Man pages for giby/Linarius
Linarius: A package for phylogeographic studies, with all functions that are missing in both phylogenetic and geographical packages

allele.countFunction to count allele presence and absence of dominant...
allele.frecCalculation of Allele hetherozygocy with Dominant markers and...
allele.heteroCalculation of Allele frequency with Dominant markers and...
boot.reshape.coordGenerate non-focal anamorphosis
col.edge.phyloColoring terminal branch of trees
Darcy.exportExport anamorphosis coordinate to Darcy
datagenGenerate a fake dataset fitting allele frequencies and...
dist.coordComputes Murphy's constant
distGPSCompute distance between GPS points
dist.popCompute genetic distances between populations
expend.coordAdapt distence of GPS coordinates according to distences to a...
harmonize.coordHarmonize anamorphogram with original map
heat.pointsMakes heat map
heat.valuesReturns values of color of points for heat-map in RGB system
Linarius-packageAnalyse of dominant marker data with mixed ploidy levels.
RGB.popTransform genotype in RGB colors
scalebarDraw a scalebar
spTransform.coordPrepare projected points for Darcy export
giby/Linarius documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:20 a.m.