
Defines functions pager paginationUI pagerUI pagerDemo pager_button pager_button_dots pager_button_prev_next pagerModule

Documented in pager pagerDemo pagerUI paginationUI

#' Pagination and Pager Module
#' A pager module to add pagination to any collection of items. Given a
#' number of items and a page break, the pagination module returns the
#' indexes of the items on the currently selected page.
#' @references <https://getbootstrap.com/docs/3.3/components/#pagination>
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' library(shiny)
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#'   titlePanel("shinyThings Pagination"),
#'   sidebarLayout(
#'     sidebarPanel(
#'       width = 6,
#'       tags$h4("paginationUI()"),
#'       shinyThings::paginationUI("pager", width = 12, offset = 0, class = "text-center"),
#'       tags$hr(),
#'       sliderInput("page_break", "Page Size", min = 1, max = 6, step = 1, value = 3),
#'       helpText(tags$code("page_break")),
#'       tags$hr(),
#'       tags$h4("pagerUI()"),
#'       shinyThings::pagerUI("pager", centered = FALSE)
#'     ),
#'     mainPanel(
#'       width = 6,
#'       tags$p("Page indices:"),
#'       verbatimTextOutput("page_indices"),
#'       tags$p(HTML("Paged output (<code>letters</code>):")),
#'       uiOutput("paged_output")
#'     )
#'   )
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output) {
#'   ## page_break and n_items can be reactive or fixed values
#'   # page_break <- 4
#'   # n_items <- length(letters)
#'   n_items <- reactiveVal(length(letters))
#'   page_break <- reactive({input$page_break})
#'   page_indices <- shinyThings::pager("pager", n_items, page_break)
#'   output$page_indices <- renderPrint({
#'     page_indices()
#'   })
#'   output$paged_output <- renderUI({
#'     tags$ul(
#'       lapply(letters[page_indices()], tags$li)
#'     )
#'   })
#' }
#' shinyApp(ui, server)
#' }
#' @importFrom shiny actionLink reactive
#' @param id The shared `id` of the `pagerUI()` and the `pager()` module
#' @param n_items The number of items in the collection of items to be paged
#' @param page_break The maximum number of items in each page
#' @export
pager <- function(id, n_items, page_break = 20) {
  shiny::callModule(pagerModule, id, page_break = page_break, n_items = n_items)

#' @describeIn pager The user interface for the pager module. The pager is
#'   contained in a single column in a `fluidRow()`.
#' @param width The width of the containing column
#' @param offset The offest of the containing column
#' @param ... Additional elements included in the containg column, added before
#'   the pagniation buttons
#' @export
paginationUI <- function(id, width = 6, ..., offset = 3) {
  ns <- NS(id)
      width = width, offset = offset, ...,

#' @describeIn pager Next/previous buttons that can be used in addition to,
#'   or in place of [paginationUI()].
#' @param label_prev The label of the "Previous" button.
#' @param label_next The label of the "Next" button".
#' @param centered If `TRUE`, the buttons are centered together, otherwise they
#'   are separated and spread to the left and right edges of their container.
#' @param class Additional classes applied to the `<nav>` container.
#' @export
pagerUI <- function(id, label_prev = "Previous", label_next = "Next", centered = TRUE, class = NULL) {
  ns <- NS(id)
    "aria-label" = "Pagination Previous and Next Buttons",
    class = class,
      class = "pager",
        class = if (!centered) "previous",
        id = ns("page_extra_prev_li"),
        actionLink(ns("page_extra_prev"), label_prev)
        class = if (!centered) "next",
        id = ns("page_extra_next_li"),
        actionLink(ns("page_extra_next"), label_next)

