# morrisjs.R ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Header
# Filename: morrisjs.R
# Description: Contains functions for plotting various charts from package 'morrisjs' using standrad inputs.
# Author: Nicolas Berta
# Email : nicolas.berta@gmail.com
# Start Date: 23 April 2017
# Last Revision: 26 May 2017
# Version: 0.0.4
# Version History:
# Version Date Action
# ----------------------------------
# 0.0.1 23 April 2017 Initial issue
# 0.0.2 26 May 2017 package is imported silently
# 0.0.3 26 May 2017 argument 'obj' can be ignored or given an empty data.frame()
# 0.0.4 26 May 2017 Function morrisjs.options() modified: corrects package bug for single color
# http://morrisjs.github.io/morris.js/lines.html
morrisjs.tsline.defset = defset %<==>% list(
dimclass = list(
x = 'Date',
y = 'numeric',
color = valid.classes),
multiples = 'y',
essentials = c('x', 'y'),
smooth = F
morrisjs.pie.defset = defset %<==>% list(
dimclass = list(
theta = 'numeric',
color = valid.classes,
label = 'character'),
multiples = c(),
essentials = c('theta', 'label'),
resize = TRUE
morrisjs.options = function(config, color = NULL){
# Should add more arguments
opt = list(resize = config$resize)
# if(is.null(color)){color = config$color}
if(!is.null(color)){if(length(color) == 2){color = c(color, 'black')}} # STUPID PACKAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When length of color is 1, it draws everything in black !!!!
if (!color %>% is.empty){
opt$colors = color
opt$lineColors = color
opt$barColors = color
if (!is.null(config$tooltip)){
opt$formatter = JS(config$tooltip)
opt$hoverCallback = JS(config$tooltip)
opt$smooth = config$smooth
opt$ymin = config$yAxis.min
opt$ymax = config$yAxis.max
opt$preUnits = config$yAxis.tick.label.prefix
opt$postUnits = config$yAxis.tick.label.suffix
# opt$lineColors = config$color
opt %<>% list.clean
if(opt %>% is.empty){return (NULL)} else {return(opt)}
morrisjs.tsline = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, color = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# Verifications:
if (is.empty(obj)){return(NULL)}
assert(require(morrisjs, quietly = T, warn.conflicts = F), "Package morrisjs is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
config = morrisjs.tsline.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config'))
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(x = x, y = y, color = color)
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics %>% list.remove(gndcd(18,60,171,143,110))
obj %<>% prepare4Plot(A, config)
mx = max(obj[, L$y], na.rm = T); mn = min(obj[, L$y], na.rm = T); rndmlt = 10^((mx - mn) %>% log(10) %>% as.integer)
if(is.null(config$yAxis.min)){config$yAxis.min <- mn %>% roundto.multiple(rndmlt, adjust = 'bottom')}
if(is.null(config$yAxis.max)){config$yAxis.max <- mx %>% roundto.multiple(rndmlt, adjust = 'top')}
morrisjs(obj) %>% mjsLine(option = config %>% morrisjs.options(color = L$color))
morrisjs.tsbar = function(obj, x = NULL, y = NULL, color = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# Verifications:
assert(require(morrisjs, quietly = T, warn.conflicts = F), "Package morrisjs is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
config = morrisjs.tsline.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config'))
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(x = x, y = y, color = color)
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics %>% list.remove('color')
obj %<>% prepare4Plot(A, config)
morrisjs(obj) %>% mjsBar(option = config %>% morrisjs.options(color = L$color))
morrisjs.pie = function(obj = data.frame(), theta = NULL, label = NULL, color = NULL, config = NULL, ...){
# Verifications:
assert(require(morrisjs, quietly = T, warn.conflicts = F), "Package morrisjs is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
if(is.empty(label) | is.empty(theta)){return(NULL)}
config = morrisjs.pie.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config'))
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(theta = theta, label = label, color = color)
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics
obj %<>% prepare4Plot(A, config)
list(obj[,L$label], obj[,L$theta]) %>% morrisjs(...) %>% mjsDonut(options = morrisjs.options(config, obj[, L$color]))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.