datagen: Generate a fake dataset fitting allele frequencies and...

Description Usage Arguments Note

View source: R/Linarius.R


This function generates a random binary datafram with in row: simulated individuals, and in colomn: alleles. The aim of this function is to test hypothesis, and shall not be used for publishing imaginary results (See licence for more information).


datagen(frec, ploidy)



Allele frequencies: a vector providing the allele frequency of all alleles, every single frequency have to be between 0 and 1


Ploidy level of every individuals: a vector providing ploidy level of every single individual. Normally integers.


Whenever you make something out of this function you have to precise that there are generated data. You shall not use this for getting fake experimental data (it constitues a violation of this package licence ). Whenever you use that function for bad purposes I will find you, get you and kick your ass!

giby/Linarius documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:20 a.m.