
Defines functions check_specs check_scaling check_modes check_scheme check_tol check_maxiter check_plscomp

Documented in check_maxiter check_modes check_plscomp check_scaling check_scheme check_specs check_tol

#' @title Check specifications of PLS-PM algorithm
#' @details
#' Internal function. \code{check_specs} is called by \code{check_args}.
#' @note if scaling is specified, it overrides scaled
#' @param blocks list defining the blocks of manifest variables
#' @param scaling list with type of scaling for each manifest variable
#' @param modes character vector specifying the modes
#' @param scheme character string indicating the inner weighting scheme
#' @param scaled should manifest variables be standardized
#' @param tol character indicating the inner weighting scheme
#' @param maxiter character indicating the inner weighting scheme
#' @param plscomp optional vector indicating the number of PLS components
#' (for each block) to be used when handling non-metric data 
#' (only used if \code{scaling} is provided)
#' @return validated specifications
#' @keywords internal
#' @template internals
#' @export
check_specs <-
function(blocks, scaling, modes, scheme, scaled, tol, maxiter, plscomp)
  check_scale = check_scaling(scaling, scaled, blocks)
  # output
  list(scaling = check_scale$scaling,
       modes = check_modes(modes, blocks),
       scheme = check_scheme(scheme),
       scaled = check_scale$scaled,
       tol = check_tol(tol),
       maxiter = check_maxiter(maxiter),
       plscomp = check_plscomp(plscomp, scaling, modes))  

#' @title Check types of measurement scales and metric
#' @details
#' Internal function. \code{check_scaling} is called by \code{check_specs}.
#' @param scaling list with type of scaling for each manifest variable
#' @param scaled should manifest variables be standardized 
#' @param blocks list defining the blocks of manifest variables
#' @return list with validated scaling and scaled
#' @keywords internal
#' @template internals
#' @export
check_scaling <- function(scaling, scaled, blocks)
  # if scaling is present
  if (!is.null(scaling)) 
    # make sure scaling is a list
    if (!is.list(scaling))
      stop("\nInvalid 'scaling'. Must be a list.")
    # compatibility between blocks and scaling
    if (length(blocks) != length(scaling)) {
      stop("\nLength of 'scaling' differs from length of 'blocks'.")
    # string manipulation of elements in 'scaling'
    scaling_aux = tolower(unlist(scaling))
    scaling_aux = substr(scaling_aux, start=1, stop=3)
    # are there any unrecognized scaling types?
    bad_scale <- !(scaling_aux %in% c("num", "raw", "ord", "nom"))
    if (any(bad_scale)) {
      bad = unlist(scaling)[bad_scale]
      stop(sprintf("\nSorry. Unrecognized scaling type: '%s'", bad))
    # set all numeric when mixing only 'num' and 'raw'
    if (!any(scaling_aux %in% c('ord', 'nom'))) {
      num_and_raw = intersect(scaling_aux, c("num", "raw"))
      if (length(num_and_raw) > 1) {
        scaling = lapply(blocks, function(x) rep("num", length(x)))
      if (all(unlist(scaling) == "num")) scaled = TRUE
      if (all(unlist(scaling) == "raw")) scaled = FALSE    
    # final scaling
    scaling = lapply(scaling, function(x) substr(tolower(x), start=1, stop=3))
  } else {
    if (!is.logical(scaled)) scaled = TRUE
  # output
  list(scaling = scaling, scaled = scaled)

