# =============================================================================
#' @title Numerical solution of ground heat conduction
#' @description Implicitly solves ground heat conduction based on finite-
#' difference Crank-Nicolson scheme.
#' @details Before the solution, ground and snow properties are updated. This
#' means that the proportions of ice and liquid water are updated and
#' that the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of the soil are
#' changed accordingly. Phase change is parameterised as apparent
#' heat capacity based on the derivative of the freezing
#' characteristic curve. The example below shows how ground properties
#' are described.
#' @param dt Time step [s].
#' @param mat Data frame with relevant ground properties.
#' @param bc.lower Lower boundary condition as either [W m-2] (Neumann) or [C or K]
#' (Dirichlet). Array with dimension (N).
#' @param bc.upper Upper boundary condition as either [W m-2] (Neumann) or [C or K]
#' (Dirichlet). Array with dimension (N).
#' @param bcutype Type of upper boundary condition used. Can be "NEUMANN"
#' (standard, fixed heat flux) or "DIRICHLET" (fixed temperature).
#' @param bcltype Type of upper boundary condition used. Can be "NEUMANN"
#' (standard, fixed heat flux) or "DIRICHLET" (fixed temperature).
#' @param unfrozen.type Character string indicating the type of function to be
#' used; the standard is "INTERVAL". The full options are:
#' "DALLAMICO": Dall’Amico, M., Endrizzi, S., Gruber, S.,
#' & Rigon, R. (2011). A robust and energy-conserving
#' model of freezing variably-saturated soil. The
#' Cryosphere, 5(2), 469–484. doi:10.5194/tc-5-469-2011
#' Typical values of van Genuchten parameters are found
#' in Table 2 of Gubler, S., Endrizzi, S., Gruber, S.,
#' & Purves, R. S. (2013). Sensitivities and uncertainties
#' of modeled ground temperatures in mountain environments.
#' Geoscientific Model Development, 6(4), 1319–1336.
#' doi:10.5194/gmd-6-1319-2013
#' "MOTTAGHY": Mottaghy, D., & Rath, V. (2006). Latent heat
#' effects in subsurface heat transport modelling and their
#' impact on palaeotemperature reconstructions. Geophysical
#' Journal International, 164(1), 236-245.
#' "INTERVAL": Phase change takes place in an interval of
#' specified with (unfrozen.par) below 0C and at a
#' constant rate.
#' @param unfrozen.par Parameter set for the chosen unfrozen water function.
#' "DALLAMICO": unfrozen.par[1]: van Genuchten alpha [mm-1],
#' unfrozen.par[2]: van Genuchten n [-], unfrozen.par[3]:
#' residual water content [m3/m3]. The saturated water
#' content is given by the input (mat$wat) and can thus
#' vary with depth.
#' "MOTTAGHY": unfrozen.par[1]: width of freezing
#' interval [K], unfrozen.par[2]: omega.
#' "INTERVAL" unfrozen.par[1]: width of freezing
#' interval [K].
#' @param type.sno Character string indicating the type of parameterization to be
#' used for snow; the standard is CALONNE. Available are:
#' CALONNE: Calonne, N., Flin, F., Morin, S., Lesaffre, B., du
#' Roscoat, S. R., & Geindreau, C. (2011). Numerical and experimental
#' investigations of the effective thermal conductivity of snow.
#' Geophysical Research Letters, 38(23), doi:10.1029/2011GL049234
#' "YEN": Yen, Y.-C. (1981). Review of thermal properties of
#' snow, ice and sea ice (34 pages). Hanover, NH, USA.
#' COSENZA: Cosenza, P., Guerin, R., & Tabbagh, A. (2003).
#' Relationship between thermal conductivity and water content of
#' soils using numerical modelling. European Journal of Soil
#' Science, 54(3), 581–588. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.2003.00539.x
#' STURM: Sturm, M., J. Holmgren, M. König, and K. Morris (1997),
#' The thermal conductivity of seasonal snow, Journal of
#' Glaciology, 43(143), 26–41.
#' JORDAN: Jordan, R. E., Andreas, E. L., & Makshtas, A. P.
#' (1999). Heat budget of snow-covered sea ice at North Pole 4.
#' Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(C4), 7785.
#' doi:10.1029/1999JC900011
#' WILLIAMS: Figure 4.11 in "The Frozen Earth: fundamentals of
#' geocryology" by P. Williams and M. Smith, 1989.
#' @param type.gnd Character string indicating the type of parameterization to be
#' used for ground; the standard is "COSENZA". Available are:
#' COSENZA: Cosenza, P., Guerin, R., & Tabbagh, A. (2003).
#' Relationship between thermal conductivity and water content of
#' soils using numerical modelling. European Journal of Soil
#' Science, 54(3), 581–588. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2389.2003.00539.x
#' GEOMETRIC: Geometric mean, intermediate mixed conductivity model,
#' approximation of randomly oriented consituent elements.
#' ARITHMETIC: Arithmetic mean, high mixed conductivity model,
#' approximation of consituent elements layered parallel to
#' temperature gradient.
