# coffeewheel.R ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Header
# Filename: coffeewheel.R
# Description: Contains functions for plotting pie charts in form of zoomable sunbursts using CoffeeWheel package from D3.
# Author: Nicolas Berta
# Email : nicolas.berta@gmail.com
# Start Date: 14 April 2017
# Last Revision: 29 August 2017
# Version: 0.0.3
# Version History:
# Version Date Action
# ----------------------------------
# 0.0.1 14 April 2017 Initial issue
# 0.0.2 20 July 2017 widget embedded in the package
# 0.0.3 29 August 2017 config$tree.function added to apply user's desired function to nibe tree elements: leafs and branches
#' @include visgen.R
coffeewheel.sunburst.defset = defset %<==>% list(
# Valid classes for all dimensions
dimclass = list(
theta = 'numeric',
label = c('character', 'factor'),
color = valid.classes),
multiples = 'label',
essentials = c('theta', 'label'),
aggregator.function.string = 'sum',
labelTheta = T
tree2cwTree = function(tr, attributes = c('colour', 'value')){
cwt = list()
for (e in tr){
if(inherits(e, gndcd(160,152,6,80))){
nwitm = list(name = e$tree_name)
for (attr in attributes){nwitm[[attr]] = e[[attr]]}
nwitm$children = tree2cwTree(e, attributes)
cwt %<>% list.add(nwitm)
} else if (inherits(e, 'list')){
nwitm = list(name = e$leaf_name)
for (attr in attributes){nwitm[[attr]] = e[[attr]]}
cwt %<>% list.add(nwitm)
coffeewheel.prepareConfig = function(config){
config$title %<>% verify('character', default = '', varname = 'config$title')
config$width %<>% verify(c('integer', 'numeric'), default = 1200, varname = 'config$width') %>% as.integer
config$height %<>% verify(c('integer', 'numeric'), default = 800, varname = 'config$height') %>% as.integer
coffeewheel <- function(treeData, width=400, height=400, main="", partitionAttribute="value") {
x <- list(
treeData = treeData,
main = main,
partitionAttribute = partitionAttribute
# create widget
name = 'coffeewheel',
width = width,
height = height,
package = 'rvis'
## Widget output function for use in Shiny
coffeewheelOutput <- function(outputId, width= 400, height= 400) {
shinyWidgetOutput(outputId, 'coffeewheel', width, height, package = 'rvis');
## Widget render function for use in Shiny
rendercoffeewheel <- function(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE) {
if (!quoted) { expr <- substitute(expr) } # force quoted
shinyRenderWidget(expr, coffeewheelOutput, env, quoted = TRUE);
coffeewheel.sunburst = function(obj, theta = NULL, label = NULL, color = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# Verifications:
if (is.empty(obj)){return(NULL)}
# assert(require(coffeewheel), "Package highcharter is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
config = coffeewheel.sunburst.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config'))
if (is.null(color)){
color = list(colour = theta[[1]])
} else {
names(color) = 'colour'
color %<>% as.list
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(theta = theta, label = label, color = color)
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics
obj %<>% prepare4Plot(A, config)
config %<>% coffeewheel.prepareConfig
cwt = obj %>% df2tree(id_cols = L$label, var_cols = c(L$theta, L$color), func = c(config$aggregator.function.string, 'color.mean'), name = 'ROOT')
if(!is.null(config$tree.function)){cwt %<>% treeApply(func = config$tree.function)}
cwt %>% tree2cwTree(attributes = c(L$theta, L$color)) %>%
coffeewheel(width = config$width, height = config$height, main = config$title, partitionAttribute = L$theta)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.