#' Table Class
#' @description Table class for working with data and schema.
#' @usage # Table.load(source, schema = NULL, strict = FALSE, headers = 1, ...)
#' @param source data source, one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item string with the path of the local CSV file
#' \item string with the url of the remote CSV file
#' \item list of lists representing the rows
#' \item readable stream with CSV file contents
#' \item function returning readable stream with CSV file contents
#' }
#' @param schema data schema in all forms supported by \code{Schema} class
#' @param strict strictness option \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, to pass to \code{Schema} constructor
#' @param headers data source headers, one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item row number containing headers (\code{source} should contain headers rows)
#' \item list of headers (\code{source} should NOT contain headers rows)
#' }
#' @param ... options to be used by CSV parser.
#' All options listed at \href{https://csv.js.org/parse/options/}{https://csv.js.org/parse/options/}.
#' By default \code{ltrim} is \code{TRUE} according to the \href{https://specs.frictionlessdata.io//csv-dialect/#specification}{CSV Dialect spec}.
#' @docType class
#' @include field.R
#' @include schema.R
#' @include readable.array.R
#' @keywords data
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} .
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Table$new(source, schema, strict, headers)}}{
#' Use \code{\link{Table.load}} to instantiate \code{Table} class.}
#' \item{\code{iter(keyed, extended, cast=TRUE, relations=FALSE, stream=FALSE)}}{
#' Iter through the table data and emits rows cast based on table schema. Data casting could be disabled.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{keyed }}{Iter keyed rows - \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}}
#' \item{\code{extended }}{Iter extended rows - \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}}
#' \item{\code{cast }}{Disable data casting if \code{FALSE}}
#' \item{\code{relations }}{List object of foreign key references from a form of JSON \code{{resource1: [{field1: value1, field2: value2},...],...}}.
#' If provided foreign key fields will checked and resolved to its references}
#' \item{\code{stream }}{Return Readable Stream of table rows if \code{TRUE}}
#' }
#' \item{\code{read(keyed, extended, cast=TRUE, relations=FALSE, limit)}}{
#' Read the whole table and returns as array of rows. Count of rows could be limited.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{keyed }}{Flag to emit keyed rows - \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}}
#' \item{\code{extended }}{Flag to emit extended rows - \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE}}
#' \item{\code{cast }}{Disable data casting if \code{FALSE}}
#' \item{\code{relations }}{List object of foreign key references from a form of JSON \code{{resource1: [{field1: value1, field2: value2},...],...}}.
#' If provided foreign key fields will checked and resolved to its references}
#' \item{\code{limit }}{Integer limit of rows to return if specified}
#' }
#' \item{\code{infer(limit=100)}}{
#' Infer a schema for the table. It will infer and set \code{Table Schema} to \code{table$schema} based on table data.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{limit }}{Limit rows samle size - number}
#' }
#' \item{\code{save(target)}}{
#' Save data source to file locally in CSV format with \code{,} (comma) delimiter.}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{target }}{String path where to save a table data}
#' }
#' }
#' @section Properties:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{headers}}{Returns data source headers}
#' \item{\code{schema}}{Returns schema class instance}
#' }
#' @section Details:
#' A table is a core concept in a tabular data world. It represents a data with a metadata (Table Schema).
#' Tabular data consists of a set of rows. Each row has a set of fields (columns).
#' We usually expect that each row has the same set of fields and thus we can talk about the
#' fields for the table as a whole. In case of tables in spreadsheets or CSV files we often interpret
#' the first row as a header row, giving the names of the fields. By contrast, in other situations,
#' e.g. tables in SQL databases, the field names are explicitly designated.
#' In order to talk about the representation and processing of tabular data from text-based sources,
#' it is useful to introduce the concepts of the \emph{physical} and the \emph{logical} representation of data.
#' The \emph{physical representation} of data refers to the representation of data as text on disk,
#' for example, in a CSV or JSON file. This representation may have some type information
#' (JSON, where the primitive types that JSON supports can be used) or not
#' (CSV, where all data is represented in string form).
#' The \emph{logical representation} of data refers to the "ideal" representation of the data
#' in terms of primitive types, data structures, and relations, all as defined by the specification.
