# visnetwork.R ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Header
# Filename: visnetwork.R
# Description: Contains functions for plotting dynamic and interactive network graphs, flowcharts and digarams using visNetwork.
# Author: Nicolas Berta
# Email : nicolas.berta@gmail.com
# Start Date: 09 November 2016
# Last Revision: 27 June 2018
# Version: 1.1.5
# Version History:
# Version Date Action
# ----------------------------------
# 1.0.0 09 November 2016 Initial issue
# 1.0.1 10 February 2017 Functions exported
# 1.1.0 19 April 2017 Fundamental changes: Using prepareAesthetics() from visgen.R using standard dim inputs.
# 1.1.1 20 April 2017 Link length, color and some other features added. Old functions deleted.
# 1.1.2 10 May 2017 The named character vector 'visNetwork.shape' added to translate shapes to visNetwork language
# 1.1.3 11 May 2017 Config properties: 'layout' and 'direction' added. Global variable 'visNetwork.shape' modified: added more shapes
# 1.1.4 27 June 2018 Config properties: more config properties added.
# 1.1.5 27 June 2018 Dimension 'key' added to specify id of nodes
visNetwork.graph.defset = defset %<==>% list(
dimclass = list(
key = c('character', 'factor', 'integer'),
label = c('character', 'factor'),
group = c('character', 'factor'),
shape = 'character',
size = 'numeric',
color = valid.classes,
borderColor = valid.classes,
linkColor = valid.classes,
tooltip = 'character',
source = c('character', 'factor', 'integer'),
target = c('character', 'factor', 'integer'),
linkLength = 'numeric',
linkWidth = 'numeric',
linkLabel = 'character',
linkLabelColor = valid.classes,
linkLabelSize = 'numeric'
multiples = c(),
essentials = c('key', 'source', 'target'),
palette = list(color = c('white', 'navy'),
linkColor = c('gray', 'black'),
labelColor = c('black', 'black'),
linkLabelColor = c('black', 'black'),
borderColor = c('black', 'black')),
essentials = c('key', 'source', 'target')
# ellipse, circle, database, box/rectangle, text are fixed size, label appears inside the node. Their size don not change by property 'config$node.size' or column 'size'
# image, circularImage, diamond/rhombus, bubble/dot, star, triangle/delta, triangleDown/curl, square and icon: size is determined by column 'size' or 'config$node.size'. column values outweight config value!
visNetwork.shape = c(square = 'square', delta = 'triangle', curl = 'triangleDown', icon = 'icon', triangleDown = 'triangleDown', point = 'dot',
triangle = 'triangle', box = 'box', rectangle = 'box', dot = 'dot', bubble = 'dot', circle = gndcd(88,4,1,18,199,94), bubble = 'circle',
star = 'star', ellipse = 'ellipse', cylinder = "database", diamond = 'diamond', rhombus = 'diamond',
image = 'image', circularImage = 'circularImage', database = 'database', text = 'text')
valid.visNetwork.shapes = visNetwork.shape %>% names
visNetwork.direction = c(up.down = 'UD', left.right = 'LR', right.left = 'RL', down.up = 'DU')
valid.visNetwork.directions = names(visNetwork.direction)
visNetwork.applyConfig = function(net, config){
node.shadow = list(enabled = config$node.shadow.enabled, size = config$node.shadow.size) %>% list.clean
node.scale = list(min = config$node.size.min, max = config$node.size.max) %>% list.clean
node.color = list(background = config$node.color, border = config$node.border.color, highlight = config$node.highlight.color) %>% list.clean
node.label = list(color = config$node.label.color, size = config$node.label.size, face = config$node.label.font, background = config$node.label.background) %>% list.clean # todo: more features to add
net %<>% visNodes(shape = chif(is.null(config$node.shape), NULL, visNetwork.shape[config$node.shape] %>% unname),
value = config$node.size,
physics = config$node.physics.enabled,
title = config$node.tooltip,
label = config$node.label,
font = chif(is.empty(node.label), NULL, node.label),
color = chif(is.empty(node.color), NULL, node.color),
shadow = chif(is.empty(node.shadow), NULL, node.shadow),
scaling = chif(is.empty(node.scale), NULL, node.scale))
link.color = list(background = config$link.color, highlight = config$link.highlight.color, hover = config$link.hover.color, inherit = config$link.color.inherit, opacity = config$link.color.opacity) %>% list.clean
link.label = list(color = config$link.label.color, size = config$link.label.size, face = config$link.label.font, background = config$link.label.background) %>% list.clean # todo: more features to add
link.scale = list(min = config$link.width.min, max = config$link.width.max) %>% list.clean
net %<>% visEdges(title = config[['link.tooltip']],
value = config[['link.size']],
label = config[['link.label']],
length = config[['link.length']],
width = config$link.width,
dashes = config$link.dashed, # todo: make compatible plotly and dygraphs: use config$link.shape and use dash-line or dot-line, ...
