
#' Runs gasp code to do gaussian process inference using covariates x and y and a constant regression model and a Gaussian correlation function.  Returns the fitted theta parameters
#' @param x covariates
#' @param y response
#' @return fitted theta parameters
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n <- 10
#' x1 <- seq(-5,10,length.out = n)
#' x2 <- seq(0,15,length.out = n)
#' x <- expand.grid(x1,x2)
#' x <- as.matrix(x)
#' d2 <- c(0.01,0.2,0,0) #here we set the theta parameters to be 0.01 and 0.2.
#' cor.par <- data.frame(matrix(data = d2,nrow = dim(x)[2],ncol = 2))
#' names(cor.par) <- c("Theta.y","Alpha.y")
#' R <- cor.matrix(x,cor.par) # obtain covariance matrix
#' L <- chol(R)
#' z <- as.matrix(rnorm(n^2))
#' y <- L%*%z
#' fitGauss(x,y)
fitGauss <- function(x,y){

#    write.mtx(x,paste(system.file("bin", package = "gpMCMC"),"/x1.mtx", sep = ""))
#    write.mtx(y,paste(system.file("bin", package = "gpMCMC"),"/y1.mtx", sep = ""))
#    system(paste(system.file("bin", "gasp", package = "gpMCMC"),system.file("bin", "fit.gsp", package = "gpMCMC")))
# 	write.mtx(x,"x1.mtx")
# 	write.mtx(y,"y1.mtx")
# 	#system("./gasp fit.gsp")
# 	system(paste(system.file("bin", "gasp", package = "gpMCMC"),system.file("bin", "fit.gsp", package = "gpMCMC")))
#   thetas <- corp[,2]

	likelihood2 <- function(thetas){
		cor.par[,1] <- thetas
		tryCatch({-log_posterior(x,y,as.matrix(rep(1,dim(x)[1])),cor.par, prior = "Exp")}, error = function(err){return(1000000000)}, finally = {#do nothing})

	ddd <- c(rep(1,dim(x)[2]),rep(0,dim(x)[2]))
	cor.par <- data.frame(matrix(data = ddd,nrow = dim(x)[2],ncol = 2))
	names(cor.par) <- c("Theta.y","Alpha.y")

	thetas <- rep(0.1,dim(x)[2])
	thetas <- optim(thetas,likelihood2)$par

galotalp/gpMCMC documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:36 p.m.