#' We could say that the specification is about the logical representation of data,
#' as well as about ways in which to handle conversion of a physical representation to a logical one.
#' We'll explicitly refer to either the \emph{physical} or \emph{logical} representation
#' in places where it prevents ambiguity for those engaging with the specification, especially implementors.
#' For example, \code{constraints} should be tested on the logical representation of data,
#' whereas a property like \code{missingValues} applies to the physical representation of the data.
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=jsonlite}{Jsolite package} is internally used to convert json data to list objects. The input parameters of functions could be json strings,
#' files or lists and the outputs are in list format to easily further process your data in R environment and exported as desired.
#' More details about handling json you can see jsonlite documentation or vignettes \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=jsonlite}{here}.
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=future}{Future package} is also used to load and create Table and Schema class asynchronously.
#' To retrieve the actual result of the loaded Table or Schema you have to call \code{value(future)} to the variable you stored the loaded Table/Schema.
#' More details about future package and sequential and parallel processing you can find \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=future}{here}.
#' Examples section of each function show how to use jsonlite and future packages with tableschema.r.
#' @section Language:
#' The key words \code{MUST}, \code{MUST NOT}, \code{REQUIRED}, \code{SHALL}, \code{SHALL NOT},
#' \code{SHOULD}, \code{SHOULD NOT}, \code{RECOMMENDED}, \code{MAY}, and \code{OPTIONAL}
#' in this package documents are to be interpreted as described in \href{https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt}{RFC 2119}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Table.load}},
#' \href{https://specs.frictionlessdata.io//table-schema/}{Table Schema Specifications}
Table <- R6Class(
public = list(
initialize = function(src,
schema = NULL,
strict = FALSE,
headers = 1) {
if (missing(schema)) {
else {
self$schema <- schema
private$src <- src
private$strict_ <- strict
# Headers
private$headers_ <- NULL
private$headersRow_ <- NULL
if (is.list(headers)) {
private$headers_ <- headers
} else if (is.numeric(headers) &&
as.integer(headers) == headers) {
private$headersRow_ <- headers
infer = function(limit = 100) {
if (is.null(private$schema_) || is.null(private$headers_)) {
sample <- self$read(limit = limit, cast = FALSE)
# Schema
if (is.null(private$schema_)) {
schema <- Schema$new()
schema$infer(sample, headers = self$headers)
private$schema_ <- Schema$new(jsonlite::toJSON(schema$descriptor, auto_unbox = TRUE), strict = private$strict_)
iter = function(keyed,
cast = TRUE,
relations = FALSE,
stream = FALSE) {
con <- private$createRowStream_(private$src)
iterable_ <- con$iterable()
# Prepare unique checks
private$uniqueFieldsCache_ <- list()
if (cast) {
if (!is.null(self$schema)) {
private$uniqueFieldsCache_ <- private$createUniqueFieldsCache(self$schema)
# Get table row stream
private$rowNumber_ <- 0
private$currentStream_ <- con
tableRowStream <- iterators::iter(function() {
row <- iterators::nextElem(iterable_)
private$rowNumber_ <- private$rowNumber_ + 1
# Get headers
if (identical(private$rowNumber_ , private$headersRow_)) {
private$headers_ <- row
# Check headers
if (cast) {
if (!is.null(self$schema) && !is.null(self$headers)) {
if (!identical(self$headers, self$schema$fieldNames)) {
message <- 'Table headers don\'t match schema field names'
# Cast row
if (cast) {
if (!is.null(self$schema)) {
row <- self$schema$castRow(row)
# Check unique
if (cast && length(private$uniqueFieldsCache_) > 0) {
for (index in 1:length(private$uniqueFieldsCache_)) {
if (is.list(private$uniqueFieldsCache_[[index]])) {
if (row[[index]] %in% private$uniqueFieldsCache_[[index]]) {
fieldName <- self$schema$fields[[index]]$name
message <- stringr::str_interp("Field '${fieldName}' duplicates in row ${private$rowNumber_}")
} else if (!is.null(row[[index]])) {
private$uniqueFieldsCache_[[index]] <-