hidden = config$link.hidden,
hoverWidth = config$link.hover.width,
physics = config$link.physics.enabled,
selectionWidth = config$link.selection.width,
selfReferenceSize = config$link.loop.size,
labelHighlightBold = config$link.label.highlight.bold,
smooth = config[['link.smooth']],
font = chif(is.empty(link.label), NULL, link.label),
color = chif(is.empty(link.color), NULL, link.color),
scaling = chif(is.empty(link.scale), NULL, link.scale))
net %<>% visLayout(hierarchical = config$layout == 'hierarchical')
# todo: add improvedLayout
if(config$layout == 'hierarchical'){
dir = visNetwork.direction[config$direction] %>% unname
net %<>% visHierarchicalLayout(
sortMethod = 'directed', edgeMinimization = F, blockShifting = T, parentCentralization = T,
direction = chif(is.empty(dir), 'TD', dir))
# todo: define config properties for hierarchical ...
# todo: fixed, physics, node.label.font, node image, node broken image, icon, shape properties
visNetwork.graph = function(obj,
key = NULL, label = NULL, shape = NULL, size = NULL, color = NULL, borderColor = NULL, tooltip = NULL,
source = NULL, target = NULL, linkColor = NULL, linkLength = NULL, linkWidth = NULL,
linkLabel = NULL, linkLabelColor = NULL, linkLabelSize = NULL,
config = NULL, ...){
# Verifications:
obj %>% verify('list', lengths = 2, names_identical = c(gndcd(27,143,150,130,98), gndcd(55,4,158,13,144)), varname = 'obj', null_allowed = F, err_src = 'visNetwork.graph')
obj$nodes %>% verify('data.frame', varname = 'obj$nodes', null_allowed = F, err_src = 'visNetwork.graph')
obj$links %>% verify('data.frame', varname = 'obj$links', null_allowed = F, err_src = 'visNetwork.graph')
assert(require(visNetwork), "Package visNetwork is not installed!", err_src = match.call()[[1]])
config = visNetwork.graph.defset %<==>% (config %>% verify('list', default = list(), varname = 'config')) %>%
verifyConfig(plotter = 'visNetwork')
key %<>% renameSeries('id')
label %<>% renameSeries('label')
shape %<>% renameSeries('shape')
size %<>% renameSeries(gndcd(100,11,64,19,130))
color %<>% renameSeries('color.background')
borderColor %<>% renameSeries('color.border')
tooltip %<>% renameSeries(gndcd(25,118,196,55,29))
source %<>% renameSeries(gndcd(33,110,12,200))
target %<>% renameSeries(gndcd(136,12))
linkLength %<>% renameSeries(gndcd(64,162,14,59,136,86))
linkWidth %<>% renameSeries('value')
linkColor %<>% renameSeries('color')
linkLabel %<>% renameSeries(gndcd(199,2,142,9,171))
linkLabelColor %<>% renameSeries('font.color')
linkLabelSize %<>% renameSeries('font.size')
# Preparing Aesthetics:
a = prepareAesthetics(key = key, label = label, shape = shape, size = size, color = color, borderColor = borderColor, tooltip = tooltip,
source = source, target = target, linkColor = linkColor, linkLength = linkLength, linkWidth = linkWidth,
linkLabel = linkLabel, linkLabelColor = linkLabelColor, linkLabelSize = linkLabelSize)
L = a$labels
A = a$aesthetics
L$key = 'key'
A$key = list(key = 'key')
nodeids = rownames(obj$nodes)
if(is.null(obj$nodes[, L$label])){
stop('node IDs are not specified')
} else {
obj$nodes$key <- obj$nodes[, L$label]
} else {obj$nodes$key = nodeids}
obj$nodes %<>% prepare4Plot(A %>% list.extract('key', 'label', 'shape', 'size', 'tooltip', 'color', 'borderColor'), config) %>% distinct(id, .keep_all = T)
obj$links %<>% prepare4Plot(A %>% list.extract('source', 'target', 'linkColor', 'linkLength', 'linkWidth',
'linkLabel', 'linkLabelColor', 'linkLabelSize'), config)
# if (is.empty(obj$links)){cat("Table 'links' is empty! Nothing to plot."); return(NULL)}
assert(obj$links[, L$source] %<% obj$nodes$id, "Value in column '" %++% L$source %++% "' must be a seubset of node IDs'", err_src = 'visNetwork.graph')
assert(obj$links[, L$target] %<% obj$nodes$id, "Value in column '" %++% L$target %++% "' must be a seubset of node IDs'", err_src = 'visNetwork.graph')
if(!is.null(config$node.size.min) & !is.null(config$node.size.min) & !is.null(L$size)){
obj$nodes$value %<>% vect.map(min = config$node.size.min, max = config$node.size.max)
# if(!is.null(config$link.width.min) & !is.null(config$link.width.max) & !is.null(L$linkWidth)){
# obj$links$value %<>% vect.map(min = config$link.width.min, max = config$link.width.max)
# }
if(!is.null(config$link.length.min) & !is.null(config$link.length.max) & !is.null(L$linkLength)){
obj$links$length %<>% vect.map(min = config$link.length.min, max = config$link.length.max)
obj$links$arrows = 'to'
obj$nodes$shadow = config$node.shadow.enabled %>% verify('logical', domain = c(T,F), default = T)
# todo: add dimensions and in coonfig when requried also other dimensions like hidden(visible), image, mass, borderWidth, borderWidthSelected, labelHighlightBold...
if(!is.null(obj$nodes$shape)){obj$nodes$shape <- visNetwork.shape[obj$nodes$shape] %>% unname}
if (is.null(L$labelColor) & !is.null(L$color)){
obj$nodes$font.color <- obj$nodes$color.background %>%
visNetwork(obj$nodes, obj$links, ...) %>% visNetwork.applyConfig(config)
#' @export
visNetwork.graphChart = function(nodes, links, size = NULL, sizeLegend = NULL, shape = NULL, shapeLegend = NULL, color = NULL, colorLegend = NULL, label = NULL, linkColor = NULL, linkLength = NULL, linkLengthLegend = NULL, linkSource = NULL, linkTarget = NULL, linkWidth = NULL, ...){
# Currently only valid.visNetwork.linkTypes are supported, todo: generate values for categorical fields
# todo: add linkType to arguments, valid.linkTypes = c('continuous', 'dashed', ...)
# linkType = verify(linkType, 'character', lengths = 1, domain = valid.visNetwork.linkTypes, default = 'continuous', varname = 'linkType')
# shadow for nodes
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