
Defines functions eqMI.semtest

Documented in eqMI.semtest

#' Measurement invariance tests using lavaan
#' Conventional multiple-group SEM to test measurement invariance. A sequence of chi-squared and chi-squared difference tests will be conducted.
#' @param ... The same arguments as for any lavaan model. See \code{lavaan::cfa} and \code{lavaan::lavOptions} for more information about the arguments.
#' Users must explicitly specify the name of the input elements for this function to catch. For example, specify 'eqMI.semtest(model = semmodel, data = HolzingerSwineford)' instead just 'eqMI.semtest(semmodel, HolzingerSwineford)'.
#' @param output If the function prints out results of covariance structure, mean structure, or both. The value of \code{output} must be \code{mean}, \code{covariance}, or \code{both}. When the tests involve mean structure (\code{output = 'mean' or 'both'}), both the strong and the strict tests of measurement invariance will be conducted.
#' @param quiet If quiet=FALSE (default), a summary is printed out containing an overview of the different models that are fitted, together with some model comparison tests. If quiet=TRUE, no summary is printed but results will be stored in the object.
#' @return A list is returned with:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{LavaanOut}}{A sublist in convention.sem. Contains lavann style output and results for each chi-squared and chi-squared difference.}
#' \item{\code{Mean.part}}{A sublist in convention.sem. Contains test statistics and fit measures on invariance tests of mean structure.}
#' \item{\code{Cov.part}}{A sublist in convention.sem. Contains test statistics and fit measures on invariance tests of covariacne structure.}
#' }
#' @details This is a wrapper around the (now deprecated) \code{measurementInvariance} in package \code{semTools}, with the following default options: \code{std.lv = FALSE, fit.measures = "default"}, and \code{method = "satorra.bentler.2001"}. See \code{semTools} for more information. This function is now updated to \code{semTools::measEq.syntax}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[lavaan]{sem}}, \code{\link[semTools]{measurementInvariance}}
#' @references Yuan, K. H., & Chan, W. (2016). Measurement invariance via multigroup SEM: Issues and solutions with chi-square-difference tests. Psychological methods, 21(3), 405-426.
#' @references Yves Rosseel (2012). lavaan: An R Package for Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(2), 1-36.
#' @references semTools Contributors. (2016). semTools: Useful tools for structural equation modeling. R package version 0.4-14. Retrieved from https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=semTools
#' @author The maintainer, Ge Jiang, adapted the original source code of measurementInvariance() in the \pkg{lavaan} and \pkg{semTools} packages written by Yves Rosseel, Sunthud Pornprasertmanit, and Terrence D. Jorgensen (permission obtained).
#' @importFrom lavaan sem
#' @importFrom lavaan partable
#' @importFrom lavaan anova
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(HolzingerSwineford)
#' semmodel<-'
#' L1 =~ V1 + V2 + V3
#' L2 =~ V4 + V5 + V6
#' L3 =~ V7 + V8
#' L4 =~ V9 + V10 + V11
#' '
#' \donttest{
#' run.sem <- eqMI.semtest(model = semmodel, data = HolzingerSwineford,
#'            group = "school", meanstructure = TRUE)
eqMI.semtest <- function(..., output = 'both', quiet = FALSE) {

  lavaansem <- function(...) { lavaan::sem(...)}
  # check for a group.equal argument in ...
  dotdotdot <- list(...)
    stop("lavaan ERROR: group.equal argument should not be used")

  # obtain samplestat by group
  if(is.null(dotdotdot$sample.cov) & is.null(dotdotdot$data))
    stop("sample covariances must be provided")
  group1 <- group2 <- dotdotdot
  group1$group <- group2$group <- NULL
  if (!is.null(dotdotdot$sample.cov)){
    group1$sample.cov <- dotdotdot$sample.cov[[1]]
    group2$sample.cov <- dotdotdot$sample.cov[[2]]
    group1$sample.nobs <- dotdotdot$sample.nobs[[1]]
    group2$sample.nobs <- dotdotdot$sample.nobs[[2]]
  if (!is.null(dotdotdot$sample.mean)){
    group1$sample.mean <- dotdotdot$sample.mean[[1]]
    group2$sample.mean <- dotdotdot$sample.mean[[2]]
  if (!is.null(dotdotdot$data)) {
    group.ind <- match(dotdotdot$group, colnames(dotdotdot$data))
    dat.by.group <- split(dotdotdot$data[,-group.ind], f = dotdotdot$data[,group.ind])
    group1$data <- dat.by.group[[1]]
    group2$data <- dat.by.group[[2]]

