gbm_more: Perform additional boosting

View source: R/gbm-more.r

gbm_moreR Documentation

Perform additional boosting


Method to perform additional boosting using a GBMFit object - does not support further cross validation.


  num_new_trees = 100,
  data = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  offset = NULL,
  is_verbose = FALSE



a GBMFit object produced using gbmt. This object describes the boosted model on which to perform additional boosting.


a positive integer specifying how many additional iterations to perform. This has a default value of 100.


a data.frame or matrix containing the new values for the predictor and response variables for the additional iterations. The names of the variables must match those appearing in the original fit (as well as the number of rows), and this value defaults to NULL. With a value of NULL the original data may be used for the additional boosting, if no original or new data is specified an error will be thrown.


an atomic vector of doubles specifying the importance of each row of the data in the additional iterations. If the previous data used is kept within gbm_fit_obj; then the weights are extracted from the stored GBMData object.


an atomic vector of doubles specifying the offset for each response value in the data used for additional boosting.


a logical specifying whether or not the additional fitting should run "noisely" with feedback on progress provided to the user.


the input GBMFit object with additional iterations provided for the fit.

gbm-developers/gbm3 documentation built on April 28, 2024, 10:04 p.m.