
Defines functions GetMeanDense

# This function obtains the cross sectional mean function at observed grid
# for dense regular functional data

# Input:
#  ymat: matrix of dense regular functional data
#  optns: options for FPCA function
# Output: 
#  a SMC object containing:
#    - mu: p-dim vector of mean function estimation, i.e. on observed grid
#    - NULL for other entries

GetMeanDense <- function(ymat, obsGrid, optns){
  # Check optns
  if(!(optns$dataType %in% c('Dense', 'DenseWithMV'))){
    stop('Cross sectional mean is only applicable for option: dataType = "Dense" or "DenseWithMV"!')

  if ( is.null(optns$userMu) ){
    mu = colMeans(ymat, na.rm = TRUE) # use non-missing data only
  } else {
    mu = spline(optns$userMu$t, optns$userMu$mu, xout= obsGrid)$y;  

      stop('The cross sectional mean appears to have NaN! Consider setting your dataType to \'Sparse\' manually')

  ret = list('mu' = mu, 'muDense' = NULL, 'mu_bw' = NULL)
  class(ret) = "SMC"
functionaldata/tPACE documentation built on July 4, 2024, 5:09 a.m.