#' @title LUAD dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project
#' @description Contains following information about patients with lung cancer:
#' @description - "time" is a time from beginning of an observation to an event or follow-up,
#' @description - "event" is a type of event that have happened ("death", "new_tumor" or "alive" when the observation was censored),
#' @description - "gender" is a gender of a patient (grouping variable).
#' @description The dataset is published in ‘RTCGA.clinical’ package: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/experiment/manuals/RTCGA.clinical/man/RTCGA.clinical.pdf.
#' @name LUAD
#' @docType data
geneticsMiNIng/cr17 documentation built on Sept. 16, 2019, 7:23 a.m.