dec_: Performs decomposition of the quantile difference (of y)...

View source: R/various_dec.R

dec_R Documentation

Performs decomposition of the quantile difference (of y) between two groups (in 2 components) in the common support.


Performs decomposition of the quantile difference (of y) between two groups (in 2 components) in the common support.


dec_(.dec_, counterfactual = c("AB", "BA"))



output of dec_median or dec_quantile.


"AB" or "BA". "AB" means that we want to estimate the counterfactual (wage) of group A, as if their characteristics were distributed as in group B. "BA" is the opposite (characteristics of group B are balanced to those of group A).


a list with four components:

  • probs: the chosen quantile level;

  • delta_tot: total observed difference between the quantiles (of wages) of group A and B (all the sample);

  • delta_tot_CS: total observed difference between the quantiles (of wages) of group A and B in the common support;

  • delta_AB: difference explained by the fact that the two groups have some combinations of characteristics that the other group has not.

  • delta_X: part explained by the fact that the two groups have a different distribution of characteristics (same combinations of characteristics) but distributed differently);

  • delta_S: part not justified by the different distributions of the characteristics of the two groups, and potentially due to a difference in the remuneration structures between the two groups.



# Common support and computation of counterfactual weights
r00 <- reweight_strata_all2(invented_wages, treatment = "gender",
                       variables = c("sector", "education"),
                       y = "wage", weights = "sample_weights")

# Computation of the elements necessary to the decomposition
d00 <- dec_quantile(r00)

# Decomposition of the difference of the medians of the two groups
# (in the common support) in two components

gibonet/decr documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 7:26 a.m.