
context("Quick tests for survey factors")


dstrata <- apistrat %>%
  as_survey_design(strata = stype, weights = pw)

# One group
out_survey <- svymean(~awards, dstrata)

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  group_by(awards) %>%
  summarize(pct = survey_mean())

  "survey_mean gets correct values for factors with single grouped surveys",
  expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(diag(attr(out_survey, "var")))[[1]]),
               c(out_srvyr[[2]][[1]], out_srvyr[[3]][[1]])))

test_that("survey_mean preserves factor levels",
          expect_equal(levels(apistrat$awards), levels(out_srvyr$awards)))

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  group_by(awards = as.character(awards)) %>%
  summarize(pct = survey_mean())

test_that("survey_mean preserves factor levels",
          expect_equal("character", class(out_srvyr$awards)))

# More than 2 groups
out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  group_by(stype, awards) %>%
  summarize(tot = survey_total())

out_survey <- svyby(~awards, ~stype, dstrata, svytotal)

test_that("survey_total is correct when doing props with multiple groups",
                       out_srvyr %>% filter(awards == "No") %>% .$tot))

test_that("survey_total is correct when doing props with multiple groups (se)",
                       out_srvyr %>%
                         filter(awards == "No") %>%

# Preserves factor orderings and character
out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  mutate(stype2 = relevel(stype, "H")) %>%
  group_by(stype2) %>%
  summarize(tot = survey_total())

test_that("survey_* preserves factor levels when calculating a statistic (1 grp)",
          expect_true(class(out_srvyr$stype2) == "factor" &
                        all(levels(out_srvyr$stype2) == c("H", "E", "M")))

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  mutate(stype2 = as.character(stype)) %>%
  group_by(stype2) %>%
  summarize(tot = survey_total())

test_that("survey_* preserves character when calculating a statistic (1 grp)",
          expect_true(class(out_srvyr$stype2) == "character")

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  mutate(stype2 = relevel(stype, "H")) %>%
  group_by(awards, stype2) %>%
  summarize(tot = survey_total())

test_that("survey_* preserves factor levels when calculating a statistic (multi grps)",
          expect_true(class(out_srvyr$stype2) == "factor" &
                        all(levels(out_srvyr$stype2) == c("H", "E", "M")))

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  mutate(stype2 = as.character(stype)) %>%
  group_by(awards, stype2) %>%
  summarize(tot = survey_total())

test_that("survey_* preserves character when calculating a statistic (multi grps)",
          expect_true(class(out_srvyr$stype2) == "character")

# Preserves factor's status as ordered or unordered

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  mutate(stype2 = as.ordered(stype)) %>%
  group_by(stype2) %>%
  summarize(tot = survey_total())

test_that("survey_* preserves factor's status as ordered or unordered",
          expect_true("factor" %in% class(out_srvyr$stype2) &
                      "ordered" %in% class(out_srvyr$stype2))

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  mutate(stype2 = as.ordered(stype)) %>%
  group_by(awards, stype2) %>%
  summarize(tot = survey_total())

test_that("survey_* preserves factor's status as ordered or unordered (multi-group)",
          expect_true("factor" %in% class(out_srvyr$stype2) &
                        "ordered" %in% class(out_srvyr$stype2))

# setup missing group data
apistrat_na <- apistrat %>%
    make_missing = dplyr::row_number() %in% 1:5
  ) %>%
    awards_na = factor(
      ifelse(make_missing, NA, as.character(awards)),
      levels = levels(awards)
    awards_na_level = factor(
      ifelse(make_missing, NA, as.character(awards)),
      levels = c(levels(awards), NA), exclude = NULL
    awards_exp_na = factor(
      ifelse(make_missing, "EXPLICIT NA", as.character(awards)),
      levels = c(levels(awards), "EXPLICIT NA")

dstrata_na <- apistrat_na %>%
  as_survey_design(strata = stype, weights = pw)

test_that("missing group vars work as expected", {
  expect_equal(levels(apistrat_na$awards_na), c("No", "Yes"))
  expect_equal(as.character(apistrat_na$awards_na[1]), NA_character_)
  expect_equal(levels(apistrat_na$awards_na_level), c("No", "Yes", NA))
  expect_equal(as.character(apistrat_na$awards_na[1]), NA_character_)
  expect_equal(levels(apistrat_na$awards_exp_na), c("No", "Yes", "EXPLICIT NA"))
  expect_equal(as.character(apistrat_na$awards_exp_na[1]), "EXPLICIT NA")

