
### Attributes: ######################################################

extract_attr <- function(xroot) {
  nodeattr <- extract_attr_type(xroot, "node")
  wayattr <- extract_attr_type(xroot, "way")
  relationattr <- extract_attr_type(xroot, "relation")

  list(nodeattr = nodeattr, wayattr = wayattr, relationattr = relationattr)

extract_attr_type <- function(xroot, type){
  xnodes <- xml_find_all(xroot, sprintf("/osm/%s", type))

  # To add on the missing columns
  empty <- data_frame(id = numeric(),
                      visible = factor(),
                      timestamp = character(),  # How to create a POSIXlt(0)?
                      version = numeric(),
                      changeset = numeric(),
                      user = factor(),
                      uid = factor(),
                      lat = numeric(),
                      lon = numeric())
  ret <- do.call(rbind, xml_attrs(xnodes))
  ret <- bind_rows(as_data_frame(ret), empty)
  ret$visible <- as.factor(as.character(ret$visible))
  ret$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(ret$timestamp, format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"))
  ret$lat<- as.numeric(as.character(ret$lat))
  ret$lon<- as.numeric(as.character(ret$lon))
  ret$id<- as.numeric(as.character(ret$id))
  ret$version<- as.numeric(as.character(ret$version))
  ret$uid<- as.factor(as.character(ret$uid))
  ret$user<- as.factor(as.character(ret$user))
  ret$changeset<- as.numeric(as.character(ret$changeset))

  # lat and lon are only in nodes
  if (type %in% c("way", "relation")) {
    ret <- ret[, c("id", "visible", "timestamp", "version", "changeset", "user", "uid")]
  } else if (type == "node") {
    ret <- ret[, c("id", "visible", "timestamp", "version", "changeset", "user", "uid", "lat", "lon")]

### Data: ############################################################

extract_data <- function(xroot){
  nodedata <- extract_data_type(xroot, "node")
  waydata <- extract_data_type(xroot, "way")
  relationdata <- extract_data_type(xroot, "relation")
  list(nodedata=nodedata, waydata=waydata, relationdata=relationdata)

extract_data_type <- function(xroot, type){
  ret <- osm_to_df(xroot, type, "tag", c(k = "k", v = "v"))

  ret$id <- as.numeric(as.character(ret$id))
  ret$k <- as.factor(as.character(ret$k))
  ret$v <- as.factor(as.character(ret$v))

  data.frame(ret[, c("id", "k", "v")])

### Relation refernces: ##############################################

extract_ref <- function(xroot){
  wayref <- extract_ref_type(xroot, "way")
  relationref <- extract_ref_type(xroot, "relation")
  list(wayref=wayref, relationref=relationref)

extract_ref_type <- function(xroot, type) {
  if (type == "way") {
    ref_node <- "nd"
    vars <- c(ref = "ref") 
  if (type == "relation") {
    ref_node <- "member"
    vars <- c(type = "type", ref = "ref", role = "role")
  ret <- osm_to_df(xroot, type, ref_node, vars)
  ret$id <- as.numeric(as.character(ret$id))
  ret$ref <- as.numeric(as.character(ret$ref))
  if (type == "way") {
    ret <- ret[, c("id", "ref")]
  } else if (type == "relation") {
    ret$type <- as.factor(ret$type)
    ret$role <- as.factor(ret$role)
    ret <- ret[, c("id", "type", "ref", "role")]

### Helpers: #########################################################

osm_to_df <- function(xroot, elem, ref, vars) {
  # It is wayyyy faster to go from the root every time, so this code
  # seems a little indirect.
  # Get id from the parent node, repeat it once per node that the other vars
  # are going to come from.
  nodes <- xml_find_all(xroot, sprintf("/osm/%s[./%s]", elem, ref))
  id <- xml_attr(nodes, "id")
  lens <- xml_find_num(nodes, sprintf("count(./%s)", ref))
  id <- rep(id, lens)
  # Other vars are from children
  ex_vars <- lapply(vars, function(x) {
    xml_text(xml_find_all(xroot, sprintf("/osm/%s/%s/@%s", elem, ref, x)))
  # Put them together
    data_frame(id = id), 
gergness/osmar2 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:10 a.m.