
Defines functions qglyphCircle qglyphSquare qglyphTriangle qglyphText qglyphSegment qvmap .validRect qflipY qflipY.numeric qflipY.QRectF qupdate qupdate.QGraphicsView refreshItemCache qupdate.QGraphicsScene qupdate.QGraphicsItem

Documented in qflipY qflipY.numeric qflipY.QRectF qglyphCircle qglyphSegment qglyphSquare qglyphText qglyphTriangle qupdate qupdate.QGraphicsItem qupdate.QGraphicsScene qupdate.QGraphicsView qvmap

### some utilities to help make drawing easier

##' Some glyph constructors for simple glyphs like circle, square and
##' triangle. For use with \code{\link{qdrawGlyph}}.
##' @title Glyph constructors
##' @param r Radius of the circle
##' @return C++ \code{QPainterPath} instance for use with
##' \code{\link{qdrawGlyph}}
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @rdname qglyphs
qglyphCircle <- function(r = 5) {
  glyph <- Qt$QPainterPath()
  glyph$addEllipse(qpoint(0, 0), r, r)
##' @param x Length of one side of the square or triangle or the segment
##' @rdname qglyphs
qglyphSquare <- function(x = 5) {
  glyph <- Qt$QPainterPath()
  glyph$addRect(-x / 2, -x / 2, x, x)
##' @param direction Whether the triangle is pointing up or down, or
##' the direction of the segment (unit: radian)
##' @rdname qglyphs
qglyphTriangle <- function(x = 5, direction = c("up", "down")) {
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  if (direction == "down")
    x <- -x
  glyph <- Qt$QPainterPath()
  glyph$moveTo(-x, x)
  glyph$lineTo(x, x)
  glyph$lineTo(0, -x)
##' @param text The text of the text glyph
##' @param size The font size of the text glyph
##' @rdname qglyphs
qglyphText <- function(text = "X", size = 12) {
  glyph <- Qt$QPainterPath()
  glyph$addText(-size / 2, size / 2, qfont(pointsize = size), text)
##' @rdname qglyphs
qglyphSegment <- function(x = 5, direction = 0) {
  glyph <- Qt$QPainterPath()
  x0 <- x * cos(direction)
  y0 <- x * sin(direction)
  glyph$moveTo(-x0, -y0)
  glyph$lineTo(x0, y0)

##' Transforms X and Y coordinates with a Qt-style transformation
##' matrix. The advantage over direct use of Qt is vectorization.
##' @title Mapping coordinates
##' @param m A matrix encoding the transformation, or something
##' coercible to a matrix, like a C++ \code{QTransform} instance
##' @param x X coordinates; if \code{y} is missing, should be
##' something coercible to a numeric vector or matrix. If the vector
##' coercion succeeds, the vector is coerced to a matrix with
##' \code{matrix(x, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)}. The first column is taken
##' as X, the second as Y.
##' @param y Y coordinates, optional
##' @return The mapped coordinates, as a two column (X, Y) matrix,
##' unless \code{y} is missing, in which case an attempt is made to
##' coerce the result to the class of \code{x}, if any.
##' @author Michael Lawrence
qvmap <- function(m, x, y) {
  m <- as.matrix(m)
  cl <- NULL
  if (missing(y)) {
    cl <- class(x) # if only 'x' specified, preserve its class
    if (NCOL(x) == 1L) {
      tmpX <- try(as.numeric(x), silent=TRUE)
      if (!is(tmpX, "try-error"))
        x <- matrix(tmpX, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
      else {
        x <- try(as.matrix(x), silent=TRUE)
        if (is(x, "try-error"))
          stop("if 'y' is missing, 'x' must be coercible to vector or matrix")
    y <- x[,2]
    x <- x[,1]
  mapped <- cbind(x * m[1,1] + y * m[2,1] + m[3,1],
                  y * m[2,2] + x * m[1,2] + m[3,2])
  if (!is.null(cl) && canCoerce(mapped, cl))
    mapped <- as(mapped, cl)

## Creates a QTransform that flips the Y axis

.validRect <- function(r) {
  is.matrix(r) && is.numeric(r) && identical(dim(r), c(2L, 2L))

##' Generate transform for flipping Y axis.
##' @title Flip the Y axis
##' @param ymax Maximum Y value or a rectangle (\code{QRect} or matrix)
##' @param ymin Minimum Y value
##' @return A \code{QTransform} object that will transform points by
##' flipping the axis.
##' @seealso \code{\link{qvmap}}
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @rdname qflipy
qflipY <- function(ymax, ymin = 0) UseMethod("qflipY")
##' @method qflipY numeric
##' @rdname qflipy
qflipY.numeric <- function(ymax, ymin = 0) {
  if (.validRect(ymax)) {
    ymin <- ymax[3]
    ymax <- ymax[4]
  Qt$QTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, (ymax + ymin))
##' @method qflipY QRect
##' @rdname qflipy
qflipY.QRectF <- function(ymax, ymin = 0) qflipY(as.matrix(ymax))
##' @method qflipY QRectF
##' @rdname qflipy
qflipY.QRect <- qflipY.QRectF

##' Force a redraw of a layer or scene, clearing the cache. This needs
##' to be called whenever the drawing would change, e.g., if the data
##' or some visual attribute has changed. There is no automatic way
##' for qtpaint to detect this.
##' @title Updating drawings
##' @param x The object, usually a layer or scene, to be redrawn
##' @author Michael Lawrence
##' @rdname qupdate
qupdate <- function(x) UseMethod("qupdate")

##' @method qupdate QGraphicsView
##' @rdname qupdate
qupdate.QGraphicsView <- function(x) {

refreshItemCache <- function(item) {
  mode <- item$cacheMode()

##' @method qupdate QGraphicsScene
##' @rdname qupdate
qupdate.QGraphicsScene <- function(x) {
  lapply(x$items(), refreshItemCache)

##' @method qupdate QGraphicsItem
##' @rdname qupdate
qupdate.QGraphicsItem <- function(x) {
ggobi/qtpaint documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:15 a.m.