dec_median: Estimates medians of the y variable for the two groups, in...

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dec_medianR Documentation

Estimates medians of the y variable for the two groups, in and out the common support. In the common support, counterfactual medians of y are estimated. It also estimates the number of individuals of the two groups. Moreover, marginal medians of the two groups are also computed.


The results in the common support are all the components necessary to perform a decomposition of the median wage difference between two groups, in two components: one that can be explained by the difference in the distributions of characteristics between the two groups (delta_X), and one that cannot be explained by the different characteristics of the two groups (delta_S).



## Default S3 method:
dec_median(.reweight_strata_all, y = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'reweighted'
dec_median(.reweighted, ...)



arguments passed to or from other methods.


output of reweight_strata_all2


name of the outcome variable for which you want to make the decomposition. If NULL (default), the value is inherited from the attributes of .reweight_strata_all


name of the weight variable (sample weights). If NULL (default), the value is inherited from the attributes of .reweight_strata_all.


an object of class reweighted (the output of reweight_strata_all4)


A data frame with four, five or six rows, with the following columns:

  • the name of the treatment column used in reweight_strata_all2;

  • common_support logical indicating if in or out the common support;

  • yhat median of the y variable, weighted by the given weights;

  • yhat_C_A counterfactual median y of group A as if they had the same distribution of characteristics of group B. This is computed in the common support only and for group A individuals. It is computed with the weights w_AB that result from reweight_strata_all2;

  • yhat_C_B counterfactual median y of group B as if they had the same distribution of characteristics of group A. This is computed in the common support only and for group B individuals. It is computed with the weights w_BA that result from reweight_strata_all2;

  • Nhat estimate of the number of individuals.

  • probs the level of the estimated quantile. In this case, it is equal to 0.5 (the median).

The number of rows is given by the combinations of the distinct values of the first two columns: treatment and common_support. In addition to these rows, there are two more rows at the end, with the marginal medians of the two groups. In the "typical" case, the resulting data frame will have 4 rows. It can have three rows if all the individuals of one group are in the common support. In case of no common support or no out-of-support, the data frame will have two rows.



# Common support and computation of counterfactual weights
r00 <- reweight_strata_all2(invented_wages, treatment = "gender",
                       variables = c("sector", "education"),
                       y = "wage", weights = "sample_weights")

# Computation of the elements necessary to the decomposition

r00 <- reweight_strata_all4(invented_wages, treatment = "gender",
                       variables = c("sector", "education"),
                       y = "wage", weights = "sample_weights")



gibonet/decr documentation built on Sept. 8, 2024, 12:42 p.m.