

test_that("functions without checks", {

  f <- function(x, y = 10) x + 10
  expect_identical(argufy(f, list()), f)

  f <- function() { }
  expect_identical(argufy(f, list()), f)

  f <- function(x = 10 + 10, y = 20 && FALSE) { x * y }
  expect_identical(argufy(f, list()), f)


test_that("functions with simple assertions", {

  f <- argufy(
    function(x, y) NULL,
    c(x = "is.integer", y = "is.character")

  expect_null(f(10L, "foo"))
  expect_null(f(x = 10L, "foo"))
  expect_null(f(x = 10L, y = "foo"))
  expect_null(f(10L, y = "foo"))

  expect_error(f(10, "foo"), "is.integer")
  expect_error(f(10L, 1), "is.character")
  expect_error(f(10, 1), "is.integer")

  f <- argufy(
    function(x, y = 42L) { y },
    c(x = "is.integer", y = "is.integer")

  expect_identical(f(42L), 42L)
  expect_identical(f(42L, 42L * 42L), 42L * 42L)

  expect_error(f(42), "is.integer")
  expect_error(f(42L, 42), "is.integer")


test_that("functions with complex assertions", {

  f <- argufy(
    function(x, z = c(42L, 42L)) c(x, z),
    c(x = "is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1 && is.finite(x)",
      z = "is.numeric(z) && length(z) == 2")

  expect_identical(f(1), c(1, 42, 42))
  expect_identical(f(1, c(5, 5)), c(1, 5, 5))

  expect_error(f(Inf), "is.finite")
  expect_error(f(1:2), "length")
  expect_error(f(1, 1), "length")


test_that("functions with simple coercions", {

  f <- argufy(
    function(x, y) x,
    coercions = c(x = "as.character"),
    assertions = c(y = "is.integer")

  expect_identical(f("foo", 10L), "foo")
  expect_identical(f(4242, 1:5), "4242")

  expect_error(f(function(){}, 1L), "cannot coerce type")


test_that("functions with complex coercions", {

  f <- argufy(
    function(x, y) y,
    assertions = c(x = "is.numeric"),
    coercions = c(y = "if (x > 0) as.character(y) else y")

  expect_identical(f(10, 100), "100")
  expect_identical(f(-10, 100), 100)
  expect_identical(f(-10, f), f)

  expect_error(f(10, function(){}), "cannot coerce type")

test_that("assertion with missing value", {

  f <- function(x) {
    if (missing(x)) {
    } else {

  f2 <- argufy(f, c(x = "missing(x) || is.numeric(x)"))

  expect_equal(f(), "missing")
  expect_equal(f2(), "missing")
  expect_equal(f(1), 1)
  expect_equal(f2(1), 1)

test_that("complex assertion with missing values", {

  f <- function(x) {
    if (missing(x)) {
    } else {

  f2 <- argufy(
    c(x = "missing(x) || (is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1 && is.finite(x))")

  expect_equal(f(), "missing")
  expect_equal(f2(), "missing")
  expect_equal(f(1), 1)
  expect_equal(f2(1), 1)
gaborcsardi/argufy documentation built on May 16, 2019, 4:07 p.m.