
Defines functions manual_slice

Documented in manual_slice

#' Manually slice along a variable axis.
#' The manual slice tour takes the current projection, with display_slice,
#' and changes the slice center.
#' @param data numeric matrix, with n rows and p columns
#' @param proj projection from which slices are constructed
#' @param var variable axis to run the center along: 1, ..., p
#' @param nsteps number of changes in center to make
#' @param v_rel relative volume of the slice. If not set, suggested value
#'   is calculated and printed to the screen.
#' @param rescale Default FALSE. If TRUE, rescale all variables to range [0,1]?
#' @param col color to use for points, can be a vector or hexcolors or a factor.  Defaults to "black".
#' @param sphere if true, sphere all variables
#' @param half_range half range to use when calculating limits of projected.
#'   If not set, defaults to maximum distance from origin to each row of data.
#' @param anchor_nav position of the anchor: center, topright or off
#' @param palette name of color palette for point colour, used by \code{\link{hcl.colors}}, default "Zissou 1"
#' @param ... other options passed to output device
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Note that you might need to use the quartz()
#' # on OSX to see the animation
#' sphere5 <- data.frame(geozoo::sphere.hollow(5)$points)
#' proj <- basis_random(5, 2)
#' manual_slice(sphere5, proj, var=3, nsteps=10, rescale=TRUE, half_range=1.5)
manual_slice <- function(data, proj, var=1, nsteps=20,
                         v_rel = 0.01, rescale = FALSE,
                         sphere = FALSE, col = "black",
                         half_range = NULL,
                         anchor_nav = "topright",
                         palette = "Zissou 1", ...) {
  # Standard checks, and scaling
  if (!is.matrix(data)) {
    message("Converting input data to the required matrix format.")
    data <- as.matrix(data)
  if (rescale) data <- rescale(data)
  if (sphere) data <- sphere_data(data)

  # If colors are a variable, convert to colors
  if (is.factor(col) | !areColors(col)) {
    gps <- col
    col <- mapColors(col, palette)

  # Going to use nsteps twice, to go out to edge, come back to 0
  # go out to negative edge and back in to stop at 0
  rng_var <- range(data[,var])
  anchor <- matrix(colMeans(data), ncol = length(proj[, 1]))
  anchor_steps <- c(anchor[,var] + 0.8*(rng_var[2]-anchor[,var])*((0:nsteps)/nsteps),
                    anchor[,var] + 0.8*(rng_var[2]-anchor[,var])*((nsteps:0)/nsteps),
                    anchor[,var] - 0.8*(anchor[,var]-rng_var[1])*((0:nsteps)/nsteps),
                    anchor[,var] - 0.8*(anchor[,var]-rng_var[1])*((nsteps:0)/nsteps))

  # Initialise tour
  tour <- new_tour(data, grand_tour(), proj, ...)

  # Always doing slices
  display <- display_slice(axes="bottomleft", v_rel = v_rel,
                           half_range = half_range,
                           anchor_nav = anchor_nav)

  # Initialise display
  display$render_data(data, proj, proj, with_anchor=anchor)

  plat <- find_platform()

  for (j in anchor_steps) {
    anchor[,var] <- j
    if (plat$os == "win" || plat$iface == "rstudio") {
    } else {
    display$render_data(data, proj, proj, with_anchor = anchor)
    Sys.sleep(1 / 25)
ggobi/tourr documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 1:25 a.m.