type('multipart/form-data')
    try(response <- httr::PUT(url, auth, header, contenttype, body = data, encode = encode))
    ndex_helper_httpResponseHandler(response, paste("PUT: [", url, "]\ndata:\n",substring(data, 1, 300),'\n...'), ndexcon$verbose)
    content <- httr::content(response, as='text', encoding='UTF-8')
    if(ndexcon$verbose) message('Response:', substring(content, 1, 300), '...', sep = '\n')
    if(raw) return(content)
    if(jsonlite::validate(content)) {
    } else {

#' Generic DELETE query to API. 
#' @note This function is internal.
#' @param ndexcon object of class NDExConnection \code{\link{ndex_connect}}
#' @param route Character (route to specific REST query)
#' @param raw Specifies if server response should be returned in raw, or if jsonlite::fromJSON is called first. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return JSON response from REST server, NULL if no valid JSON was received. if parameter raw is TRUE, the raw response is returned without a call to jsonlite::fromJSON.
#' @details Simply execute HTTP DELETE on URL host/route and fetch whatever data REST server returns 
#' Making sure the route is well-formed is the job of calling function
#' @seealso \code{\link{ndex_rest_GET}},  \code{\link{ndex_rest_POST}},  \code{\link{ndex_rest_PUT}} and \code{\link{ndex_rest_DELETE}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ## Establish a server connection
#' ndexcon = ndex_connect()
#' \dontrun{
#' ndex_rest_DELETE(ndexcon, "/networks/api")
#' }
ndex_rest_DELETE <- function(ndexcon, route, raw = FALSE){
  url <- paste0(ndexcon$url, route)
  header = httr::add_headers("User-Agent"=paste0(httr:::default_ua(),
                                                 " ndexr/",
  auth <- NULL
  if(! ndexcon$anonymous) auth = httr::authenticate(ndexcon$username, ndexcon$password)
  try(response <- httr::DELETE(url, auth, header, encode = 'json'))
  ndex_helper_httpResponseHandler(response, paste("DELETE: [", url, "]"), ndexcon$verbose)
  content <- httr::content(response, as='text', encoding='UTF-8')
  if(ndexcon$verbose) message('Response:', substring(content, 1, 300), '...', sep = '\n')
  if(raw) return(content)
  if(jsonlite::validate(content)) {
  } else {
frankkramer-lab/ndexr documentation built on April 4, 2023, 7:19 p.m.