
Defines functions rasterEngine

Documented in rasterEngine

#' Engine for performing fast, easy-to-develop pixel and focal raster calculations with parallel processing capability.
#' @param x Raster*. A Raster* or a list of named Raster* objects used as the input into the function.  This is optional, as long as some Raster* was defined in "..."
#' @param fun Function. A focal function to be applied to the image. See Details.
#' @param args List. Arguments to pass to the function (see ?mapply).  Note that the 'fun' should explicitly name the variables.
#' @param window_dims Vector. The size of a processing window in col x row order.  Be default, a single pixel (c(1,1).
#' @param window_center Vector. The local coordinate of the center of a processing window.  By default the middle of the processing window.  CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED.
#' @param filename Character. Filename(s) of the output raster.
#' @param overwrite Logical. Allow files to be overwritten? Default is FALSE.
#' @param outformat Character. Outformat of the raster. Must be a format usable by hdr(). Default is 'raster'. CURRENTLY UNSUPPORTED.
#' @param processing_unit Character. ("single"|"chunk") Will be auto-set if not specified ("chunk" for pixel-processing, "single" for focal processing).  See Details.
#' @param chunk_format Character. The format to send the chunk to the function.  Can be "array" (default), "raster", or "data.frame".
#' @param minblocks Numeric. The minimum number of chunks to divide the raster into for processing.  Defaults to 1.
#' @param blocksize Numeric. The size (in rows) for a block of data.  If unset, rasterEngine will attempt to figure out an optimal blocksize.
#' @param outbands Numeric. If known, how many bands in each output file?  Assigning this and outfiles will allow focal_hpc to skip the pre-check.
#' @param outfiles Numeric. If known, how many output files?  Assigning this and outbands will allow focal_hpc to skip the pre-check.
#' @param setMinMax Logical. Run a setMinMax() on each output file after processing (this will slow the processing down). Default is FALSE.
#' @param additional_header Character. Create additional output headers for use with other GIS systems (see \code{\link{hdr}}). Set to NULL to suppress.  Default is "ENVI".
#' @param datatype Character.  Output number type.  See ?dataType.  Default is "FLT8S".  
#' @param compileFunction Logical. Runs a byte-code compilation on the user function before running. Setting this to TRUE may speed up the execution.  Default is FALSE.
#' @param debugmode Logical.  If TRUE, the function will enter debug mode during the test phase.  Note the inputs will be an array of size 2 columns, 1 row, and how ever many input bands.
#' @param .packages Character. A character vector of package names needed by the function (parallel mode only).
#' @param clearworkers Logical. Force the workers to clear all objects upon completing (releasing memory)?  Default=TRUE.
#' @param verbose Logical. Enable verbose execution? Default is FALSE.  
#' @param ... Raster*s. Named variables pointing to Raster* objects.  See Details.
#' @author Jonathan A. Greenberg (\email{spatial.tools@@estarcion.net})
#' @seealso \code{\link{focal_hpc}}, \code{\link{foreach}}, \code{\link{mmap}}, \code{\link{dataType}}, \code{\link{hdr}} 
#' @details rasterEngine is designed to execute a function on one or multiple Raster* object(s) using foreach, to
#' achieve parallel reads, executions and writes. Parallel random writes are achieved through the use of
#' mmap, so individual image chunks can finish and write their outputs without having to wait for
#' all nodes in the cluster to finish and then perform sequential writing.  On Windows systems,
#' random writes are possible but apparently not parallel writes.  rasterEngine solves this by trying to
#' write to a portion of the image file, and if it finds an error (a race condition occurs), it will
#' simply retry the writes until it successfully finishes.  On Unix-alikes, truly parallel writes
#' should be possible.
#' rasterEngine is a convienence wrapper for \code{\link{focal_hpc}} and, in general, should be used instead
#' of focal_hpc directly.  
#' rasterEngine operates in two modes, which have different input and outputs to the function:
#' Pixel based processing:
#' 1) If chunk_format=="array" (default), the input to the function should assume an array of dimensions 
#' x,y,z where x = the number of columns in a chunk, y = the number of rows in the chunk, and 
#' z = the number of bands in the chunk.  If chunk_format=="data.frame", the function receives a data.frame
#' where each column of the data.frame is a single layer from the input raster(s).  If chunk_format=="raster", 
#' the input to the function will be a raster subset.
#' Note that we are ordering the array using standards for geographic data, (columns, rows, bands), 
#' not how R usually thinks of arrays (rows, columns, bands).
#' 2) The output of the function can be as follows:
#' - A data.frame where each column is assumed to be a single layer in the output raster
#' - An array with the x and y dimensions matching the input, and an arbitrary number 
#' of band outputs.  Remember to order the dimensions as columns, rows, bands (x,y,z).
#' - A numeric vector, where the output is assumed to be a single layer (similar to calc() ).
#' Local window processing:
#' 1) The function should be written to process a SINGLE window at a time, given the dimensions
#' of window_dims, so the input to the function should assume a window of dimensions window_dims 
#' with a local center defined by window_center.  As with before, the input can be passed to 
#' the function as an array (suggested) or a small raster.
#' 2) The output should be a single pixel value, so can either be a single value, or a vector
#' (which is assumed to be multiple bands of a single pixel).
#' The speed of the execution when running in parallel will vary based on the specific setup, 
#' and may, indeed, be slower than a sequential execution (e.g. with calc() ), 
#' particularly on smaller files.  Note that by simply running sfQuickStop(), rasterEngine
#' will run in sequential mode.
#' @examples
#' library("raster")
#' # Pixel-based processing on one band:
#'apply_multiplier <- function(inraster,multiplier)
#'	# Note that inraster is received by this function as a 3-d array (col,row,band)
#'	multiplied_raster <- inraster * multiplier
#'	return(multiplied_raster)
#'tahoe_lidar_highesthit <-
#'	setMinMax(raster(system.file(
#'	"external/tahoe_lidar_highesthit.tif", package="spatial.tools")))
#'# Note that you can use any parallel backend that can be registered with foreach.
#'# sfQuickInit() will spawn a PSOCK cluster using the parallel package.
#'# sfQuickInit(cpus=2)
#'tahoe_lidar_highesthit_multiplied <- rasterEngine(
#'	inraster=tahoe_lidar_highesthit,
#'	fun=apply_multiplier,
#'	args=list(multiplier=3.28084))
#'# sfQuickStop()
#'# Pixel-based processing on more than one band: 
#'ndvi <- function(GRNIR_image)
#'	# The input array will have dim(GRNIR_image)[3] equal
#'	# to 3, because the input image has three bands.
#'	# Note: the following two lines return an array,
#'	# so we don't need to manually set the dim(ndvi) at the
#'	# end.  If we didn't use drop=FALSE, we'd need to
#'	# coerce the output into a 3-d array before returning it.
#'	red_band <- GRNIR_image[,,2,drop=FALSE]
#'	nir_band <- GRNIR_image[,,3,drop=FALSE]
#'	ndvi <- (nir_band - red_band)/(nir_band + red_band)
#'	# The following is not needed in this case:
#'	# dim(ndvi) <- c(dim(GRNIR_image)[1],dim(GRNIR_image)[2],1)
#'	return(ndvi)
#'tahoe_highrez <- setMinMax(
#'	brick(system.file("external/tahoe_highrez.tif", package="spatial.tools")))
#'tahoe_ndvi <- rasterEngine(GRNIR_image=tahoe_highrez,fun=ndvi)
#'# Focal-based processing:
#'mean_smoother <- function(inraster)
#'	smoothed <- apply(inraster,3,mean)
#'	return(smoothed)
#'# Apply the function to a 3x3 window:
#'tahoe_3x3_smoothed <- rasterEngine(inraster=tahoe_highrez,fun=mean_smoother,window_dims=c(3,3))
#'# Example with 7 x 7 window in full parallel mode:
#'tahoe_7x7_smoothed <- rasterEngine(inraster=tahoe_highrez,fun=mean_smoother,window_dims=c(7,7))
#' @export

