API for gibonet/decr
Tools to Perform Decompositions of Differences Between Two Groups

Global functions
%>% Man page
arrange2_ Source code
auto_breaks Source code
boot_dec_quantile Man page Source code
boot_dec_quantiles Source code
boot_nopodec_mean Man page Source code
check_NA_ Source code
check_char_length_1 Source code
check_char_not_0 Source code
check_doubles Source code
check_numeric_0 Source code
common_support2 Man page Source code
common_support3 Source code
common_support_strata2 Man page Source code
compat_as_lazy Source code
compat_as_lazy_dots Source code
compat_lazy Source code
compat_lazy_dots Source code
complete2_ Source code
create_classes Source code
cut_c Source code
dec_ Man page Source code
dec_all_ Man page Source code
dec_median Man page Source code
dec_median.default Man page Source code
dec_median.reweighted Man page Source code
dec_quantile Man page Source code
dec_quantile.default Man page Source code
dec_quantile.reweighted Man page Source code
dec_quantiles Man page Source code
dec_quantiles.default Man page Source code
dec_quantiles.reweighted Man page Source code
decr Man page
fhat_strata2 Man page Source code
filter2_ Source code
full_formula Source code
fun_boot_mean Source code
fun_boot_quantile Source code
fun_boot_quantiles Source code
gby_ Source code
invented_wages Man page
margin_Fhat Man page Source code
margin_difference Man page Source code
margin_difference.default Man page Source code
margin_mean Man page Source code
margin_mean.default Man page Source code
margin_mean.reweighted Man page Source code
margin_quantile Man page Source code
margin_quantile.default Man page Source code
margin_quantile.reweighted Man page Source code
mutate2_dots_ Source code
mutcumx_ Source code
nopodec Man page Source code
nopodec_Fhat Man page Source code
nopodec_Fhat.default Man page Source code
nopodec_Fhat.reweighted Man page Source code
nopodec_mean Man page Source code
nopodec_mean.default Man page Source code
nopodec_mean.reweighted Man page Source code
nopodec_stat Source code
plogis_ Source code
pscore_ Source code
quantile_breaks Source code
reexports Man page
resample_cs_strata Source code
resample_cs_strata2 Source code
reweight_strata2 Man page Source code
reweight_strata_all2 Man page Source code
reweight_strata_all3 Source code
reweight_strata_all4 Man page
select2_ Source code
spread2_ Source code
summarise2_ Source code
summarise2_dots_ Source code
sumx_ Source code
unite2_ Source code
vars_cs Source code
warn_text_se Source code
warn_underscored Source code
wq Man page Source code
gibonet/decr documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 12:42 p.m.