  res <- list()

  configural <- dotdotdot
  configural$group.equal <- ""
  template <- do.call(lavaansem, configural)
  pttemplate <- lavaan::partable(template)
  varnames <- unique(pttemplate$rhs[pttemplate$op == "=~"])
  facnames <- unique(pttemplate$lhs[(pttemplate$op == "=~") & (pttemplate$rhs %in% varnames)])
  ngroups <- max(pttemplate$group)
  if(ngroups <= 1) stop("Well, the number of groups is 1. Measurement invariance across 'groups' cannot be done.")

  # base-line model: configural invariance
  res$fit.configural.g1 <- do.call(lavaansem, group1)
  res$fit.configural.g2 <- do.call(lavaansem, group2)
  res$fit.combine.groups <- template

  # fix loadings across groups
  loadings <- dotdotdot
  loadings$group.equal <- c("loadings")
  res$fit.metric <- do.call("cfa", loadings)

  # fix loadings and residuals across groups
  residuals <- dotdotdot
  residuals$group.equal <- c("loadings", "residuals")
  res$fit.residuals <- do.call("cfa", residuals)

  # fix loadings, residuals, and factor covariances across groups
  res.var <- dotdotdot
  res.var$group.equal <- c("loadings", "residuals", "lv.variances", "lv.covariances")
  res$fit.varfactor <- do.call("cfa", res.var)

  # fix loadings + intercepts across groups
  intercepts <- dotdotdot
  intercepts$group.equal <- c("loadings", "intercepts")
  res$fit.scalar <- do.call(lavaansem, intercepts)

  # fix loadings + intercepts + means across groups (strong MI)
  means <- dotdotdot
  means$group.equal <- c("loadings", "intercepts", "means")
  res$fit.strong.means <- do.call(lavaansem, means)

  # fix loadings + intercepts + residuals + means across groups (strict MI)
  residuals <- dotdotdot
  residuals$group.equal <- c("loadings", "intercepts", "residuals")
  res$fit.strict.residuals <- do.call(lavaansem, residuals)

  # fix loadings + residuals + intercepts + means
  means <- dotdotdot
  means$group.equal <- c("loadings", "intercepts", "residuals", "means")
  res$fit.strict.means <- do.call(lavaansem, means)

  Mean.part <- Cov.part <- NULL
  fit.measures <- "default"; method <- "satorra.bentler.2001"
  if(output == 'covariance'){
    if(!quiet) {message('\n', '------------------ Covariance Structure ------------------ ', '\n')}
    Cov.part <- printInvarianceResult(res[1:6], fit.measures, method, quiet)
  } else if(output == 'mean'){
    if(!quiet) {message('\n', '------------------ Mean Structure ------------------ ', '\n')}
    Mean.part <- printInvarianceResult(res[-c(5:6)], fit.measures, method, quiet)
  } else if(output == 'both'){
    if(!quiet) {message('\n', '------------------ Covariance Structure ------------------ ', '\n')}
    Cov.part <- printInvarianceResult(res[1:6], fit.measures, method, quiet)
    if(!quiet) {message('\n', '------------------ Mean Structure ------------------ ', '\n')}
    #message('NOTE: the chisquare difference test of <fit.strict.residuals> and <fit.strong.means> is not meaningful because they are not nested.', '\n')
    Mean.part <- printInvarianceResult(res[-c(1:2, 5:6)], fit.measures, method, quiet)

    return(list(LavaanOut = res, Mean.part = Mean.part, Cov.part = Cov.part))
gabriellajg/equaltestMI documentation built on Jan. 4, 2021, 4:18 p.m.