
Defines functions common_support3 common_support2

Documented in common_support2

#' Establishes the Common Support between two groups of individuals, based on the (empirical) joint distribution of some characteristics (variables).
#' @param data data frame
#' @param treatment column name of the binary variable
#' @param variables character vector of the variables' names, for which the common support has to be established
#' @return a data frame with all the combinations of the modalities of the variables considered. In addition two columns: \code{common_support} (logical, TRUE if in the common support), \code{strata} (identifier of a unique combination of the modalities of the variables)
#' @seealso See \code{\link{common_support_strata2}}, which uses this function and then joins with the original data.
#' @examples
#' data(invented_wages)
#' common_support2(invented_wages, treatment = "gender",
#'                 variables = c("sector", "education"))
#' @export
common_support2 <- function(data, treatment, variables){
  stopifnot(length(unique(data[[treatment]])) == 2)

  sel_vars <- c(treatment, variables)
  joint_distr <- data %>%
    gby_(.variables = c(treatment, variables)) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(n = n()) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    unite2_(col = "strata",
                  from = variables, remove = FALSE) %>%
    spread2_(key = treatment, value = "n")

#  n_diff <- NULL  # to avoid a NOTE from R CMD check (...)
  k <- ncol(joint_distr)
  k <- c(k-1, k)
  cols <- colnames(joint_distr)[k]
  col1 <- cols[1]; col2 <- cols[2]
  # dots <- lazyeval::interp(~ x - y, x = as.name(col1), y = as.name(col2))
  col1 <- rlang::sym(col1); col2 <- rlang::sym(col2)
  col1 <- rlang::enquo(col1); col2 <- rlang::enquo(col2)
  # dots <- list(n_diff = ~col1 - col2)

  n_diff <- "n_diff"
  joint_distr <- joint_distr %>%
    # mutate2_(.dots = stats::setNames(list(dots), c("n_diff"))) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(!! n_diff := !! col1 - !! col2) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(common_support = ifelse(is.na(n_diff), FALSE, TRUE))

  k <- check_NA_(joint_distr, variables = variables)
  joint_distr[k, "common_support"] <- FALSE

  attributes(joint_distr)[["treatment"]] <- treatment
  attributes(joint_distr)[["variables"]] <- variables

common_support3 <- function(data, treatment, variables){
  # Check if some variables are of type double
  doubles_ <- check_doubles(data %>% select2_(variables))
  if(length(doubles_) > 0) cat(paste0("One or more of the variables are of type double:\n", doubles_, "\nMaybe it is better to create discrete versions of these variables\n"))

  common_support2(data = data,
                  treatment = treatment,
                  variables = variables)
gibonet/decr documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 7:26 a.m.