
Defines functions s2_tiles

Documented in s2_tiles

#' @title Load Sentinel-2 tiles
#' @description Load the vector object of the Sentinel-2 tiles.
#'  When the function is run for the first time, it downloads the vector file
#'  from the sen2r GitHub repository and it saves it on disk.
#' @return An sf spatial object containing the extent of the tiles.
#' @export
#' @importFrom sf st_read st_zm st_collection_extract st_write st_cast
#' @importFrom httr RETRY progress write_disk
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, phD (2019)
#' @references L. Ranghetti, M. Boschetti, F. Nutini, L. Busetto (2020).
#'  "sen2r": An R toolbox for automatically downloading and preprocessing 
#'  Sentinel-2 satellite data. _Computers & Geosciences_, 139, 104473. 
#'  \doi{10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104473}, URL: \url{https://sen2r.ranghetti.info/}.
#' @note License: GPL 3.0
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Retrieve all the tiles
#' s2tiles <- s2_tiles()
#' # Extract a subset of all the tiles
#' s2tiles_ch <- s2tiles[grepl("32T[LMN][ST]", s2tiles$tile_id),]
#' s2_coords <- sf::st_coordinates(suppressWarnings(sf::st_centroid(s2tiles_ch)))
#' # Show the tiles
#' plot(s2tiles_ch$geometry, border = "black")
#' text(s2_coords[,1], s2_coords[,2], s2tiles_ch$tile_id, cex = .75)
#' }

s2_tiles <- function() {
  . <- NULL # to avoid NOTE on check
  # extract and import tiles kml
  s2tiles_rds <- file.path(dirname(attr(load_binpaths(), "path")), "s2_tiles.rds")
  if (!file.exists(s2tiles_rds)) {
    # nocov start
      date = TRUE,
      type = "message",
      "Downloading and creating the vector of Sentinel-2 tiles ",
      "(this happens once)..."
    # # instructions to create the file from ESA original file
    # s2tiles_url <- "https://sentinel.esa.int/documents/247904/1955685/S2A_OPER_GIP_TILPAR_MPC__20151209T095117_V20150622T000000_21000101T000000_B00.kml"
    # GET(s2tiles_url, write_disk(s2tiles_raw <- tempfile(fileext = ".kml")), overwrite=TRUE)
    # s2tiles <- st_read(s2tiles_raw, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
    # s2tiles <- s2tiles[,"Name"] %>%
    #   st_zm() %>% # remove Z column
    #   st_collection_extract("POLYGON") %>% # from GEOMETRY to POLYGON
    #   aggregate(list(.$Name), function(x) x[1]) %>% # group polygons by id
    #   st_cast("MULTIPOLYGON")
    # names(s2tiles) <- gsub("^Name$","tile_id",names(s2tiles))
    # saveRDS(
    #   s2tiles[,"tile_id"], 
    #   file.path(dirname(attr(load_binpaths(), "path")), "s2_tiles.rds")
    # )
    out_bar <- if (all(inherits(stdout(), "terminal"), interactive())) {
    } else {
      file(out_bar_path <- tempfile(), open = "a")
      verb = "GET",
      url = "https://github.com/ranghetti/sen2r/raw/main/utils/vector/s2_tiles.rds",
      times = 5, pause_cap = 8,
      progress(con = if (length(out_bar) > 0) {out_bar} else {stdout()}),
      write_disk(s2tiles_rds, overwrite = TRUE)
    if (any(file.info(s2tiles_rds)$size == 0, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    if (length(out_bar) > 0) {
    # nocov end
ggranga/fidolasen documentation built on March 29, 2024, 10:32 p.m.