
#' Convert from one temperature metric to another
#' This function allows you to convert a vector of temperature values between
#' Fahrenheit, Celsius, and degrees Kelvin.
#' @param temperature A numeric vector of temperatures to be converted.
#' @param old_metric The metric from which you want to convert. Possible options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{fahrenheit}, \code{f}
#' \item \code{kelvin}, \code{k}
#' \item \code{celsius}, \code{c}
#' }
#' @param new_metric The metric to which you want to convert. The same options
#'    are possible as for \code{old_metric}.
#' @param round An integer indicating the number of decimal places to
#'     round the converted value.
#' @return A numeric vector with temperature converted to the metric specified
#'    by the argument \code{new_metric}.
#' @author
#' #' Joshua Ferreri \email{joshua.m.ferreri@@gmail.com},
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu}
#' @examples
#' data(lyon)
#' lyon$TemperatureF <- convert_temperature(lyon$TemperatureC,
#'    old_metric = "c", new_metric = "f")
#' lyon
#' data(norfolk)
#' norfolk$TempC <- convert_temperature(norfolk$TemperatureF,
#'    old_metric = "f", new_metric = "c")
#' norfolk
#' data(angeles)
#' angeles$TemperatureC <- convert_temperature(angeles$TemperatureK,
#'    old_metric = "kelvin", new_metric = "celsius")
#' angeles
#' @export
convert_temperature <- function(temperature, old_metric, new_metric,
                                round = 2){

        possible_metrics <- c("fahrenheit", "celsius", "kelvin", "f", "c", "k")
        if(!(old_metric %in% possible_metrics) ||
           !(new_metric %in% possible_metrics)){
                stop(paste0("The arguments `old_metric` and `new_metric` can only ",
                           "have one of the following values: `",
                           paste(possible_metrics, collapse = "`, `"), "`"))
        } else if (old_metric == new_metric){
                stop("`old_metric` and `new_metric` must have different values.")

        if(old_metric %in% c("fahrenheit", "f")){
                if(new_metric %in% c("celsius", "c")){
                        out <- fahrenheit.to.celsius(temperature, round = round)
                } else if(new_metric %in% c("kelvin", "k")){
                        out <- fahrenheit.to.kelvin(temperature, round = round)
        } else if(old_metric %in% c("celsius", "c")){
                if(new_metric %in% c("fahrenheit", "f")){
                        out <- celsius.to.fahrenheit(temperature, round = round)
                } else if (new_metric %in% c("kelvin", "k")){
                        out <- celsius.to.kelvin(temperature, round = round)
        } else { # Kelvin for old_metric
                if(new_metric %in% c("fahrenheit", "f")){
                        out <- kelvin.to.fahrenheit(temperature, round = round)
                } else if (new_metric %in% c("celsius", "c")){
                        out <- kelvin.to.celsius(temperature, round = round)

#' Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
#' \code{celsius.to.fahrenheit} creates a numeric vector of temperatures in
#'    Fahrenheit from a numeric vector of temperatures in Celsius.
#' @param T.celsius Numeric vector of temperatures in Celsius.
#' @inheritParams convert_temperature
#' @return A numeric vector of temperature values in Fahrenheit.
#' @note Equations are from the source code for the US National Weather
#'     Service's
#'     \href{http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex.shtml}{online heat index calculator}.
#' @author
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu},
#' Roger Peng \email{rdpeng@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{fahrenheit.to.celsius}}
#' @examples # Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
#' data(lyon)
#' lyon$TemperatureF <- celsius.to.fahrenheit(lyon$TemperatureC)
#' lyon
#' @export
celsius.to.fahrenheit <-
        function (T.celsius, round = 2)
                T.fahrenheit <- (9/5) * T.celsius + 32
                T.fahrenheit <- round(T.fahrenheit, digits = round)

#' Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
#' \code{fahrenheit.to.celsius} creates a numeric vector of temperatures in
#'    Celsius from a numeric vector of temperatures in Fahrenheit.
#' @param T.fahrenheit Numeric vector of temperatures in Fahrenheit.
#' @inheritParams convert_temperature
#' @return A numeric vector of temperature values in Celsius.
#' @note Equations are from the source code for the US National Weather
#'     Service's
#'     \href{http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/html/heatindex.shtml}{online heat index calculator}.
#' @author
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu},
#' Roger Peng \email{rdpeng@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{celsius.to.fahrenheit}}
#' @examples # Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
#' data(norfolk)
#' norfolk$TempC <- fahrenheit.to.celsius(norfolk$TemperatureF)
#' norfolk
#' @export
fahrenheit.to.celsius <-
        function (T.fahrenheit, round = 2)
                T.celsius <- (5/9) * (T.fahrenheit - 32)
                T.celsius <- round(T.celsius, digits = round)

