
Defines functions rescale_by_landmark_distance

Documented in rescale_by_landmark_distance

#' Rescale landmark data based on interlandmark distances
#' Convenience function which rescales a dataset of landmarks
#' based on a vector of distances between two landmarks
#' This function can be useful when one has the distance between two landmarks
#' (e.g., obtained with a caliper), but a scale has not been set
#' when acquiring the data (for instance, a scale bar was missing on photos,
#' so configuration of landmarks are scaled in pixels).
#' @param Data array k x p x n of k landmarks and p dimensions for n observations (specimens)
#' @param lm1,lm2 index of the two landmarks whose inter-landmark distance is known
#' @param lengths vector of n lengths (distances between lm1 and lm2 in the appropriate scale)
#' @return The function outputs an array k x p x n of rescaled landmark coordinates
#' @import stats
#' @export
rescale_by_landmark_distance=function(Data, lm1, lm2, lengths) {
  original_distances=unlist(lapply(seq_len(dim(Data)[3]), function(i)
    pdistance(Data[lm1,,i], Data[lm2,,i])
  # Distances in the data with the original units
  # (e.g., pixels)
  # Compute scale factors

  for (i in seq_len(dim(Data)[3])) {
  # rescale data

fruciano/GeometricMorphometricsMix documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 6:24 a.m.