rasterEngine <- function(x,
		filename=NULL, overwrite=FALSE,
	loaded_packages <- lapply(.packages, require, character.only=T)
	if(debugmode) debugmode <- 2
	additional_vars <- list(...)
			if(is.null(names(x))) stop("If x is a list, please name the list elements.")
			additional_vars <- c(additional_vars,x)
			x <- NULL
		additional_vars_isRaster <- sapply(additional_vars,is.Raster)
		additional_vars_Raster <- additional_vars[additional_vars_isRaster]
	} else
		additional_vars_Raster <- NULL
	# Need to add processing unit processing_unit
#	if(is.null(processing_unit))
#	{
#		if(sum(window_dims) > 2)
#		{
#			processing_unit="single"
#		} else
#		{
#			processing_unit="chunk"
#		}
#	}
		x <- additional_vars_Raster
	} else
			x <- additional_vars_Raster
		} else
#		if(class(x) != "list")
			x <- c(x,additional_vars_Raster)
			names(x)[[1]] <- "x"
	# Fix missing ellipses in function.  Thanks to Ista Zahn for the solution.
	# http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Checking-for-and-adding-arguments-to-a-function-tp4685450p4685452.html
	base_formals <- formals(fun)
	base_formals_names <- names(base_formals)
	# Add in args if missing
	missing_formals_names <- setdiff(names(args),base_formals_names)
	missing_formals <- args[names(args) %in% missing_formals_names]
	new_formals <- c(
			unlist(base_formals[base_formals_names != "..."],recursive=FALSE),
			#		unlist(missing_formals,recursive=FALSE),
	formals(fun) <- new_formals
	focal_hpc_multiRaster_function <- function(x,fun,debugmode,...)
#		browser()
		local_objects <- ls()
		function_vars <- setdiff(local_objects,c("x","fun","debugmode"))
		if(debugmode==2) debug(fun)
		function_vars <- c(x,mget(function_vars))
#		function_vars <- c(x,list(...))
		out <- do.call(fun,function_vars)
		#	library(compiler)
		focal_hpc_multiRaster_function <- cmpfun(focal_hpc_multiRaster_function)
#	browser()
	# debugmode dies if this isn't set...	
#	options(deparse.max.lines=100)

	rasterEngine_out <- focal_hpc(x,fun=focal_hpc_multiRaster_function,
			filename=filename, overwrite=overwrite,
gearslaboratory/spatial.tools documentation built on Feb. 14, 2020, 12:36 a.m.