define.links: Define links between landmarks

View source: R/define.links.r

define.linksR Documentation


An interactive function to define which landmarks should be linked to aid visualization.


define.links(spec, ptsize = 1, links = NULL)



Name of specimen, as an object matrix containing 2D or 3D landmark coordinates


Numeric Size to plot the landmarks


Optional An existing links matrix to add on to


Function takes a matrix of digitized landmark coordinates (e.g. from mshape) and allows the user to define pairs of landmarks to be linked, for visualization purposes. The output is a matrix to be used by plotAllSpecimens & plotRefToTarget option 'links='.

Note to RStudio users: if the 'zoom' of your RStudio window is set to something other than 100 sometimes the function can fail to identify the selected points ('warning: no point within 0.25 inches'). In these cases, set your zoom to 100


In the plot window select two landmarks that will be linked. In the console, the user will be prompted to continue linking landmarks to build the wireframe or end the session (typing y or n respectively). For 2D data in plot window, use LEFT mouse button to select landmarks. For 3D data in rgl window, use RIGHT mouse button (or command+LEFT for mac) to select landmarks.


Function returns a matrix of which landmarks will be links to be used by plotAllSpecimens & plotRefToTarget option 'links='.


Emma Sherratt

See Also



rgl-package (used in 3D plotting)

geomorphR/geomorph documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 1:17 a.m.