append(private$uniqueFieldsCache_[[index]], list(row[[index]]))
# Resolve relations
if (!is.null(relations) && !isTRUE(identical(relations, FALSE))) {
if (!is.null(self$schema)) {
for (foreignKey in self$schema$foreignKeys) {
row <- table.resolveRelations(row, self$headers, relations, foreignKey)
if (is.null(row)) {
message <- stringr::str_interp("Foreign key '${foreignKey$fields}' violation in row '${private$rowNumber_}'")
# Form row
if (keyed) {
names(row) <- self$headers
} else if (extended) {
row <- list(private$rowNumber_, self$headers, row)
# Form stream
# if (!stream) {
# tableRowStream = S2A$new(tableRowStream)
# }
read = function(keyed = FALSE,
extended = FALSE,
cast = TRUE,
relations = FALSE,
limit = NULL) {
iterator <- self$iter(keyed = keyed, extended = extended, cast = cast, relations = relations)
rows <- list()
count <- 0
repeat {
count <- count + 1
finished <- withCallingHandlers(tryCatch({
it <- iterators::nextElem(iterator)
rows <- append(rows, list(it))
error = function(cond) {
if (identical(cond$message, 'StopIteration')) {
if (identical(cond$message, "HeadersRow")) {
warning = function(cond) {
if (identical(finished, -1)) {
count <- count - 1
if (identical(finished, 1)) {
if (!is.null(limit) && !missing(limit) && count >= limit) {
save = function(connection) {
stream <- private$createRowStream_(private$src)
iterable_ <- stream$iterable()
it <- iterators::nextElem(iterable_)
row <- paste(it, collapse = ',')
writeLines(row, con = connection, sep = "\n", useBytes = FALSE)
error = function(cond) {
if (identical(cond$message, 'StopIteration')) {
warning = function(cond) {
active = list(
schema = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
else {
private$schema_ <- value
headers = function() {
private = list(
src = NULL,
schema_ = NULL,
uniqueFieldsCache_ = list(),
currentStream_ = NULL,
createUniqueFieldsCache = function(schema) {
cache <- list()
for (index in 1:length(schema$fields)) {
field <- schema$fields[[index]]
if ((!is.null(field$constraints$unique) &&
field$constraints$unique) ||
field$name %in% schema$primaryKey) {
cache[[index]] <- list()
} ,
createRowStream_ = function(src) {
stream <- NULL
# Stream factory
if ("connection" %in% class(src)) {
stream <- ReadableConnection$new(options = list(source = src))
# stream = stream.pipe(parser)
# Inline source
} else if (is.list(src)) {
stream <- ReadableArray$new(options = list(source = src))
# Remote source
} else if (is.uri(src)) {
connection <- url(src)
stream <- ReadableConnection$new(options = list(source = connection))
# Local source
} else {
connection <- file(src)
stream <- ReadableConnection$new(options = list(source = connection))
strict_ = FALSE,
headers_ = list(),
headersRow_ = list(),
rowNumber_ = 0
#' Instantiate \code{Table} class
#' @description Factory method to instantiate \code{Table} class.
#' This method is async and it should be used with \code{\link[future]{value}} keyword from
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=future}{future} package.
#' If \code{references} argument is provided foreign keys will be checked on any reading operation.
#' @usage Table.load(source, schema = NULL, strict = FALSE, headers = 1, ...)
#' @param source data source, one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item string with the path of the local CSV file
#' \item string with the url of the remote CSV file
#' \item list of lists representing the rows
#' \item readable stream with CSV file contents
#' \item function returning readable stream with CSV file contents
#' }
#' @param schema data schema in all forms supported by \code{Schema} class
#' @param strict strictness option \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, to pass to \code{Schema} constructor
#' @param headers data source headers, one of:
#' \itemize{
#' \item row number containing headers (\code{source} should contain headers rows)
#' \item list of headers (\code{source} should NOT contain headers rows)
#' }
#' @param ... options to be used by CSV parser.
#' All options listed at \href{https://csv.js.org/parse/options/}{https://csv.js.org/parse/options/}.
#' By default \code{ltrim} is \code{TRUE} according to the \href{https://specs.frictionlessdata.io//csv-dialect/#specification}{CSV Dialect spec}.