#' @describeIn pager Example app demonstrating usage of the pager module.
#' @inheritParams shiny::runApp
#' @export
pagerDemo <- function(display.mode = c("showcase", "normal", "auto")) {
  shiny::runApp(system.file("examples", "pager", package = "shinyThings"),
                display.mode = match.arg(display.mode))

pager_button <- function(n, ns, s_page = 1) {
    class = paste("page-item", if (n == s_page) "active"),
      ns(sprintf("page_%03d", n)),
      class = "page-link"

pager_button_dots <- function() {
    class = "page-item disabled",
    tags$a(href = "#",
           class = "page-link",
           style = "padding: 6px 8px;",

pager_button_prev_next <- function(
  goto = c("prev", "next"),
  disabled = FALSE,
  id_suffix = NULL,
  pagination = TRUE
) {
  goto <- match.arg(goto)
  input_id <- if (goto == "prev") "page_prev" else "page_next"
  input_id <- paste0(input_id, id_suffix)
  input_label <- if (goto == "prev") "Previous" else "Next"

    class = paste(if (pagination) "page-item", if (disabled) "disabled"),
    actionLink(ns(input_id), input_label, class = "page-link")

pagerModule <- function(input, output, session, page_break = 20, n_items) {
  ns <- session$ns

  if (!inherits(n_items, "reactive")) n_items <- reactiveVal(n_items)
  if (!inherits(page_break, "reactive")) page_break <- reactiveVal(page_break)

  pages <- rep(0L, 999)

  s_page <- reactiveVal(1L)
  n_pages <- reactive({
    ceiling(n_items() / page_break())
  at_first <- reactive({ s_page() == 1 })
  at_last <- reactive({ s_page() == n_pages() })

  # Track most recently selected page
    pgs <- sort(names(input))
    if (!length(pgs)) return(NULL)
    pgs <- pgs[grepl("\\d", pgs)]
    pg <- purrr::map_int(pgs, ~ input[[.]] %||% 0L)
    s_pg <- which(pages[1:length(pg)] != pg)
    if (!length(s_pg)) return(NULL)
    pages[s_pg] <- pg[s_pg]

  # Disable standalone previous button at first page
    req(n_items() > page_break())

    shinyjs::toggleClass("page_extra_prev_li", class = "disabled", condition = at_first())
    shinyjs::toggleState("page_extra_prev", condition = !at_first())

  # Disable standalone next button at last page
    req(n_items() > page_break())

    shinyjs::toggleClass("page_extra_next_li", class = "disabled", condition = at_last())
    shinyjs::toggleState("page_extra_next", condition = !at_last())

  # Pagination buttons
  output$pager_buttons <- renderUI({
    req(n_items() > page_break())

    page_start <- if (s_page() <= 3) 1L else min(n_pages() - 4L, s_page() - 2L)
    page_end <- if (s_page() <= 3) min(5L, n_pages()) else min(n_pages(), s_page() + 2L)

    bttns <- purrr::map(page_start:page_end, pager_button, ns = ns, s_page = s_page())

    prev <- pager_button_prev_next("prev", ns, at_first())
    nxt  <- pager_button_prev_next("next", ns, at_last())

      "aria-label" = "Pagination Navigation",
        class = "pagination",
        if (page_start > 1L) pager_button_dots(),
        if (page_end < n_pages()) pager_button_dots(),

  observeEvent(input$page_prev, {
    if (at_first()) return()
    s_page(s_page() - 1L)

  observeEvent(input$page_next, {
    if (at_last()) return()
    s_page(s_page() + 1L)

  observeEvent(input$page_extra_prev, {
    if (at_first()) return()
    s_page(s_page() - 1L)

  observeEvent(input$page_extra_next, {
    if (at_last()) return()
    s_page(s_page() + 1L)

  page_indices <- function(s_page, n_items, page_break) {
    idx_pg <- 1:page_break + (s_page - 1) * page_break
    idx_pg[idx_pg <= n_items]

  return(reactive({ page_indices(s_page(), n_items(), page_break()) }))
gadenbuie/shinyThings documentation built on Nov. 24, 2019, 6:56 p.m.