
Defines functions predict.ProbDistrList predict.ProbDistrList predict.ProbDistr predict.ProbDistr

Documented in predict.ProbDistr predict.ProbDistrList

#' @rdname predict.ProbDistr
#' @aliases predict.ProbDistrList
#' @title Predict function for probability distributions in Methyl-IT
#' @description This is an utility function to get predictions from the
#'     probability distributions models used in Methyl-IT: Weibull, Gamma, and
#'     generalized Gamma. Some times, after the nonlinear fit of any of the
#'     mentioned modelsm we would like to evaluate the model output.
#' @details Predictions are based on the best model fit returned by function
#'     \code{\link{nonlinearFitDist}}. The possible prediction are: *density*,
#'     *quantiles*, *random number* or *probabilities*.
#' @param nlm An object carrying the best nonlinear fit for a distribution model
#'     obtained with function \code{\link{nonlinearFitDist}}.
#' @param pred Type of prediction resquested: *density* ('dens'),*quantiles*
#'     ('quant'), *random number* ('rnum') or *probabilities* ('prob').
#' @param q numeric vector of quantiles, probabilities or an interger if
#'     pred = 'rnum'.
#' @param dist.name name of the distribution to fit: Weibull2P (default:
#'     'Weibull2P'), Weibull three-parameters (Weibull3P), gamma with
#'     three-parameter (Gamma3P), gamma with two-parameter (Gamma2P),
#'     generalized gamma with three-parameter ('GGamma3P') or four-parameter
#'     ('GGamma4P').
#' @param num.cores,tasks Paramaters for parallele computation using package
#'     \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallel-package}}: the number of cores to
#'     use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously
#'     (see \code{\link[BiocParallel]{bplapply}} and the number of tasks per job
#'     (only for Linux OS).
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' num.points <- 1000
#' HD <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
#'   data.frame(chr = 'chr1', start = 1:num.points, end = 1:num.points,
#'             strand = '*',
#'             hdiv = rweibull(1:num.points, shape = 0.75, scale = 1)),
#'   keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
#' nlms <- nonlinearFitDist(list(HD), column = 1, verbose = FALSE)
#' x=seq(0.1, 10, 0.05)
#' y <- predict(nlms[[1]], pred='dens', q = x,
#'                 dist.name='Weibull2P')
#' y1 <- dweibull(x, shape = 0.75, scale = 1)
#' # The maximum difference between the 'theoretical' and estimated densities
#' max(abs(round(y, 2) - round(y1, 2)))
#' @importFrom stats dweibull pweibull qweibull rweibull dgamma pgamma qgamma
#'     rgamma
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam SnowParam bplapply
#' @importFrom MethylIT dggamma qggamma pggamma rggamma
#' @export 
predict.ProbDistr <- function(nlm, ...) UseMethod("predict", nlm)
predict.ProbDistr <- function(nlm, pred = "quant", q = 0.95, dist.name) {
    if (missing(nlm)) 
        stop("A probability distribution model must be provided")
    m <- nlm[, 1]
    arg.num <- switch(dist.name, Weibull2P = length(m) == 2, Weibull3P = length(m) == 
        3, Gamma2P = length(m) == 2, Gamma3P = length(m) == 3, GGamma3P = length(m) == 
        3, GGamma4P = length(m) == 4)
    if (!arg.num) 
        stop("The number of model parameters does not match the model")
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #
    if (pred == "dens") {
        res <- try(switch(dist.name, Weibull2P = dweibull(x = q, shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2]), Weibull3P = dweibull(x = q - m[3], shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2]), Gamma2P = dgamma(x = q, shape = m[1], scale = m[2]), 
            Gamma3P = dgamma(x = q - m[3], shape = m[1], scale = m[2]), 
            GGamma3P = dggamma(q = q, alpha = m[1], scale = m[2], 
                psi = m[3]), GGamma4P = dggamma(q = q, alpha = m[1], 
                scale = m[2], mu = m[3], psi = m[3])), silent = TRUE)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #
    if (pred == "quant") {
        res <- try(switch(dist.name, Weibull2P = qweibull(p = q, shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2]), Weibull3P = qweibull(p = q, shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2]) + m[3], Gamma2P = qgamma(p = q, shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2]), Gamma3P = qgamma(p = q, shape = m[1], scale = m[2]) + 
            m[3], GGamma3P = qggamma(p = q, alpha = m[1], scale = m[2], 
            psi = m[3]), GGamma4P = qggamma(p = q, alpha = m[1], scale = m[2], 
            mu = m[3], psi = m[3])), silent = TRUE)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #
    if (pred == "prob") {
        res <- try(switch(dist.name, Weibull2P = pweibull(q = q, shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2], lower.tail = FALSE), Weibull3P = pweibull(q = q - 
            m[3], shape = m[1], scale = m[2], lower.tail = FALSE), 
            Gamma2P = pgamma(q = q, shape = m[1], scale = m[2], lower.tail = FALSE), 
            Gamma3P = pgamma(q = q - m[3], shape = m[1], scale = m[2], 
                lower.tail = FALSE), GGamma3P = pggamma(q = q, alpha = m[1], 
                scale = m[2], psi = m[3], lower.tail = FALSE), GGamma4P = pggamma(q = q, 
                alpha = m[1], scale = m[2], mu = m[3], psi = m[4], 
                lower.tail = FALSE)), silent = TRUE)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #
    if (pred == "rnum") {
        res <- try(switch(dist.name, Weibull2P = rweibull(n = q, shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2]), Weibull3P = rweibull(n = q, shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2]) + m[3], Gamma2P = rgamma(n = q, shape = m[1], 
            scale = m[2]), Gamma3P = rgamma(n = q, shape = m[1], scale = m[2]) + 
            m[3], GGamma3P = rggamma(n = q, alpha = m[1], scale = m[2], 
            psi = m[3]), GGamma4P = rggamma(n = q, alpha = m[1], scale = m[2], 
            mu = m[3], psi = m[4])), silent = TRUE)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # #
    if (!inherits(res, "try-error")) 
        return(res) else {
        warning("Your model parameters return arror")
        return(res <- NA)

#' @name predict.ProbDistrList
#' @rdname predict.ProbDistr
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam SnowParam bpmapply
#' @export

predict.ProbDistrList <- function(nlm, ...) UseMethod("predict", nlm)
predict.ProbDistrList <- function(nlm, pred = "quant", q = 0.95, dist.name, 
    num.cores = 1L, tasks = 0L) {
    if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
        bpparam <- MulticoreParam(workers = num.cores, tasks = tasks)
    } else bpparam <- SnowParam(workers = num.cores, type = "SOCK")
    res <- bpmapply(function(model, distn) {
        predict(model, pred = pred, q = q, dist.name = distn)
    }, nlm, dist.name, BPPARAM = bpparam)
    names(res) <- names(nlm)
genomaths/MethylIT.utils documentation built on July 4, 2023, 12:05 a.m.