#' @details
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=jsonlite}{Jsolite package} is internally used to convert json data to list objects. The input parameters of functions could be json strings,
#' files or lists and the outputs are in list format to easily further process your data in R environment and exported as desired.
#' Examples section show how to use jsonlite package and tableschema.r together. More details about handling json you can see jsonlite documentation or vignettes \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=jsonlite}{here}.
#' \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=future}{Future package} is also used to load and create Table and Schema classes asynchronously.
#' To retrieve the actual result of the loaded Table or Schema you have to use \code{\link[future]{value}} function to the variable you stored the loaded Table/Schema.
#' More details about future package and sequential and parallel processing you can find \href{https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=future}{here}.
#' Term array refers to json arrays which if converted in R will be \code{\link[base:list]{list objects}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Table}}, \href{https://specs.frictionlessdata.io//table-schema/}{Table Schema Specifications}
#' @rdname Table.load
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # define source
#' SOURCE = '[
#' ["id", "height", "age", "name", "occupation"],
#' [1, "10.0", 1, "string1", "2012-06-15 00:00:00"],
#' [2, "10.1", 2, "string2", "2013-06-15 01:00:00"],
#' [3, "10.2", 3, "string3", "2014-06-15 02:00:00"],
#' [4, "10.3", 4, "string4", "2015-06-15 03:00:00"],
#' [5, "10.4", 5, "string5", "2016-06-15 04:00:00"]
#' ]'
#' # define schema
#' SCHEMA = '{
#' "fields": [
#' {"name": "id", "type": "integer", "constraints": {"required": true}},
#' {"name": "height", "type": "number"},
#' {"name": "age", "type": "integer"},
#' {"name": "name", "type": "string", "constraints": {"unique": true}},
#' {"name": "occupation", "type": "datetime", "format": "any"}
#' ],
#' "primaryKey": "id"
#' }'
#' def = Table.load(jsonlite::fromJSON(SOURCE, simplifyVector = FALSE), schema = SCHEMA)
#' table = future::value(def)
#' # work with list source
#' rows = table$read()
#' # read source data and limit rows
#' rows2 = table$read(limit = 1)
#' # read source data and return keyed rows
#' rows3 = table$read(limit = 1, keyed = TRUE)
#' # read source data and return extended rows
#' rows4 = table$read(limit = 1, extended = TRUE)
#' # work with Schema instance
#' def1 = Schema.load(SCHEMA)
#' schema = future::value(def1)
#' def2 = Table.load(jsonlite::fromJSON(SOURCE, simplifyVector = FALSE), schema = schema)
#' table2 = future::value(def2)
#' rows5 = table2$read()
Table.load <- function(source,
schema = NULL,
strict = FALSE,
headers = 1, ...) {
# Load schema
if (!is.null(schema) && class(schema)[[1]] != "Schema") {
def <- Schema.load(schema, strict)
schema <- future::value(def)
return(Table$new(source, schema, strict, headers))
table.resolveRelations <- function(row, headers, relations, foreignKey) {
# Prepare helpers - needed data structures
keyedRow <- row
names(keyedRow) <- headers
fields <- rlist::list.zip(foreignKey$fields, foreignKey$reference$fields)
actualKey <- if (stringr::str_length(foreignKey$reference$resource) < 1) "$" else foreignKey$reference$resource
reference <- relations[[actualKey]]
if (is.null(reference) ) { #|| isTRUE(stringr::str_length(reference) < 1)) {
# Collect values - valid if all null
valid <- TRUE
values <- list()
for (index in 1:length(fields)) {
field <- fields[[index]][[1]]
refField <- fields[[index]][[2]]
if (!is.null(field) && !is.null(refField)) {
values[[refField]] <- keyedRow[[field]]
if (!is.null(keyedRow[[field]])) {
valid <- FALSE
# Resolve values - valid if match found
if (!valid) {
for (index in 1:length(reference)) {
refValues <- reference[[index]]
if (all(all.equal(refValues[names(values)], values) == TRUE)) {
for (index2 in 1:length(fields)) {
field <- fields[[index2]][[1]]
keyedRow[[field]] <- refValues
valid <- TRUE
if (valid) {
else {
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