#' HARMONIC: Harmonic mean, low mixed conductivity model,
#' approximation of consituent elements layered normal to
#' temperature gradient.
#' @param layers.sno Index to identify snow layers within 'mat'.
#' @return Returns input array with Tj solved for next time step and temperature-
#' dependent properties updated.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #== Settings ==================
#' dt <- 3600 #time step [s]
#' ns <- 240 # how many time steps to compute before saving?
#' st <- 4 * 365 # length of run [days]
#' dzmin <- 0.02 # minimal z-spacing ("how fine is the grid") [m]
#' zmax <- 25 # depth of lowermost node center ("how large is the domain") [m]
#' base <- 1.5 # resolution reduction ("how strong is the grid corsened with depth")
#' # 1: equal spacing, >1 growing
#' Ti <- -1 # initial temperature [C]
#' type.gnd <- "COSENZA" # parameterization for soil thermal conductivity
#' unfrozen.type <- "DALLAMICO" # paramterization for unfrozen water content
#' unfrozen.par <- c(0.001, 1.4, 0.05) # parameter(s) for unfrozen water content parameterization
#' bcutype <- "DIRICHLET"# upper boundary condition type
#' bcltype <- "NEUMANN" # lower boundary condition type
#' layers.sno <- c(0) # index of nodes that are snow
#' type.sno <- "CALONNE" # parameterization for snow thermal conductivity
#' #== Preparation ================
#' st <- st * 3600 * 24 # convert to [s]
#' t <- seq(from = 0, to = st, by = dt) #vector of time [s]
#' nt <- length(t)
#' soild <- SoilDiscretize(dzmin, zmax, base)
#' nz <- length(soild$z) #number of soil discretizations
#' #make boundary condition
#' bc.upper <- seq(from = -1, to = 3, length.out = nt) #linear warming
#' bc.lower <- rep(0.05, nt)
#' #make material properties and discretization
#' mat <- data.frame( zj = -soild$z, # depth of node [m]
#' dz = soild$dz, # with of node [m]
#' Tj = rep( Ti, nz), # initial temperature [C]
#' soi = rep(0.5, nz), # volumetric proportion of soil matrix [0-1]
#' wat = rep(0.0, nz), # volumetric proportion of total water [0-1]
#' liq = rep( 0, nz), # calculate later, volumetric proportion of liquid water [0-1]
#' ice = rep( 0, nz), # calculate later, volumetric proportion of ice [0-1]
#' k.soi = rep(2.5, nz), # thermal conductivity of soil matrix [W m-1 K-1]
#' c.soi = rep(2e6, nz) # volumetric heat capacity of soil matrix [J m-3 K-1]
#' #== Target arrays to hold results =========
#' out.Tj <- rbind(NULL,t(mat$Tj))
#' out.liq <- rbind(NULL,t(mat$liq))
#' out.t <- t[0]
#' out.dz <- mat$dz
#' #== Loop over time and solve =======
#' for (i in 1:nt) {
#' mat <- HcGroundImplicit(dt, mat, bc.lower[i], bc.upper[i], unfrozen.type = unfrozen.type,
#' unfrozen.par = unfrozen.par, bcutype = bcutype, bcltype = bcltype,
#' layers.sno = layers.sno, type.sno = type.sno, type.gnd = type.gnd)
#' #output only in specified interval
#' check <- i/ns - floor(i/ns)
#' if (check == 0) {
#' out.Tj <- rbind( out.Tj,t(mat$Tj))
#' out.liq <- rbind(out.liq,t(mat$liq))
#' out.t <- t[i]
#' print(paste(i,nt))
#' }
#' }
#' #== Plotting ================
#' for (n in 1:147) {
#' plot(out.Tj[n,],mat$zj, type="l",xlim=c(-1.2 , 3))
#' abline(v=0)
#' }
#' @author Stephan Gruber <stephan.gruber@@carleton.ca>
# =============================================================================
HcGroundImplicit <- function(dt, mat, bc.lower, bc.upper,
unfrozen.type = "INTERVAL", unfrozen.par = c(1),
bcutype = "NEUMANN", bcltype = "NEUMANN",
layers.sno = c(0), type.sno = "CALONNE", type.gnd = "COSENZA") {
#make zero volumetric heat source term
gj <- mat$Tj * 0
for (j in 1:length(bc.upper)) {
#compute ground properties
mat <- Unfrozen(mat, unfrozen.type, unfrozen.par)
mat <- TermCond(mat, layers.sno = layers.sno, type.sno = type.sno, type.gnd = type.gnd)
mat <- HeatCapacity(mat)
#mat <- SnowProp(mat, snow.type, snow.par) # not ready yet
#compute new solution (transpose to get from array to data frame)
mat$Tj <- Cranknicolson(mat$Tj, mat$kj, mat$cj, gj, mat$zj, dt,
bc.lower[j], bc.upper[j],
bcutype = bcutype, bcltype = bcltype)[]
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