# Preserves NA groups (single group)
test_that("unpeeling mean of group with NAs works (single group)", {
  has_na <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(awards_na) %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  has_na_level <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(awards_na_level)  %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  exp_na <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(awards_exp_na)  %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  expect_equal(has_na$x, has_na_level$x)
  expect_equal(has_na$x, exp_na$x)

# Preserve NA groups (multi group)
test_that("unpeeling mean of group with NAs works (multi group)", {
  has_na <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(stype, awards_na) %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  has_na_level <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(stype, awards_na_level)  %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  exp_na <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(stype, awards_exp_na)  %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  expect_equal(has_na$x, has_na_level$x)
  expect_equal(has_na$x, exp_na$x)

  has_na <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(awards_na, stype) %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  has_na_level <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(awards_na_level, stype)  %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  exp_na <- dstrata_na %>%
    group_by(awards_exp_na, stype)  %>%
    summarize(x = survey_mean())

  expect_equal(has_na$x, has_na_level$x)
  expect_equal(has_na$x, exp_na$x)

# confidence intervals
out_survey_mn <- svymean(~awards, dstrata)
out_survey_tot <- svytotal(~awards, dstrata)
out_survey <- tibble::tibble(
  awards = factor(c("No", "Yes")),
  pct = as.numeric(out_survey_mn),
  pct_low = as.numeric(confint(out_survey_mn, df = degf(dstrata))[, 1]),
  pct_upp = as.numeric(confint(out_survey_mn, df = degf(dstrata))[, 2]),
  tot = as.numeric(out_survey_tot),
  tot_low = as.numeric(confint(out_survey_tot, df = degf(dstrata))[, 1]),
  tot_upp = as.numeric(confint(out_survey_tot, df = degf(dstrata))[, 2])

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  group_by(awards) %>%
  summarize(pct = survey_mean(vartype = "ci"),
            tot = survey_total(vartype = "ci"))

  "survey_mean and survey_total work with cis",
  expect_df_equal(out_srvyr, out_survey))

# One group
out_survey <- svymean(~awards, dstrata)

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  group_by(awards) %>%
  summarize(pct = survey_mean())

  "survey_mean gets correct values for factors with single grouped surveys",
  expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(diag(attr(out_survey, "var")))[[1]]),
               c(out_srvyr[[2]][[1]], out_srvyr[[3]][[1]])))

test_that("survey_mean preserves factor levels",
          expect_equal(levels(apistrat$awards), levels(out_srvyr$awards)))

## Special characters in peel
dstrata <- dstrata %>%
  mutate(grp = rep_len(c("ac\\a+", "[320+](1)"), nrow(dstrata$variables)))

# 1 group
out_survey <- svymean(~grp, dstrata)

out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  group_by(grp) %>%
  summarize(pct = survey_mean())

  "survey_mean gets correct values for factors with special characters in single grouped surveys",
  expect_equal(c(out_survey[[1]], sqrt(diag(attr(out_survey, "var")))[[1]]),
               c(out_srvyr[[2]][[1]], out_srvyr[[3]][[1]])))

# More than 2 groups
out_srvyr <- dstrata %>%
  group_by(stype, grp) %>%
  summarize(tot = survey_total())

out_survey <- svyby(~grp, ~stype, dstrata, svytotal)

test_that("survey_total is correct with special chars in peel",
                       out_srvyr %>% filter(grp == "[320+](1)") %>% .$tot))

test_that("survey_total is correct with special chars in peel (se)",
                       out_srvyr %>%
                         filter(grp == "[320+](1)") %>%

test_that("survey_mean gets percentage - each peel layer that adds up to one", {
  dstrata <- apistrat %>%
    as_survey_design(strata = stype, weights = pw)

  results <- dstrata %>%
    group_by(stype, awards) %>%
    summarize(pct = survey_mean())

  expect_equal(sum(results$pct), length(unique(results$stype)))
  expect_equal(results$pct, c(0.27, 0.73, 0.68, 0.32, 0.52, 0.48))

test_that("survey_mean returns 1 if no groups", {
  dstrata <- apistrat %>%
    as_survey_design(strata = stype, weights = pw)

  results <- dstrata %>%
    summarize(pct = survey_mean())

  expect_equal(results$pct, 1)
gergness/srvyr documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 2:35 a.m.