#' @title Check modes
#' @details
#' Internal function. \code{check_modes} is called by \code{check_specs}.
#' @param modes character vector indicating the type of measurement for each
#' block. Values regular user can choose: \code{"A", "B", "newA"}
#' Values Expert user can choose: \code{"A", "B", "newA", "PLScore", "PLScow"}. 
#' The length of \code{modes} must be equal to the length of \code{blocks}.
#' @param blocks list defining the blocks of manifest variables
#' @return validated modes 
#' @keywords internal
#' @template internals
#' @export
check_modes <- function(modes, blocks)
  # default modes    
  if (is.null(modes)) {
    modes = rep("A", length(blocks))
  if (length(blocks) != length(modes)) {
    warning("Warning: length of 'modes' different from length of 'blocks'")
    message("Default modes 'A' is used")
    modes = rep("A", length(blocks))
  # are there any unrecognized modes?
  modes = toupper(modes)
  bad_modes <- !(modes %in% c("A", "B", "NEWA", "PLSCOW", "PLSCORE"))
  if (any(bad_modes)) {
    bad = modes[bad_modes]
    stop(sprintf("\nSorry. Unrecognized mode: '%s'", bad))
  # cannot mix modes "A" and "newA"
  mixed_modes = intersect(modes, c("A", "NEWA"))
  if (length(mixed_modes) > 1) {
    stop("\nSorry. Can't work with both modes 'A' and 'newA'")

  # output

#' @title Check scheme
#' @details
#' Internal function. \code{check_scheme} is called by \code{check_specs}.
#' @param scheme character indicating the inner weighting scheme
#' @return validated scheme
#' @keywords internal
#' @template internals
#' @export
check_scheme <- function(scheme)
  # some string manipulations
  if (!is.character(scheme)) scheme = as.character(scheme)
  scheme = tolower(scheme)
  SCHEMES = c("centroid", "factorial", "path")
  scheme_match = pmatch(scheme, SCHEMES)
  if (is.na(scheme_match)) {
    warning("\nInvalid 'scheme'. Default 'scheme=centroid' is used.")   
    scheme = "centroid"
  } else {
    scheme = SCHEMES[scheme_match]
  # output

#' @title Check tolerance threshold
#' @details
#' Internal function. \code{check_tol} is called by \code{check_specs}.
#' @param tol decimal value indicating the tolerance threshold for the 
#' convergence of the PLS algorithm (iterative stage)
#' @return validated tol
#' @keywords internal
#' @template internals
#' @export
check_tol <- function(tol)
  if (mode(tol) != "numeric" || length(tol) != 1L || 
        tol <= 0 || tol > 0.001) {
    warning("Warning: Invalid 'tol'. Default 'tol=0.000001' is used.")   
    tol = 0.000001
  # output

#' @title Check maximum number of iterations
#' @details
#' Internal function. \code{check_maxiter} is called by \code{check_specs}.
#' @param maxiter integer indicating the maximum number of iterations
#' (iterative stage of the PLS algorithm)
#' @return validated maxiter
#' @keywords internal
#' @template internals
#' @export
check_maxiter <- function(maxiter)
  if (!is_positive_integer(maxiter) || maxiter < 100) {
    warning("Warning: Invalid 'maxiter'. Default 'maxiter=100' is used.")   
    maxiter = 100
  # output

#' @title Check vector of PLS components (for non-metric plspm)
#' @details
#' Internal function. \code{check_plscomp} is called by \code{check_specs}.
#' @param plscomp optional vector indicating the number of PLS components
#' (for each block) to be used when handling non-metric data 
#' (only used if \code{scaling} is provided)
#' @param scaling list with type of scaling for each manifest variable
#' @return validated plscomp
#' @keywords internal
#' @template internals
#' @export
check_plscomp <- function(plscomp, scaling, modes)
  if (is.null(scaling)) plscomp = NULL
  if (!is.null(scaling)) {
    if (is.null(plscomp)) {
      plscomp = rep(1, length(scaling))      
    } else {
      if (any(!is_positive_integer(plscomp)))
        stop("\n'plscomp' must be an integer vector")
      if (length(scaling) != length(plscomp))
        stop("\nlength of 'plscomp' differs from number of blocks")
      plscomp = as.integer(plscomp)
      for (j in 1:length(plscomp)) 
        # plscomp's cannot exceed number of variables in block j
        if (plscomp[j] > length(scaling[[j]]))
          stop(sprintf("%s %d %s", "element", j, 
                       "in 'plscomp' exceeds number of variables"))          
        # make sure plscomp[j]=1 when mode "NEWA"
        if (modes[j] == "NEWA") plscomp[j] = 1
  # output
gastonstat/plspm2 documentation built on May 16, 2019, 5:47 p.m.