# sanity checks, empty vectors, NA propagation, recycling rule, coercion:
E(trimws(character(0)), character(0))
x <- c(" ", "", NA_character_, "a", " a ", " a", "a ")
E(trimws(x), c("", "", NA_character_, "a", "a", "a", "a"))
E(trimws(x, which="both"), c("", "", NA_character_, "a", "a", "a", "a"))
E(trimws(x, which="left"), c("", "", NA_character_, "a", "a ", "a", "a "))
E(trimws(x, which="right"), c("", "", NA_character_, "a", " a", " a", "a"))
E(trimws(x, which="bottom"), P(error=TRUE))
E(trimws(x, whitespace=" "), c("", "", NA_character_, "a", "a", "a", "a"))
E(trimws("ababab", whitespace="ab"), "", P(error=TRUE), bad="ab")
E(trimws("abbbbbbababbbbbb", whitespace="ab"), "", P(error=TRUE), bad="ab")
E(trimws(x, whitespace="[wrong]+++"), better=x, better=P(error=TRUE), P(error=TRUE, warning=TRUE))
E(trimws(x, whitespace="[ ]"), c("", "", NA_character_, "a", "a", "a", "a"))
E(trimws(x, whitespace="[a ]"), c("", "", NA_character_, "", "", "", ""))
E(trimws("NAAAAAAAA!!!", "both", NA), P(error=TRUE), bad="!!!")
x <- " :)\v\u00a0 \n\r\t"
E(trimws(x), ":)", bad=":)\v\u00a0")
x0 <- c("a", NA, "c") # attribs from x and y (x preferred)
x <- structure(x0, names=c("A", "B", "C"), attrib1="value1")
.comment="attribute preservation"
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