
Defines functions create_project_folder

Documented in create_project_folder

#' Create Project Folder
#' @description
#' Creates a project folder on your computer
#' @param folder_name Set name of the folder. Examples: "Analysis_20221212", "01_application" (required)
#' @param path Set path for folder. Example: "R/Projects/" (required)
#' @param subfolders Set type of subfolder structure. Options are "generic" or "shiny". The "generic" option has the following subfolders: "01_data", "02_reports", "03_images", "04_scripts" and "05_misc". The "shiny" option has the following subfolders: "data", "css", "wwww", "images" and "scripts". By default, it is set to "generic". (optional)
#' @return A project folder and sub-folder structure and corresponding .Rproj file on your computer
#' @export

create_project_folder <- function(folder_name,
                                  subfolders = "generic") {

  # 1. generic ----
  if (subfolders == "generic") {
    folder_structure <- c("01_data",
  # 2. shiny app ----
  if (subfolders == "shiny") {
    folder_structure <- c("data",

  folder_path <- paste0(path, "/", folder_name)


  folder_path_str <- rep(paste0(folder_path, "/"), times = length(folder_structure))

  folder_structure_paths <- purrr::map2_chr(.x = folder_path_str, .y = folder_structure, .f = paste0)

  purrr::map(.x = folder_structure_paths, .f = fs::dir_create)

  rstudioapi::initializeProject(path = folder_path)

  return(message(stringr::str_glue("A new project folder has been created at {normalizePath(folder_path)}.")))

gaboraszabo/sherlock documentation built on Dec. 4, 2024, 12:18 a.m.