  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

The following table shows the template variables, their default values in the standard xaringanthemer theme, the primary element to which the property is applied, and a brief description of the template variable.

For example, background_color by default sets the background-color CSS property of the .remark-slide-content class to #FFF.

Use this table to find the template variable you would like to modify. You can also use this table to find the CSS class or element associated with a particular template item.

Note that some theme functions, like style_mono_accent(), have additional parameters and a specific set of default values unique to the theme. However, with any theme function you can override the theme's defaults by directly setting any of the arguments listed below when calling the theme function.

To be concrete, style_mono_accent() has three additional arguments: base_color (the accent color), white_color, and black_color. In this theme, the background slide color defaults to white_color, but you can choose a different slide background color by setting background_color, for example background_color = "#EAEAEA".

tv <- xaringanthemer:::template_variables
tv$variable <- glue::glue_data(tv, "`{variable}`")
tv[!$css_variable), "css_variable"] <- glue::glue("`{tv$css_variable[!$css_variable)]}`")
tv[$css_variable), "css_variable"] <- ""
tv[$css_property), "css_property"] <- ""
tv$default <- gsub("[{}]", "", tv$default)
tv <- tv[, c(
  "variable", "description", "element", "css_property", "default", "css_variable"
  col.names = c("Variable", "Description", "Element", "CSS Property", "Default", "CSS Variable")

gadenbuie/xaringanthemer documentation built on Aug. 26, 2022, 12:14 p.m.