
Defines functions intersection.stats intersect.by.fpid intersect.simplices.3dspace getSimp point.plane.dist intersect.tri plot.intersect

#' plot the simplex and the intersection plane
#' useful for debugging random errors but only works with simplices in 3D space
#' @param tri.pts the 3 points of the triangle
#' @param focus.pt the focus point at which to take the slice
#' @param d1 \code{d1} and \code{d2} define the axes to show the slice
plot.intersect = function(tri.pts, focus.pt, d1, d2) {
  if(!requireNamespace("rgl", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("package rgl required")
  normal = array(1, 3)
  normal[c(d1,d2)] = 0
  plane.pts = c(normal, normal %*% -focus.pt)
  simplex = rbind(as.matrix(tri.pts), t(focus.pt))
  base = matrix(c(0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,0), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
  #base = base * 10
  #base = base - 5

  rgl::quads3d(xyz.coords(base), alpha=0.2)
  #geometry::tetramesh(matrix(1:4, nrow=1), simplex, clear=FALSE)
  #planes3d(a=0, b=0, c=1, d=-0.75+1e-5, col="green")
  rgl::planes3d(a=plane.pts[1], b=plane.pts[2], c=plane.pts[3], d=plane.pts[4]+1e-5, col="green")
  rgl::points3d(focus.pt[1], focus.pt[2], focus.pt[3], col="blue", size=10)
  rgl::title3d(xlab="d1", ylab="d2", zlab="d3")
  # bbox3d(col="grey", alpha=0.7)

#' Compute the line of intersection between a triangle and a plane.
#' Only works in 3D, but useful for debugging
#' @param tri The triangle
#' @param focus.pt A point on the plane
#' @param d1 \code{d1} and \code{d2} specify the direction of the plane
#' @param d2
#' @return A data structure identical to \code{simplex.point.intersection}
intersect.tri = function(tri, focus.pt, d1, d2) {
  if(nrow(tri) != 3 || length(focus.pt) != 3) {
    stop("Only works on 3D objects")

  # ensure arguments will work later
  focus.pt = unlist(focus.pt)
  tri = matrix(unlist(tri), nrow=nrow(tri))

  # compute the normal
  n = rep(1, 3)
  n[c(d1,d2)] = 0

  # figure out the point projection
  i1 = as.vector((n %*% (focus.pt - tri[1,])) / (n %*% (tri[2,] - tri[1,])))
  p1 = if(i1 >=0 & i1 <= 1) tri[1,] + i1 * (tri[2,] - tri[1,])
       else rep(NA, 3)
  i2 = as.vector((n %*% (focus.pt - tri[1,])) / (n %*% (tri[3,] - tri[1,])))
  p2 = if(i2 >= 0 & i2 <= 1) tri[1,] + i2 * (tri[3,] - tri[1,])
       else rep(NA, 3)
  i3 = as.vector((n %*% (focus.pt - tri[2,])) / (n %*% (tri[3,] - tri[2,])))
  p3 = if(i3 >= 0 & i3 <= 1) tri[2,] + i3 * (tri[3,] - tri[2,])
       else rep(NA, 3)

  pts = rbind(p1,p2,p3)
  # only the places of intersection
  pts = unique(pts[is.finite(pts[,1]),])
  if(nrow(pts) == 0) {
    #warning("no intersection")
    return(data.frame(p1_1=NA, p2_1=NA, p1_2=NA, p2_2=NA))
  #data.frame(p1_1=pts[d1,d1], p2_1=pts[d2,d1], p1_2=pts[d1,d2], p2_2=pts[d2,d2])
  data.frame(p1_1=pts[1,d1], p2_1=pts[2,d1], p1_2=pts[1,d2], p2_2=pts[2,d2])

point.plane.dist = function(pt, plane.pt, plane.n) {
  p.dist = as.vector(plane.n %*% (pt - plane.pt))
  p.proj = pt + p.dist * plane.n
  dist(rbind(pt, p.proj))[1] * sign(p.dist)

getSimp = function(mesh, i) {

intersect.simplices.3dspace = function(mesh, fp, d1, d2) {
  n = nrow(mesh$simplices)
  lim1 = mesh$problemSpec$limits[[mesh$problemSpec$dimNames[d1]]]
  lim2 = mesh$problemSpec$limits[[mesh$problemSpec$dimNames[d2]]]
                 function(i) intersect.tri(mesh$points[mesh$simplices[i,],], fp, d1, d2))

intersect.by.fpid = function(mesh, fpid, d1, d2) {
  fps = sample.ProblemSpec(mesh$problemSpec, fpid)
  intersect.simplices(mesh, fps[fpid,], d1, d2)

#' Returns statistics about the number of simplices hit by slices
intersection.stats = function(mesh, n=50) {
  d = ncol(mesh$points)
  focus.points = sample.ProblemSpec(mesh$problemSpec, n)
  dims = t(combn(d,2))
  nsimps = nrow(mesh$simplices)
  pts = matrix(unlist(mesh$points), nrow=nrow(mesh$points))
  simpls = matrix(unlist(mesh$simplices), nrow=nrow(mesh$simplices))

  results = purrr::map_dfr(1:n, function(rid) { # go over all focus points
    fp = focus.points[rid,]
    fp.vect = unlist(fp)
    purrr::map_dfr(1:nrow(dims), function(did) { # all pairs of dims
      dim = dims[did,]
      purrr::map_dfr(1:nsimps, function(i) {
        r = spi2(pts[simpls[i,],], fp.vect, dim[1], dim[2])
        if(length(r)) {
          # we don't need the point of intersection just that we hit
          data.frame(slice_id=i, fp_id=rid, d1=dim[1], d2=dim[2])
        } else {
          data.frame(slice_id=c(), fp_id=c(), d1=c(), d2=c())

  # return the test statistics
  results %>%
    dplyr::group_by(slice_id, d1, d2) %>%
    dplyr::summarize(hits=n()) %>%
gabysbrain/hypersliceplorer documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 1:42 p.m.