#' Convert from Celsius to Kelvin.
#' \code{celsius.to.kelvin} creates a numeric vector of temperatures in
#'    Kelvin from a numeric vector of temperatures in Celsius.
#' @param T.celsius Numeric vector of temperatures in Celsius.
#' @inheritParams convert_temperature
#' @return A numeric vector of temperature values in Kelvin.
#' @note Equations are from the source code for the National Oceanic and
#'      Atmospheric Association's
#'     \href{http://www.srh.noaa.gov/epz/?n=wxcalc_tempconvert}{online
#'     temperature converter}.
#' @author
#' Joshua Ferreri \email{joshua.m.ferreri@@gmail.com},
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{kelvin.to.celsius}}
#' @examples # Convert from Celsius to Kelvin.
#' data(lyon)
#' lyon$TemperatureK <- celsius.to.kelvin(lyon$TemperatureC)
#' lyon
#' @export
celsius.to.kelvin <-
        function (T.celsius, round = 2)
                T.kelvin <- T.celsius + 273.15
                T.kelvin <- round(T.kelvin, digits = round)

#' Convert from Kelvin to Celsius.
#' \code{kelvin.to.celsius} creates a numeric vector of temperatures in
#'    Celsius from a numeric vector of temperatures in Kelvin.
#' @param T.kelvin Numeric vector of temperatures in Kelvin.
#' @inheritParams convert_temperature
#' @return A numeric vector of temperature values in Celsius.
#' @note Equations are from the source code for the National Oceanic and
#'      Atmospheric Association's
#'     \href{http://www.srh.noaa.gov/epz/?n=wxcalc_tempconvert}{online
#'     temperature converter}.
#' @author
#' Joshua Ferreri \email{joshua.m.ferreri@@gmail.com},
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{celsius.to.kelvin}}
#' @examples # Convert from Kelvin to Celsius.
#' data(angeles)
#' angeles$TemperatureC <- kelvin.to.celsius(angeles$TemperatureK)
#' angeles
#' @export
kelvin.to.celsius <-
        function (T.kelvin, round = 2)
                T.celsius <- T.kelvin - 273.15
                T.celsius <- round(T.celsius, digits = round)

#' Convert from Fahrenheit to Kelvin.
#' \code{fahrenheit.to.kelvin} creates a numeric vector of temperatures in
#'    Kelvin from a numeric vector of temperatures in Fahrenheit.
#' @param T.fahrenheit Numeric vector of temperatures in Fahrenheit.
#' @inheritParams convert_temperature
#' @return A numeric vector of temperature values in Kelvin.
#' @note Equations are from the source code for the National Oceanic and
#'      Atmospheric Association's
#'     \href{http://www.srh.noaa.gov/epz/?n=wxcalc_tempconvert}{online
#'     temperature converter}.
#' @author
#' #' Joshua Ferreri \email{joshua.m.ferreri@@gmail.com},
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{kelvin.to.fahrenheit}}
#' @examples # Convert from Fahrenheit to Kelvin.
#' data(norfolk)
#' norfolk$TemperatureK <- fahrenheit.to.kelvin(norfolk$TemperatureF)
#' norfolk
#' @export
fahrenheit.to.kelvin <-
        function (T.fahrenheit, round = 2)
                T.kelvin <- (.5556 * (T.fahrenheit - 32)) + 273.15
                T.kelvin <- round(T.kelvin, digits = round)

#' Convert from Kelvin to Fahrenheit.
#' \code{kelvin.to.fahrenheit} creates a numeric vector of temperatures in
#'    Fahrenheit from a numeric vector of temperatures in Kelvin.
#' @param T.kelvin Numeric vector of temperatures in Kelvin.
#' @inheritParams convert_temperature
#' @return A numeric vector of temperature values in Fahrenheit.
#' @note Equations are from the source code for the National Oceanic and
#'      Atmospheric Association's
#'     \href{http://www.srh.noaa.gov/epz/?n=wxcalc_tempconvert}{online
#'     temperature converter}.
#' @author
#' Joshua Ferreri \email{joshua.m.ferreri@@gmail.com},
#' Brooke Anderson \email{brooke.anderson@@colostate.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{fahrenheit.to.kelvin}}
#' @examples # Convert from Kelvin to Fahrenheit.
#' data(angeles)
#' angeles$TemperatureF <- kelvin.to.fahrenheit(angeles$TemperatureK)
#' angeles
#' @export
kelvin.to.fahrenheit <-
        function (T.kelvin, round = 2)
                T.fahrenheit <- (1.8 * (T.kelvin - 273.15)) + 32
                T.fahrenheit <- round(T.fahrenheit, digits = round)
geanders/weathermetrics documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:14 a.m.